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Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Of course I will come." you tell me. "That's where you will be, so that's where I want to be." You close the discussion with a soft, gentle kiss, before disappearing to the bedroom to choose your clothes for the outing, leaving me smiling as I try and picture just what you will be wearing.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
The song on the radio was a smooth R&B love song – the type to make a person glad to have someone. I looked over at Nesha to share a memory that the lyrics invoked. She was still looking out of the window. Feeling courageous, I reached over and stroked her bare thigh. Without a word, Nesha shifted until my hand slid to the seat. I sighed heavily, resolving to keep both hands on the steering wheel. Why did I even bother? I didn't think what I did warranted the punishment she was dishing out. It was her idea in the first place.
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Sweet Exploration

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Gently I take your face in my hands, snaking my fingers into your hair and look long into your eyes, before I lean and softly kiss them, slowly. Moving my lips down to your mouth, kissing your cheeks as I go, I brush your lips lightly with mine, over and over, teasing you, before parting mine and lightly licking over your join with my tongue.
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Rowan Ch. 01

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I woke up that morning not knowing what would unfold that day. It was just a standard day. Woke the kids up, fed them breakfast, drove them to school and then I got myself ready to meet an old friend for lunch.
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Cary and Lilith

Category: Lesbian Sex
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“Tabitha is such a bitch!!! I hate her so much!” Lilith vented to her best friend, as they walked together. “Cheer up Lilith, she can’t be that horrendous. But then again, I don’t work with her…” Cary laughed and tossed her golden head. She sucked on the lollipop in her hand.
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Summer with Shelly

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Let's start with the boring stuff. My name is Caronne, I'm just over six foot and slim, with almost no boobs but large nipples. I have long brown hair that reaches about halfway down my back and hazel eyes. The following is a true story...
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A Lady’s Companion

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
'It's a funny old world.' B thought to herself as she ground her crotch hard against Maria's. A few hours ago she almost stayed in for the evening. The couple she'd arranged to meet had called and cancelled but since B had spent so long getting glammed up she was reluctant to let all that effort go to waste. She'd still been debating with herself when the taxi she'd booked earlier settled it by turning up.
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Hannah’s Anal Curiosity

Category: Anal Sex, Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Hannah finished packing her things. The divorce was nearly finalized. The split was mutual, with no hard feelings. The 36 year old corporate executive closed the last box and stood in the bedroom she had shared with her soon-to-be ex husband. It was a sad ending to her fairytale life. One by one she carried the boxes away to her car. It wasn't as painful as she expected. She just didn't find the right person.
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My First Female Experience

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Pam and I used to work together in the same office and after I quit to stay home with my kids, we got into the habit of meeting once a month for lunch. Due to our schedules, we hadn't had a chance to get together for about six weeks, so I was really looking forward to meeting her today.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I hadn't been home in nearly three weeks and it felt good to be alone in my beach house finally, as I lazily began to strip off my clothes and make my way to the staircase that led to my bedroom. Past all the unopened mail that lay scattered across my pool table without a second glance at it, I flung my clothes haphazardly as I peeled them off sending my grey tee across the leather chair in the corner and my bra somewhere behind me as I reached the staircase.
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