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Category: Anal Sex
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The July afternoon was hot and brilliant, the sun beating down from a cloudless sky as she stood in the doorway, looking out into her backyard. She was alone with her thoughts, which were now just so much kindling for the summer weather that always made her feel lusty. Holding a cold, sweating glass of lemonade, she was on her way out to sit in a lounge chair when he crossed her mind and she felt her legs get a little weak.
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All Tied Up

Category: Anal Sex
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The evening has been spent peacefully. A quiet dinner, lots of interesting conversation, a couple of drinks, relaxing, no interruptions. During the conversation I ask how you feel about being tied up. You just smile that beautiful smile you have, and give me the distinct impression that you might be agreeable, but you are going to make me work for it. I know that smile all too well, and I know it means the night could get very interesting.
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French Lessons

Category: Anal Sex
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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy)
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Something Extra This Way Comes

Category: Anal Sex
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My name is Steve Larsen and for as long as I can remember, I’ve loved Laura Martin. Since grade school she has lived 3 doors down from me. We shared our first kiss when she was 8 and I was 9 and we’ve had our ups and downs over the years, but we’ve shared a unique friendship. We would compete for grades, while all the time helping each another study. Laura was beautiful, bright, and had a sparkling sense of humor. I could trust her with any secret and in times of trouble, there was no one that I could count on like Laura.
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Cobalt Blue

Category: Anal Sex
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Sometimes I wish I'd kept track of just how many times I've been in my favorite coffee shop. Surely it was in the hundreds by now. Somehow they survived the invasion of chain coffee shops, probably because they always had some vegetarian food and fresh soup ready for the college kids. It was an odd layout that only a small town without city planning can create.
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Nancy’s Brand New Experience

Category: Anal Sex
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It all started back in high school, or maybe before that. Too much sitting around reading and watching TV and not enough exercise led to Nancy's being overweight. By the time she arrived in college, she had resolved to shed some of those extra pounds. She went on a diet, then another; soon most of the pounds dropped away. But, no matter how much flab vanished from her body, her rear remained large, round, and soft.
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Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Mike's wife laughed the first time he brought it up. "You're kidding, right?" She looked at him incredulously. "No, I'm serious," he said. He was a little miffed that she was laughing as they lie in bed after having sex. It wasn't anything to do with what they'd just done but ... still. She was laughing at something that he really wanted and had finally gotten up the courage to mention.
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The Rabbit

Category: Anal Sex
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I'm the wife of a successful businessman and we share a $3m mansion in Beverley Hills. But as he travels a lot, most of the time I have no one to talk to apart from the housekeeper or the cook. So to avoid rattling around in our big house by myself, I spend my days shopping and having lunch with my friends. Apart from organising the odd charity event, the hardest decision I ever have to make is between a Gucci open toe sandal or a strapless Jimmy Choo.
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Being Naughty

Category: Anal Sex
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My lover has a beautiful cock. Just thinking about it makes me wet. It is perfectly shaped with a head that could be used as a model for the perfect dildo. Because of his perfect cock, every time I am around him, all I want to do is feel his cock in me. I fantasize about sucking on him, on touching him, on having him inside of every hole in my body.
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Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I don't know where I got the idea, but whatever possessed me to try it was a godsend. You see, it's not so much that I'm a deviant or anything... but I've always had one little dirty obsession. I love the idea of anal sex. I love the thought of sticking my cock into a girl's tight ass and fucking her until I cum.
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