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With Mother’s Approval

Category: Gay Male
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Dinner was unusually quiet as I could tell my mother had something on her mind. After the table was cleared she told me she had heard something that really disturbed her. "Jimmy, I spoke with a woman today who lives in the complex and she told me.......oh god I almost can't say it. She told me you......have been seeing her husband and........" I hung my head as I knew what was coming.
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Summer Moon

Category: Gay Male
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"Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you" ~ from the song "Beauty and the Beast" by Nightwish * "Are you sure you want to spend your last summer before college out in the middle of nowhere?" Jamie sighed into the phone. "Yes, mom. I'm sure. I need to relax." "You call that relaxing? I'd be bored out of my skull."
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Thirty-Six Wheels

Category: Gay Male
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Nebraska to New York. Nebraska to New York. Nebraska to New York. I guess I've been driving that route for over fifteen years now. It was a long trip and it was a boring trip. Long hours at the wheel of my eighteen-wheel refrigerated trailer-truck, delivering meat from the heartland to the East Coast. I had a good steady job with Macon, Mitchell and Marlin, the big meat company, and I certainly wasn't complaining.
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Secret Love

Category: Gay Male
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When I emerged from the bathroom, my best friend was on his back in bed, naked except for his underwear, and as I looked at him, arms and legs akimbo and with his eyes closed, I started to get emotional, knowing this would likely be the last time we would ever do what we were about to do.
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My Holiday in Florence

Category: Gay Male
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I first went to Florence with my parents when I was 18. We were to spend five days there as part of a tour of Italy. When we arrived at the Hotel late in the afternoon the manager and I found that we could talk to each other in French and so, as my parents didn't speak Italian, I did the negotiations. When we had sorted out the rooms the manager asked me quietly if I would like to take a bath a little later and I had agreed that I would like a bath sometime after dinner. We finished our meal about 9pm and I said good night to my parents and went back in my room via the lobby. The manager was there and smiled at me as I passed.

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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Category: Gay Male
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Year: 2084 "There is still much talk over who will win the next General Election on the planet Zius." The EBC reporter announced. "The current Zius government feels they could lose to the Global League, who already control the planet Reid and IO. Should this be the case, then they could end up imposing a Feudal status on the planet as has happened on others.
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Rajasthani Interlude

Category: Gay Male
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I had just turned 30, had left one job and was about to start working for a new company, but wanting a break from the routine of the daily grind, decided to take a road trip through the deserts of Rajasthan before starting the new job. The old Jeep was cleaned up and packed with all the necessary gear, spare parts and tools to keep it running, my tent, and of course provisions, as I was headed into a rather sparsely populated area where the villages and towns were few and far between.
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Tongue Tail

Category: Gay Male
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Once upon a time, there was a magical shower head. The thing was super adjustable, the water pressure just right, and I was able to dial in a concentrated, pulsing stream; one which, when I faced away on hands and knees and arched my back just so, perfectly targeted my tight, tawny, nineteen-year-old bullseye, pummeling me into steamy, protracted spasms of anal bliss.
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The Chance Cafe

Category: Gay Male
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What a neat idea, Ted thought. He'd been down Lexington a couple of times a week all semester from his room to his classes at the university and he hadn't even noticed the Chance Café, down on the lower level under a hippy New Age gear store.
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