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When The Cat’s Away

Category: Gay Male
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I sipped my beer as I sat at a table in the bar, casually looking out over Loch Lomond. I had some documents in front of me, on the table, but I was rapidly getting bored. I knew what I was going to talk about when I met my clients in the morning. I had my power point presentation ready and I was confident I could deliver it. I put a paper down and looked out the window again.
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The Gang’s All Here

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It's difficult to meet gay men in the burbs, so when I discovered a gay social club on the internet I decided to check it out. The group meets in a church basement in a nearby town. Only a few men were in the room when I arrived at seven. A good-looking older guy approached me. "Hi. I'm Steve. Welcome to the group," he said.
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My Trip to Colombia

Category: Gay Male
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I had just graduated from high school, and I was expecting a lavish graduation present from my grandpa. I definitely would’ve taken my sister’s gift, an all-expenses paid trip to Europe. Instead, my grandpa announced that he was sending me on a tour of South America. He said that I needed to see other part of the world and experience new cultures. It consisted of a hike through the rainforests of Ecuador, then the Galapagos, then a long stay in Rio de Janeiro. Unfortunately for my well-being, Grandpa didn’t do enough research into the vacation package. The rainforest adventure was a little too close to the border with Colombia to be safe.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
My first memory is of my father yelling, "Get out of my way you worthless piece of shit!" and backhanding me so hard I bounced off of the refrigerator door. I was three years old at the time. That's actually better than my second memory which is when my mother heard this and came running to deflect his attention away from me and ended up with a split lip and multiple bruises for her trouble.
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Puzzle Pieces

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
*** This is a fictional story of a scenario that I think is all too real for most gay and bisexual men, even in this day and age. Too often, I think we forget that we're all just confused, lost people bumping into one another in life, and that doing so often has a long lasting effect on each other. I didn't want to spend too much time here going over relationship dynamics, just the lingering beauty in a moment, even if casts doubt and question in our hearts. Hope you enjoy it ****
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Peter Three Hundred

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
John was a distinguished looking man and ever so friendly. Young Peter was not exactly sure what he did in the hotel but he always seemed to be on his floor when Peter came out of his room or in the foyer when he returned to the hotel after work. John was such a big man, very handsome in a rugged sort of way and always took the opportunity to put his arm around Peter's shoulder or to give his arm a squeeze.
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Category: Fetish, Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I just finished unpacking my last box in my new apartment. I spend the next hour or so putting things in their place, setting things up and untangling computer cords. After it's done, I put my hands on my hips, admiring my accomplishments. I finally did it, I finally got my own place. I decide to go out on the town, maybe try to make a few friends in this high-wired town. I check my pockets, only 47 bucks. Damn, I need to find a job very soon.
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Pure Fantasy Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Note: After some positive feedback from my first story I decided to continue with it where I left off. Thanks for all your comments. Feedback is always appreciated. I don't consider myself to be gay and have never experienced any sexual contact with another man, although there is an appeal that seems to draw me. I admit that I have watched men masturbate via video chat, I found this exciting and exhilarating.
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Three’s Perfect for a First-Time

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One of the good things about living in Washington DC is that there's never a shortage of visitors. Friends & family are always coming through town for vacation, meetings, etc., which is good because it gets you out of the house. Last week I went to meet one of my visiting friends near his hotel in Dupont Circle, and it changed my life forever.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Names of Characters in this story are fictitious and any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental. * With my cock straining to get loose from my jeans, I looked forward to seeing him every noon hour. He'd eat his sandwich, some cookies and an apple, while looking in my sport-card shop window. By now, I felt like I knew him. And when he'd left, I'd fantasize him naked in the back room, moaning, ecstatically, and pressing my face into his thick, black, pubic hair. 'Oh, yeah, man, get right down on my big, fat, uncut cock,' he'd shout, and I'd obediently do everything he commanded.
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