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Peter Three Hundred

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John was a distinguished looking man and ever so friendly. Young Peter was not exactly sure what he did in the hotel but he always seemed to be on his floor when Peter came out of his room or in the foyer when he returned to the hotel after work. John was such a big man, very handsome in a rugged sort of way and always took the opportunity to put his arm around Peter’s shoulder or to give his arm a squeeze.

Young Peter had to admit to himself that he liked John; no, Peter was actually quite attracted to him but could not admit it to himself, since that would be so wrong, especially now he had a girlfriend, Ann. Well let’s face it. Young Peter was an innocent abroad. He had no experience with women. Now, here he was in Toronto, on his own, quite lonely and staying in the hotel where John worked. Peter was on a training programme and knew no one in the big city. He felt feeling oh so alone and was always glad to see John’s friendly smile. Oh Peter you were such a silly boy. John had plans for this handsome innocent.

John was the head of Hotel Security and had formerly worked for the government. He loved technology and all those electronic bits and bobs that no one else really cared for or knew the names of. From the privacy of his office he could see on the black and white monitors all the comings and goings of the guests and staff in the hotel. John was not married. Not now anyway. His wife had discovered that her big manly husband had a predilection for young men in their early twenties; yes, John enjoyed the company of handsome young men who took delight in male company and shunned the flighty, yet alluring females, who seriously outnumbered men in Toronto back then.

John was found out quite by accident. He had kept his secret under wraps for over 30 years and then made the mistake of bringing home, to his marital bed, an extremely handsome, twenty year old, sous chef. His pretty wife was away for the week but returned one day before she was supposed to. Imagine her horror upon finding the unfortunate John, ramming his weapon deeply in to the young, sous chef’s well lubricated anal passage. That as they say was that. Screams, hysteria, name calling, phone calls, lawyers and two weeks later John is living in a cheap motel.

John was a really friendly, outgoing guy, who made a point of getting on with everyone. People liked the big man. Women found him very attractive and men were often quite envious of his manly physique; those who saw him in the showers especially so. John was one of those men who had been blessed with a long thick organ, big, low hanging, golf ball sized, testes and a mat of thick black hair. His arms, chest and legs were things of beauty, being muscular and his large, frame allowed even his pronounced paunch, to be pleasing to the eye.

John was a vastly experienced man when it came to picking up the young men to whom he found himself addicted. He liked them tall, slim, narrow at the waist and with slender hips. He loved the innocent, small town guys who were new to the big city and longing to experience life. He used his position in the hotel to befriend young male visitors to Toronto. He was good to them, a caring, helpful friend, a confidant and then a seducer. His goal in life was to bed as many young men as he could, to feed them his long thick cock and fill them with his cock cream. So many apparently straight young men, of whom their seemed to be an endless supply, went weak at the knees and then, eventually went down on their knees, once they caught sight of his wonderful, uncut weapon. Even he was surprised at how many were willing to allow him to use them and how easy it was for him to have their warm, wet, willing mouths suck on his engorged cock head .

John also had his little group of special friends on whom he could call for relief should the occasion arise and of course there were his boys. These were the lucky ones, who found favour with John and shared his bed, overnight. They could never do enough for John and he took his pleasure from them, in equal measure, to the pleasure he afforded them.

John also kept a book with the names of all the young men who were virgins until they met him; had never sucked a cock until they met him; had never given up their tight, little, back passageway to anyone, until they met him; and that number was 299. Needless to say John liked even numbers and he wanted to make number 300 a very memorable one.

The day the young 24 year old Peter checked in to his hotel, John just happened to be talking to the male receptionist. As the receptionist, a very effeminate young man, sorted things out for the young, handsome guest, John eyed him up and quickly decided that this tall, handsome, young, man, would make a perfect 300. The receptionist smiled to himself and fondly remembered his time with John, when he first came to work in the hotel, as he watched John’s eyes follow the young guest.

John made the point of befriending the guy and making him feel especially welcome in the big city. To his delight the young Peter was from a small town miles away, was on his first business trip to the big city and truly was naïve. Peter was grateful for a friendly face in the hotel and quickly warmed to the charm of the big man, who reminded him of a kind, fatherly figure or favourite teacher. Feeling at ease with the seemingly ever present, older man, he was soon telling him, over coffee or a beer his life story, his dreams and all about his precious Ann.

Peter looked forward to chatting with his new friend and so when John invited him for a real drink that first Friday, Peter was happy to get a night out in the big city. John took him to a crowed bar down town and the beer flowed. When Peter got up to splash his boots John followed him in to the men’s room. There were no separate cubicles here, just one long trough. As they were both relieving themselves Peter could not help but notice the force with which the older man was peeing and his gaze wandered down to the source of that power.

Peter was taken aback by the size of John’s member but what fascinated him most, was the fact that, unlike him, John was not circumcised. How Peter wished he had not been cut. How Peter wished he had a cock that big, to give to his precious Ann, if she would only let him. When he finished, John deliberately made a point of drawing back his foreskin and shaking the remaining little droplets in to the trough while pretending, that he did not notice Peter looking at his beautiful cock, with envy and admiration. Every time thereafter that John went to the men’s room Peter seemed to have to go as well, and always he stood beside him, and on each occasion, while pretending to talk about the weather or the ice hockey to whomsoever else was at the trough, on the other side, John pulled his foreskin back and forth revealing his great, purple, mushroom shaped head, thus causing his member to thicken perceptibly, knowing full well that Peter could not help but stare.

Back at the table were they sat Peter told John his life story and John cleverly stroked Peter’s ego, laying his hand on his forearm or squeezing his shoulder at precise intervals. Peter had no idea what John was up to but he did not object to John’s touches, in fact, he found them quite reassuring. Back home in nowhere’s ville, Peter did not have many friends and his innate shyness did not afford him much success with women.

John’s apartment just happened to be a few blocks from the city centre so he suggested that they should stop by his place for a nightcap and a little something extra. Of course, John had no beer, only whisky, a drink, whose effects Peter had rarely experienced. John popped two Viagra while he was preparing the drinks. He gave Peter whisky but put Ginger Ale in his own glass. He rolled a cigarette, heavily laden with good, green grass, lit it up, took a deep draw and handed it to Peter.

“I suppose you young fellows smoke this every day.”

Not wishing to appear to be a goody two shoes, Peter lied.

“Yes, everyday. I love it.”

As they relaxed on the sofa, John sipped his ginger ale while he watched the whisky and the grass take their desired effect on Peter. Young Peter became much more relaxed and talkative. He laughed at everything John said to him and wanted more drink and more grass. John complied with his young friend’s request and sat back waiting for his moment, watching his victim’s defenses and will power grow slowly weaker.

He asked Peter if he and Ann had ever shared a blow back. Mishearing him, Peter thought his new friend had asked if he and Ann had ever shared a blowjob and he replied, “Ann hasn’t given me a blowjob yet. I wish she would John.”

John laughed at this misunderstanding and then proceeded to explain what a blow back was. Alas, young Peter could not quite follow what he meant.

“It’s best to try it. Take a deep draw and hold it in Peter, then, blow it all back into my mouth.”

Poor Peter tried but just kept laughing. It felt so funny to him to allow his lips to touch John’s lips. John took the joint from Peter and told him to finish his whisky. This done, John inhaled deeply from the joint, then he took hold of Peter’s head, brought his mouth to Peter’s and blew long and hard into it, until his own lungs were empty. This most intimate of lip touching had a pronounced effect on both men as did the blow back, especially on Peter. He had never experienced anything like it in his young life. He was lost in alcohol, grass and new sensations that were overpowering him. He felt overwhelmed and confused but ever so excited by this new experience. He wanted to do it again and told John so.

When John went for the second blow back he did not release Peter’s head from his hands, or his lips from Peter’s lips. He inserted his tongue into Peter’s mouth and left it there motionless. Peter was shocked and surprised by his own reaction. He felt the blood rush into his growing member and his willpower evaporate accordingly. As if it had a will of its own, his tongue, enjoying the pleasant sensation caused by the presence of John’s warm, wet, tongue, swirled around and around the intruder. John reacted in like manner and he knew, at that very instant, that he had this man in the palm of his hand.

The blow back found an exit down through Peter’s nostrils and the smoke billowed out as his cock swelled with desire. The kiss lasted for a long time and John slowly pushed his victim backwards against the cushions and like that, his upper body lay across Peter. Instinctively Peter brought his hands up to John’s shoulders, as this first long, breathless, kiss continued. John’s tongue became more demanding and Peter could only respond in kind to its probing insistence. His cock, now fully engorged was screaming for release.

To Peter’s disappointment John stopped and lifting his mouth an inch from Peter’s he asked him if he wanted this to stop. Peter’s reaction was to lift his face to John’s and wrapping his arms around his neck, rejoined their lips in delicious harmony, indicating to the older man that his answer was a very definite, no. John dropped his left hand to his young friend’s trousers and ran it lightly along young Peter’s hardened cock, which action drew deep moaning sounds from them both.

Peter allowed John to pull him fully up on to the sofa, thereby giving him easy access to his belt and zipper and slowly slide down his trousers. This was the most exciting thing that Peter had ever done and he could not stop John and he did not want to stop him. When John’s hand expertly tugged at his boxers, Peter raised his hips up, off the sofa, to help and when John’s bare hand, came to rest on his circumcised cock head, he really did yelp and whimper with desire.

Looking deeply into the handsome young man’s eyes John asked him:

“Do you like my hand on your cock Peter? Do you like me playing with your lovely, little cock?”

Peter just wanted to cum and he almost did. His cock head was on the point of exploding. John’s hand left his cock and moved delicately down to Peter’s balls and then along the perineum with sensitivity, then back up, all the way to the tip of his cock again.

Moving down Peter’s body, he licked all around the young mans hairy tummy before taking his precum saturated, cock head, into his mouth in one quick slurp, immediately following this, with a slick licking of his cock slit and knob while his other hand gave teasing tweaks and gentle tugs on both his nipples.

Overwhelmed with his master’s ministrations and his own pent up desire, Peter howled out the arrival of his first orgasm and while his cock released its torrents of seed, in several forceful eruptions, John enjoyed the sweet taste of his cum and kept it all in his mouth for an even more pleasant exchange of bodily fluids.

So, while Peter was wallowing in the beautiful afterglow of his first oral sex experience, John was atop of him again and his insistent lips and tongue joined Peter’s, who could not believe how warm his own cum was or that John was now sharing it with him. Yet he knew to share it, back and forth, and in so doing, became aroused again, much to his own surprise. Their joined mouths were sticky with the irresistible taste of saliva and cum and Peter loved it. Oh, how he loved it! He wanted this snowballing to go on forever. Well, who wouldn’t?

John then stood up and told him to come to the bedroom. He took Peter by the cock and pulled him after him, undoing the buttons of his shirt as he dragged his willing prey along. Peter struggled to walk behind the big man, as his trousers and boxers were now down around his ankles but somehow, walking like a little Chinese lady with bound feet, he managed it. Noticing this, John wished he had been walking behind his conquest to see his sexy, little bum, wiggle from side to side, as he tried to keep up with him.

Once inside his bedroom, John removed his shirt completely to reveal his strong hirsute upper body and muscular arms. His agile fingers made light work of divesting Peter of his shirt. John could not help but admire the nearly naked, young man he had cunningly seduced. What an excellent choice he had made. Sure, he was high on grass and very drunk, but that was for the boy’s own good. John was a well endowed man and he was doing this young Adonis a favour. He wanted the pleasure to be mutual, not painful.

“I suppose you want to see my cock now Peter, don’t you, after all you couldn’t keep your eyes of it, could you? I know you liked looking at it, didn’t you?”

But he kissed him again before Peter could answer. He grasped Peter’s bum cheeks and squeezed them a little. My God, he thought, they are wonderfully firm and strong, not to mention ever so smooth. Gullible Peter was just going with the flow now. He kissed back and put his arms round John’s neck the way Ann had done to him. He was gently running one hand through the thick graying hair of his seducer and fighting his desire to cum for the second time. How he loved having John’s hands caress his lovely, smooth, firm bum. He wanted more.

Stepping back John quickly removed his shoes and trousers and slowly dropped his precum stained, boxers to reveal his long, thick, uncircumcised cock. Peter gasped audibly. Compared with his cock, this truly was a thing of masculine potency and beauty. At that moment, he wished once again, that it was his, little realizing, how much of it was going to be his, temporarily, before the night was through, or how after tonight, this man and this cock, were going to be in his head forever.

Holding his own swelling cock in one hand, John took Peter’s lovely cock in his other hand and played with it, teasing it, fingering its length and caressing it.

“Look at my cock, Peter. Go on then. Reach for it. Touch it for me, please. You know you really want too, don’t you?”

“Oh my God, yes, yes!” exclaimed Peter

Peter slowly extended his hand and when his fingertips came in contact with the object of his envy, John took hold of his wrist and guided his movements. Peter was amazed at its girth, its smoothness and the heat that emanated from it. He palmed it at first. Then he grasped it and pulled down to reveal the dripping slit and pee hole, at the tip of the pulsing crown head, that peeped out from under the foreskin. It felt wonderful and Peter could hardly believe he was holding this living thing.

As he held John’s cock shaft in his hand, John himself, put his fingers and thumbs of both his hands, on his foreskin and pulled it up and over his knob and then continued on and outwards, opening up a wide orifice at its end.

“Let’s dock your cock in here, Peter. Put it inside my foreskin. You are going to have a wonderful time in here.”

Peter could not believe his ears. He had never heard of this, but he did what he was told and nearly died when he felt John’s cavernous foreskin engulf the wet, mushroom shaped, purple knob of his six inches. He watched with amazement as Jon’s extended foreskin swallowed up to half of his cock. Finally their cock heads touched and John placed one large hand on Peter’s shaft and the other over his extended foreskin with a firm yet gentle grip.

“Now we are locked and docked Petey. Ride it! Ride my knob, baby! Ride my big, purple knob! You know you want to.”

Peter did his best to last a full minute but he was drunk with lust. He did not mean to yelp and moan so loudly. He did not mean to reach his second cuming with such a loud high pitched scream but he had never felt sensations like this before and he came hard, inside John’s foreskin, which despite its size, couldn’t possibly contain all that sticky, milky white, man seed. So, even while John held his monster cock upright, some of the precious liquid escaped and John had to do his best to capture it all in his hand.

John knew now that Peter was his for the night and would do anything he wanted him to do. He had him. He had his 300th and it had been so easy. With such insensitive thoughts in his head he set out to take his pleasure from his Petey.

“Oh my goodness, gracious me!” said John. “Just look at the mess you have made of my big cock Petey. You sure do cum a lot. Why don’t you kneel down now? Kneel before me and clean up your mess like the good little man you are. You sure do cum quickly, don’t you? You liked docking your cock with mine didn’t you? My big cock made you cum didn’t it?

Peter knelt down. John’s words did not sting. He enjoyed them because inside his head those words rang true. He did cum quickly. He loved the docking sensation and, oh my God, he so admired John’s big cock. John still held his cock upright and with one hand he was also holding his outstretched foreskin.

As Peter’s face approached John’s groin, all he could smell was cock and cum and he watched with awe, as little rivulets of his cum, were still flowing down John’s thick, shaft, onto his hairy, big balls, which appeared to be even more massive and heavy, from up close. Tentatively, at first, Peter stuck out his tongue and touched one little rivulet. It was delicious and soon he was licking up and down John’s thick shaft with relish, wanting to clean up and savour the taste of all his ejaculate. He could not believe that he was licking his own cum off of another man’s cock.

“Open your mouth, Petey and stick out your cum covered tongue. You enjoyed licking your cum off my cock didn’t you, little man. Well, I have more for you, right inside my outstretched foreskin.”

Saying that he brought his cock downwards with one hand, set his cock end on Peter’s now outstretched tongue and watched with delight, as it emptied itself in to the eager, little, cock sucker’s mouth. He could see Peter took great delight in his own sticky, cock cream and so he did not hesitate to push forward an inch or two, forcing Peter to swallow his own spent cum. Peter’s mouth had to open really wide to take the thickness of John’s sticky, cock but he was so enjoying the feeling, of having a stranger’s cock in his mouth, which tasted of his very own cum.

“Suck me, Petey. Be a good little man and suck me. We both know you long to.”

John need not have asked, for Peter’s own instinct to bring pleasure to John, had already kicked in and he was doing his utmost, to replicate the pleasure that John’s mouth had given him, on the sofa.

“Hold the shaft at the base. That’s it Petey. Can you feel how thick it is? You love that, don’t you boy. That’s it! Suck on that fat, cock head. Now, use your tongue. Good boy, good boy. Oh, you like it don’t you. Swallow all your cum, my little, Petey boy. MMM it tastes good, doesn’t it? I know you like it”

Peter loved what he was doing. He had never sucked a cock before. He was amazed how hot it was. He pulled down on the shaft and felt John’s foreskin draw back. He just had to see again, this purple gland that crowned the thick shaft. He took his mouth off the cock and gazed in wonder at the purple cock head that glistened with precum and his own saliva. The words just came out as he thought them.

“Beautiful. Your purple knob is just so beautiful. Your cock, John! Oh my God! It is just so magnificent. I love it. I really love it.”

“Of course you do, Petey. Of course you do. I knew you would love it. Now show me how much you love it, how much you want to be my special boy, my little cock sucking Petey!”

Strands of saliva and precum joined his lips to his new found treasure. He devoured it again and marveled at the sponginess of the crown, as his tongue salivated all over the slit and underside. He took as much of it, into his mouth, as he could. He slid his lips up and down and swallowed often. He was dripping saliva on John’s essence, as so many young men before him, had done. Had he known this, he most likely would not have cared. He truly wanted this.

John kept encouraging him with soft complimentary phrases.

“Oh Petey, baby, you really are such a good little cock sucker! No. You are a wonderful cock sucker!”

Peter loved the praise and increased his efforts to please.

John told him his mouth was so inviting, so warm, so wet, and so sweet. Tenderly he ran his hands through Peter’s hair. He held his head gently. Oh yes, John knew how to get the best out of his young men and Peter, Petey, was going to be no exception.

Peter’s saliva was running down onto his balls and this was ticklish for John, so he moved Peter next to the bed and using his hand, tilted the young man’s head back, so that it rested on the bed. He stood over him, dominant, masterful and commanding. Peter recognized that this man was his superior, sexually and couldn’t help but desire to serve him, to be for him, to do for him. It felt so right.

Peter’s eyes were on John’s glistening, engorged, purple knob, standing proudly atop his impressive, throbbing, manly, shaft. He felt so submissive to his masterful seducer. He raised his eyes to look into John’s. John recognized the look. He had seen this look in the eyes of all the young men he had enjoyed. It was the look that said “I am yours, master. I yield to you. Do with me, what you will. I give myself, body and soul, to you.”

John smiled down at him in a fatherly way, as he exercised his total control over his beautiful young man.

“Suck me deep, Petey. Take as much as you can, as deeply as you can. That’s it! That’s it! Good man, good man! You are a natural! Such a sweet, warm, wet mouth, you have Petey.”

Such praise made Peter feel he was doing a good job and the more John complimented him on his cock sucking, the more, he endeavored to swallow. In this position, he had no choice, but to swallow. He loved the taste of the big man. His copious precum was so sweet on his tongue, so easy to swallow. Peter wanted more. He wanted John to come in his mouth, as he had come, in torrents, in John’s mouth.

John already knew this but he had other plans. He was just getting warmed up. He had emptied his cum in many mouths. He had deposited his cock cream down many throats but tonight was going to be special. This was a night he was going to remember. This was a night he was going to enjoy like no other. Peter was a special young man, he was his 300th virgin. He was not a sissy boy or an effeminate boy like the receptionist. He was a real man, who was just discovering the delights that only a man can show another man. They were real men, doing manly things together and this above all else, made John last long and hard. The Viagra helped too.

So, John ran his fingers through Peter’s hair and while he pushed his cock far, in to the handsome, young man’s mouth, he did try to hit his throat. He wanted Peter to get used to having his mouth filled and to enjoy the feeling and taste of his cock, so that when he withdrew, he would feel a sense of loss and yearn for more. He was so right. Peter was having the time of his life, sucking on the most wonderful cock, he had ever had the good fortune to lay his eyes on.

John placed one hand behind his cock suckers head and ran his other hand through the young man’s hair. Goodness me, John thought, he is a handsome devil and he is really enjoying this. Look at him make love to my cock; he will soon be ready for what I want of him; and so, with words of praise, eye to eye contact, warm smiles and gently whispered, words of encouragement, John began slowly, almost imperceptibly, to pull Petey’s head towards him, thereby resulting, in deeper and deeper penetration of his mouth, until the young man’s gag reflex kicked in, causing him to choke a little bit and then cough.

John always knew when to pull out and allow his virgins the opportunity to catch their breath, but as his own pleasure increased, those gaps between the withdrawal of his cock from this special, cock sucker’s mouth, and the subsequent re-entry, became shorter and shorter. As Petey gagged, the way beginner cock suckers do, more and more spit came out of his mouth and thick threads of precum and his saliva, were soon spreading all over his face and chin. Likewise, John’s cock was now a glisten with the same mix.

John loved this. The wetter the cock sucker’s mouth, the harder his cock became. The harder his cock became, the greater his need to penetrate yet further, the virgin mouth. There was no let up for Petey, who found breathing increasingly difficult and at times, felt he was definitely going to choke on this massive cock. But the smiles and the kind words of encouragement, the gentle massaging of his head and his own awakened need to suck more, sweet juice from this incredibly, sexy, man’s beautiful, warm, appendage, only added to his desire to please John. In short, a cock sucker had been born. Peter felt himself lucky to have this beautiful, hot, throbbing, leaking, delight, wanting him, a complete nobody, to please it, to suckle it, to satisfy its ever increasing need.

John withdrew his cock from Peter’s mouth and stroked his face tenderly.

“You are a great little cock sucker Petey. Now, climb up on the bed like a good boy and lie beside me.”

“Like this?” asked Peter, leaning across John who was now in a supine position.

There was no answer from John. He simply pulled Peter’s head down to his cock and as if he had been doing this all his short life, Peter’s mouth opened and John’s still, steel hard erection, entered Peter’s willing mouth. Holding Peter by the head, John controlled the speed and the depth of Peter’s cock sucking and the young Peter let it happen. Deep in to his throat the purple knob went and saliva and precum poured out of Peter’s mouth and down the thick, long, hard, shaft of the master seducer.

John was just, so loving what he was doing now. With his eyes closed and without raising his hips the slightest, he used the young man’s head and mouth as something to jerk off in to.

“Suck that big dick Petey. You are the best, the best I tell you.”

With his head facing downwards Peter found it easier to take more and more of John’s wonderful, big cock and still enjoy the benefit of the flavour of his precum that now was his most favourite drink in the whole world. A few more minutes of this and Peter was soon going to swallow John’s cock head. It seemed to be the most natural thing to do and bless him if he didn’t want to gobble it all up.

John had other plans of course. He was just giving the young man a breather. John really was a bit of a devil. He had been waiting all week to have his wicked way with this young man and now that he had him, almost deep-throating his favourite organ, he was not going to lose out, on any of those favourite, little, pleasures that made his cock pulse with joy. He pulled Peter’s head from his cock and was immediately on his feet at the side of the bed. He pulled Peter by the shoulders until he was at the edge of his bed.

“That’s it, he said. “Now let your head fall over the side of the bed. Good man. Suck it in baby. Suck my big cock in to your mouth. That’s it! Good man Petey! You are a quick learner. Oh you love this don’t you?

Unable to answer as his mouth was full of cock, Peter just allowed John to slide in and out of his mouth again. Raising his eyes to look up, all he could see was John’s shaft going in and out of his mouth and all he could feel were those big, heavy, balls sliding across his face. He felt rather than saw John, lean over him and start to play with his cock again. He felt fingertips caress his balls and move on past them, along his perineum. It was just so wonderful and then he felt the warm, wet mouth of his older lover, suck all of his cock into his mouth and he thought that nothing could possibly be more pleasurable. He was wrong of course. Poor boy! No, lucky boy!

John’s long tongue was soon licking past Peter’s scrotum and on down, along his perineum. He expected Peter to react, exactly the way he did, when his thick, warm, soft, wet, tongue lapped around his pink, rose bud. Peter went into spasms of delight as these new sensations assailed him. He almost rolled his body upwards to allow John’s tongue to lick his bum hole. His mouth filled with precum and saliva as he became overwhelmed with pleasurable sensations. He really did think he had died and gone to heaven. More please, he screamed in his mind, oh God more please!

John reached under the pillow and found the Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. The top was soon off, his fingers coated, and Peter’s puckered little back door was penetrated without resistance. First one fat finger entered, probed and pleasured the young man; then two fat fingers, entered, made little circles, probed, searched for, sought out and found the prostate walnut and, as they gently massaged it, Peter really did whimper like a little girl and fluid began to leak continuously from his semi-hard cock. He was so out of control. He could suck no more. His jaw was sore and he was dizzy with delight.

John smiled to himself, reached under the pillow and found the butt plug he needed. He jabbed it into the Vaseline, pulled his fingers from Peter’s butt and with ease, inserted the butt plug where his fingers had been. Once the young man was comfortable he began to work it around and around, pushing in and pulling out, then around and around, pushing in and pulling out. Peter was moaning in sheer delight. It was strange to him that this should be happening but he did not want it to stop. Every now and then, John withdrew the butt plug and then pushed it slowly, all the way in.

For Peter this was all new. Did he like it? You can be sure he did, especially when John sucked Peter’s dripping, cock head back in to his mouth. John’s own cock remained rock hard and was trying to get back in to Peter’s mouth. When he realised that the young man could do no more sucking, John knew the moment had come to break in to his virgin, anal passage. The thought of pushing his big, purple, knob in to virgin territory, always gave the great man a feeling of manly dominance. He was going to mount this willing, young virgin and his great cock was going to wash his insides with all his man seed. He pictured it in his mind once more, as he had been doing all week. My God, he was going to fuck this young man so hard.

John stopped what he was doing, rose from the bed and dragged young Peter to the floor. The butt plug was stuck in Peter’s bum and each movement of his body caused beautiful feelings to radiate from deep inside him and engulf his whole being. All sensation and awareness he was now conscious of, was centred in his back passage.

Whatever else he was, John was not a selfish lover. He was always considerate of his young men and wanted them to enjoy being dominated and mounted, by a superior man. With his precious virgins, he was particularly circumspect in his tender treatment of their deflowering.

Tonight was a special night for him. Apart from the importance of the number, and this was for him, remember, a most special thing, he really had taken a fancy to this young, small town man. There was something pure and desirable about him. Maybe it was his innocence, or his home town charm, maybe it was his good looks and youthfulness, maybe it was all these things combined, or maybe, it was just the desire to seduce, enjoy and fuck yet another, beautiful, young, lusty, man.

He wanted the young man to feel that this was so special and unique. But John was driven now by a week of abstinence. He had to fuck and he had to fuck now. He had worked hard all week to get to here. He had foregone the pleasure of his regular, special boys and casual pick-ups. His whole being was now concentrated in his cock head’s desire to be satiated and satiated he would be. The moment for fulfillment had arrived. His cock was sore with desire. Droplets of precum were falling down and staining the rug.

He ran his hands up and down Peter’s firm young body. Oh fuck he wanted this so badly. He played with the nipples of his virgin. He ran his hands up the virgin’s hairy legs. He pushed its head down wards towards the floor. He pulled it’s ass up to his rampant cock. He pulled the butt plug out of his intended destination. He reached across for the Vaseline. He coated his fingers and rubbed up and down the length of his erection.

He admired his own beautiful, large, cock and coated it with the greasy substance. He pulled the firm butt cheeks apart and admired the view. He spat twice and both times landed his spit in to the orifice of his desire. He took his monster in his hand. Its needs had to be met. He looked at the boy’s open rosebud. It was opening and closing in anticipation. He just had to kiss it and tongue it one more time and he did.

He heard the boy’s moaning increase as he did all these things. It mattered not. His thick purple cock head was directing things now. He moved slowly forward. He took his cock by the shaft and teased his bitch. He knew the owner of this gaping virgin hole was both terrified of his cock, yet hungry for it. He placed his thick, cock head at the gateway to anal heaven. He sighed with desire and his virgin did likewise. He pushed forward and withdrew, teasing himself and his young man. He fought his own desire. This was going to last. He pushed forward again and the tip of his beautiful crown slipped forward and just like that, popped inside, past Peter’s outer defenses.

Both men were breathing heavily. The fire in the tip of John’s cock was matched only by the fire in Peter’s bottom. It hurt. Fuck, did it hurt.

“Push against me, Petey, push outwards against me,” he whispered softly to his boy.

Peter complied and John’s great, big, cock flowed all the way in to the young man and he was a virgin no more. It was so hot and so tight inside the young man. He breathed in and out slowly, holding himself perfectly still, allowing his young lover time to get comfortable with this massive intruder. He was so going to enjoy this. Petey’s back passage fitted him like a glove. It was the perfect match for John’s now pulsing cock.

At first Peter could not believe that he had taken suck a thick cock deep in to his entrails and the initial burning pain was so sore. Once he accepted what was happening to him, he started to like the feeling, well, who wouldn’t? He listened to John who told him to relax and breathe deeply. He felt movement inside and the big cock slowly began to pull out of him. Oh, that is a nice sensation he thought. The tip of John’s beautiful cock was still inside him and he pictured that in his mind. His own cock hardened somewhat. Then John did a beautiful thing that caused him to cry out in pleasure. As if in slow motion, the big man allowed his big cock to glide all the way in and the second his pubic hair touched Peter’s lovely round bum, he raised his hips and lifted his man lover, right off the ground.

John was deep inside and fully in control of his actions. He always liked to surprise his victims by raising them off the ground, to show them, the great strength of his cock and they always cried out in pleasure and disbelief. Petey was no exception. John admired his own handiwork. He so loved these submissive young men, who willing dropped on their knees before him, once he had strung them along. He lowered Petey to the floor and began a gentle fucking, that would have been a beautiful sight to behold. John really was a master cocksman.

Down and to the left, withdraw slowly; down and to the left, withdraw slowly; down and to the left, withdraw slowly. He loved doing this. He loved his dominance. He truly enjoyed being inside young men, making love to them in a measured, controlled way. This maximized his pleasure and theirs too. This he could tell from their moans of delight and the way they would push back against him, more urgently, more rapidly. He would always dictate the pace of his ride by placing his hands on their hips and using his wonderfully strong, hairy, arms to guide and control the force and speed of his penetration, its direction and above all else, the intensity of his own pleasure, which at this moment was almost orgasmic. He did not want to ejaculate prematurely.

When John lifted him off the floor with the upward movement of his cock Peter just cried out both in pleasure and pain. He had never thought a man could do that. With his head now on the floor, Petey was in a whole new world of pleasure. At first he felt the need to pee and thought he would actually wet himself. Then he thought he needed to take a dump. Then John’s downward stroke hit his prostate and his life changed. Oh my good God! He could not believe this. He didn’t even know a man could feel such intense sexual pleasure up inside his bum. He tried to push back to get it again but his efforts were thwarted by the man who had mounted him. He just submitted to the pleasure that was being afforded him. He did not want this to stop. Luckily for him it was not going to for quite a while yet. John was only just getting started.

John began to move faster. His stroking action was masterful and controlled. His cock was delighting in this tight new channel that had been greased to perfection. It opened up nicely on the inward stroke, his lover would moan in ecstasy, and on the outward stroke, his lover’s hot narrow passage, his man pussy as it were, almost seemed to cling on to his cock more tightly, reluctant to let it leave. Taking his lover by the hips and pushing in until he bottomed out, John would move his hips in a circular motion for ten to twenty seconds. He loved the way this made his cock feel and he grunted in his rutting of the body he had invaded. Oh how his lover’s, his bitches, screamed out when he did this.

For variety John would thrust in hard and withdraw all the way out for the sheer pleasure of watching his thick, cock be swallowed up by the pink bum hole. He loved that word. He loved those pink gateways to man love paradise. Then he would do the same thing slowly, to grant tortuous, pleasure to his lover. Yes John was the consummate artist, the Fucker General, the Master of the Mount. Still inside little Petey, he got up on his hunkers and rode him hard.

His inner thighs touched Petey’s outer thighs as he took him hard and firm. When you allow a man to do this to you, it becomes quite clear in your mind that you really are his bitch and you certainly whimper and moan like one, if it is John who is mounting you in this manner. John had made a woman of him and goodness me Petey boy loved it.

John was caught up in the moment now. He put his arm around his bitch and touched its cock to feel the dripping, bell end. Oh yes, he thought to himself, it’s soft and leaking furiously. He squeezed it gently and then he brought his hand to his mouth and licked Petey’s virginal fluids. He pushed his cock in all the way and stopped. He did not want to cum just yet.

Holding himself there he squeezed the young Petey’s ass from both sides so his pussy would hold his cock tighter. He did this again and again, causing the former virgin to wail with delight.

Being the master he was John withdrew and told Petey to climb up on the bed on all fours. Petey was in position tout suite and longing to be filled again, by his Lord. John, once again, played around his entrance with his big, purple, mushroom-shaped, cock head. He put his lips to the pink entrance and stuck his tongue in to taste himself. God how he loved the taste of his own cock and precum in the gaping hole, of a willing virgin. He sucked the sweet portal hard and Petey responded with loud whimpers of delight and a string of fucks and fuck me’s which luckily enough was John’s intention.

He pointed his thick, hard, phallus at the gaping anal passage of his loving Peter, his seduced and willing sex toy, and slid in with incredible ease and pleasure. He fucked in and out, of this treasure, in and out. His strokes became faster as his desire mounted. He could feel his lust dominate all reality. There was only this ass, this slurping tunnel of joy, these firm buttocks, those outstretched hairy legs, this panting young man and his own, all powerful, cock head.

Three hundred images filled his mind as he felt his orgasm begin deep in the base of his cock. He was overcome with his own desire. He drove deep in to Petey and began to cry out. He pulled back once more and thrust upwards with all the force his cock demanded and as he reached the end of his journey, he felt himself achieve maximum size. From deep inside his very soul, came a primordial roar of animalistic delight, as his cock head erupted and spewed wave after wave of his precious cock cream, which coated the walls of Petey’s quivering bum.

Peter almost passed out in that last thrusting as John’s cock had become so hard and swollen inside him. To his utter astonishment, although his cock was not hard or erect, he ejaculated on John’s second last, inward, forceful, movement. He lay there breathless, under his lover as John’s massive cock slowly, reduced in size and then slid downwards and finally popped out. Then, to his surprise, John was suddenly sucking his bum hole again. He can’t be, thought Peter.

He was. John was sucking his own cum out of Peter’s well fucked bum and spitting it on to his cupped hand. Peter could not believe the force with which John vacuumed his hole. He almost hardened. John brought his cum filled hand to his victim’s mouth and told him to lap it up, like a little kitten would lap up cream. John complied.

“What comes after 299 Petey baby?” he asked his young man.

Petey baby was surprised at the question and stopped lapping his master’s cum filled hand.

“Huh?” he said. Finally figuring out what John meant, while not understanding the implication, the cum-supping, little, mathematical genius mumbled, “Three hundred, John, three hundred, of course.”

“Yes you are,” said the satisfied John. He rubbed the rest of his cum all over Peter’s face and then slowly licked the young man’s lips. He fell back on to the pillow pulling the confused Peter in to the spooning position.

Peter lay down with his seducer and began to relive what had just happened to him little realizing that he would be doing this every night for the rest of his life. With his cock in his hand he succumbed to sleep.

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dino wrote

qooooooq wooooow so hot have t o confess samw ha[[wned tp me