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Puffy Nipples

Category: Incest
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My sister Alicia has taken to showing off her tits. She is eighteen now and I guess she figures our parents can't tell her how to dress. I am her older brother. I am twenty two now and I have been noticing that she goes around without a bra. I have my own small apartment and Alicia sometimes comes over when she wants to escape from our parents. It was one Saturday morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out and saw my sister standing there. Sure enough she was wearing a tight shirt and no bra.
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Quiet Lust

Category: Incest
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Soft feet padded down the hallway toward where I was lying in the rec room. I heard them pause at the door. I knew that she saw me. I knew she wanted to sit by me. "Chuck?" her soft voice drifted across the room. "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you?" "You can come in, but you have to be quiet."
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Zoey, Come On!

Category: Incest
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"Well that fucking sucked," Zoey cried. Her visor went sailing across the room and bounced off the curtain. "Everybody has a bad day Zoey," I offered. "You're not out." "Whatever," she cried. Her shoes flew from her feet and bounced onto the floor. "You're in fifth place, that's far from out," I retorted. "It was a hard day and the wind didn't help." "Urrrrrr," she growled as she flopped down on the bed to sulk some more.
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Unusual Relations

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
My mother Anne was a rather average-looking woman. Her hair was brown, short and curly, and she had a pear-shaped body with wide hips. Her breasts were hanging low and they had huge dark areolas. Right now mom's wide cellulite-ridden ass was up. It had a couple of dark moles on it, and I could see the nest of wiry hairs which surrounded the opening of her vagina, which felt loose and warm as my penis slid into it.
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Young Nephew Ch. 04

Category: Incest
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Please read Stories 1-3. Please comment on the story not the grammar I am telling my story for fun not an English exam. This is what actually happened those years ago. I like to start my stories with a brief recount of my previous stories.
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Out of the Darkness Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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"I should call the cops and charge you with rape," Kristi said. "I'm not sure it's rape when you beg me to fuck you," Ryan replied. "Temporary insanity." Ryan laughed sarcastically. "Insane with lust." Mother and son were sitting in Ryan's college apartment, less than twenty four hours since the nineteen year old student fucked his thirty nine year old mother on the lawn of a nearby house.
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Upgrade Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Part One: Backstory There are many up-sides to growing up without a dad, but dealing with your mom is not one of them.... To say that my mom loved my dad would be the understatement of the century. They were married just days after they turned eighteen and actually walked down the aisle together at high school graduation. No one had ever seen a couple so in love.
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Ryan and Hayley

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Plot teaser: Jake shot Steven a look as Ryan left the room, and he leaned over to talk to him, too quietly for Ryan to overhear. "Serious, man... without knowing it was her, he'd so tap that," he speculated, cockily. *The following is a description of characters. I tried to edit in the descriptions to the story, but if you'd like to read them anyway, here they are. Otherwise, feel free to skip the note and continue to the story.
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Promenade in the Park

Category: Incest
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((I usually detest the idea of using toys in a movie or a story because it generally means that the writer has just run out of ideas and the toys are used to take up space, which is almost always the case in commercial porn. The toys also usually sever the story line because they put space between the participants and eliminate flesh-to-flesh contact. However, in this particular story with a "Mother-teaches-daughter" theme, I felt that the use of toys was appropriate to the plot.
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You Look Good, Mom

Category: Incest
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This is the sequel to 'I'll just borrow Matt, sweetheart. Pure fantasy, so you don't need to tell me it's unlikely! Anne sat for a while after Matt left, with a smile on her face, remembering the taste of him in her mouth, the feel of his lips at her pussy as he ate her to climax, of the sensation of his rock-hard prick as he took her from behind, taking her over the top to another climax. After four years without any sex after her husband's untimely death, Matt's teenaged virility had certainly reminded her of the pleasures to be found.
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