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You’re My Daddy! Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
I had always been Daddy's good little girl. I never did anything bad, I was always home before 9 pm, and I kept the house neat and tidy, and on top of all that I was still a pure virgin even though I was almost entering my 20s. But that all changed one warm April night. I was in the kitchen making dinner, Daddy hadn't been feeling too well lately, he'd been complaining that his head was hurting, so I thought I'd make something simple.
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Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

Phillip sat on the barstool staring at the mirror. The reflection staring back appeared to be as old as Father Time instead of 31. His lifeless eyes were red and swollen with bags under them from lack of sleep. His skin was a pasty white with a three-day growth of hair on his chin. His clothes were wrinkled and if he had been able to see clearer he would have noticed small stains on his jacket. He was everything he hated and everything he hadn't been six months before.

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Category: Incest
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Allen Clarke was a tall, handsome man of twenty-one. He was a very sexually adventurous person. From the age of sixteen he had done just about everything a guy could do to enjoy the erotic world of sex.

Threesomes, foursomes and even orgies had been done. There was even an evening with transsexual. Of course, it was a very beautiful and effeminate TS and he was the male in the act. In fact, the sex driven lad was up for anything that involved consenting adults.

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Category: Incest
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I got a wonderful comment on an older, Valentine's fantasy story and a Halloween themed one was requested. I'll get to that some day but this idea popped in my head and wanted to write it. I hope you enjoy! No anal, some girl on girl but otherwise straight sex.

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Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

It was all because of Doris.

We all live in or near Southampton, Sally is off to study music at a prestigious academy in Edinburgh. And she needs Doris to go with her. Taking the train would involve crossing London to change stations, flying would mean Doris needing her own seat, together with all the other paraphernalia. So, using our own transport is the only option. Dad owns the Volvo, it's new and ideal for the 450-mile journey, but he works as a senior air traffic controller and can't get four days off, and Mum won't drive that distance, especially having to return alone. So, they need a mug who can take the time off, and that mug is me.

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Quickie for Diane

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Dedicated to the sexy lady who taught me this phrase: fact dragoste cu tine. Diane, a 44 year old housewife, was happy with her life except for the fact that she felt like a servant in her own home from time to time. This Saturday morning was one of those times as her husband was out playing golf with his buddies and her kids were still in bed. Meanwhile, she was stuck doing the chores.
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Symmetrical Petals

Category: Incest
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She was gorgeous. Oceanic gaze peered from behind thin silver frames of which she wore only because she was afraid of contacts. She stood at the height of five foot five, long raven hair pulled back away from her pale smooth face in a pair of red chopsticks. Finally her voluptuous frame was wrapped in all kinds of fabrics of flow yet B-cup breasts were pulled tightly together just above a silk ivory sash. Her colors today were of deep reds and blues with bare minimum skin exposed...and I got to see it all.
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Upside Down, Again

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I just want to say another quick thank you to everyone who offered feedback on, what is now, the first chapter of a hopefully long series. I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to let me know what they thought and offer suggestions. As always, additional feedback and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as the first. Thanks again, Rufus.
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Swim Yraining Heats UP

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Jake could here the coach yelling, he turned at the wall, and finished his last lap of the pool, exhausted he climbed up onto the side of the pool, and waited for the coach to come around. Ronna was tall, slim and tanned, she had long blonde hair, and the best pair of legs you have ever seen,. She also happened to be Jakes mom, and swim coach. Jake looked up at his mom, she was wearing a Speedo race swim suit, very high cut, and very revealing, at the front it was a tight V shape, barely covering her privates, and at the back, it was Brazilian style, barely covering half of her firm, tanned ass cheeks.
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Zachary’s Dad Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
With it being the first time that Zachary Metzger had brought a friend over from school, his father, Thomas, had figured that it would probably be best for them all if he were to lay low throughout the day, give them their space. Most parents- it seemed as though they would jump at every opportunity to humiliate their offsprings, but not Tom. No... he was different.
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