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Outside / Inside Ch. 1

Category: Incest
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Melissa's mom married my dad when she was 11, and I was 19, I was renting a suite in their (my parents) house, so we kind of grew up together. While we had our share of quarrels, we also developed a really good friendship. When ever she had a question about life or what to do about something as she was growing up, she always came to me. I think it was because I was always really straight forward with her. I didn't dress anything up and told her the facts straight out.
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Nudist Surprise with Sister

Category: Incest
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I had a shocking, accidental, but very exciting and memorable encounter with my younger sister. A few summers back, I had returned from finishing my freshman year in college, and my younger sister Jane (just turned 18) was just finishing her senior year in high school. Since we were little kids our family would often visit naturist resorts, so this family weekend was nothing out of the ordinary.
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Roxy’s Summer

Category: Incest
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It was just one of those things. What happened that summer neither of them could explain. But, both of them were glad it happened. They had always loved each other, but it was as father and daughter. Rick knew his daughter was beautiful if not down right sexy. But, there was something different about her when she returned from college after her freshman year.
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Out of the Darkness

Category: Incest
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Ryan laid his hand on top of his gym shorts, pressing lightly on the erection underneath. He began to slide his hand up and down the shaft in long, slow strokes. In the total darkness of his bedroom, with no noise except for the ceiling fan, Ryan had time to think. He thought about his mother, Kristi. He thought about the robe she wore into the kitchen a half hour earlier when she didn't expect to find him there.
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You, Me and Yo Brother

Category: Incest
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I would not have imagined that a little innocent flirting could lead to such life changing events. I am a woman scorned. And you know what they say about that! Let me explain. I'd been married to my high school sweetie for nine years when I woke up in the middle of the night to find my husband licking my sisters trifling pussy. Yeah...that's exactly what I said too!
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Proud to be a Mommy’s-Boy

Category: Incest
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My mother has to be the sexiest MILF on the planet, that's what my friends tell me and I agree. As a child, I took for granted how sexy my mother looked parading around the house wearing nothing but a bra and panties during the summer months. Now that I'm older and attending college, I'm beginning to see my mother in a different light. I love going through the photographs of Mom and me together.
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Unwrapping Eloise

Category: Incest
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Eloise skipped out of her car and headed towards the house that she'd lived in for 18 years. She'd just finished the last day at community college before Christmas and her report was very good. She couldn't wait to show it to mom and dad. There was a car she didn't recognise parked outside and when she got closer to the door she could hear people shouting inside.
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The Next Night With Bob

Category: Group Sex, Incest
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Dusk was turning into night as Beth Wilson approached the driveway to her detached garage. She smiled. She'd been smiling a lot lately; at least over the past 6 days since "The Night" with Bob. "I can't believe it's been less than a week since I discovered Nancy and Louise in bed with Bob," she thought. That discovery led to a fantastic night of sex between Beth, her daughter Nancy, Nancy's best friend Louise, and Bob. Oh, God, BOB!
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Category: Incest
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It began with a pair of panties, left in the wash by my wife, belonging to my niece, and the unmistakable fragrance of sweet, tender young pussy and fruits forbidden. She had "blossomed" that summer, her breasts growing full and round like honeydew melons, her cheeks rose petal pink, her lips strawberry red, her cute navel peaking out from beneath her half shirts like the inner part of a morning glory, her ass...
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Pure, Respectful, & Passionate

Category: Incest
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My heart started to pick up speed as the bus got closer and closer to Brawly. The road was framed with beautiful fields of green and yellow. Tractors and trailers were moving around carrying farm supplies and farm workers to their designated destinations. Many fields were shimmering under the bright afternoon sun, indicating the presence of water as the irrigation canals emptied into them. Rows of white birds were spread all over those fields, searching for food and maybe even socializing at the local watering holes.
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