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Two Weeks of Leave

Category: Incest
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I was always a fat kid. No matter what I did, I could never lose the weight. I played sports in high school, dieted, lifted weights and ran for miles. As a result, I was always in pretty good shape, but I could never shed the baby fat. In college it was the same story, only with less exercise and more beer. So when time came to graduate, instead of going to medical school like my father and my older sister, I did something no one could have possibly predicted. I joined the US Marine Corps. Having always been a competitor, I threw myself in to training. I wanted to be the best at everything. I pushed myself hard, worked out after hours, and kept to a strict diet.
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Useful After All

Category: Incest
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As long as I can remember, older women fascinated me. At first it was the idea of experience and knowledge that drew me to them, but as I got older I simply realized that it was more than that; it was the idea of forbidden. That's what made it for me. The story I'm about to tell happened few months ago, and not only changed my life but also the lives of many people around me. You have heard the same words over and over again in other tales, but unlike all those others, this one is actually a true one.
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Zenith’s Humiliation

Category: Incest
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This was the test. "Zenith, take down your pants, NOW." 25 year old Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric "What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion." But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.
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Untamed Family Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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I recommend that you read chapter 1 before delving into chapter 2, but here is a quick recap reminder of what happened. Eighteen year old Kevin Lansing came home to find his older sister Hannah licking his twin sister Kristen's hot pussy. He quickly stripped down and joined in on the filthy fun, where plenty of licking, sucking, tonguing and fucking took place. In this chapter, we get to meet the parents, and see what they think of this arrangement.
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Public Professions Ch. 01

Category: Incest
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This is just a short little story. It has been a long time since I posted on here so I thought I'd get back into it with something light. Not sure about doing any more in this series, maybe if this is received well enough. I know there is definitely story for more and I even rewrote the ending to be more open. If you like this well enough, let me know and I'll do more. However, I do have a few others projects I'm working on, some new stuff and some other chapters for what I already have written. Hope you enjoy! It's fairly short, quick, and to the point!
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You. Owe. Me. A Conclusion

Category: Incest
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Authors note: My apologies to rj228212, but you shouldn't have let such interesting characters dangling. I hope you approve of my version. If your out there Brittany and you like this, then its dedicated to you. ____________________________________ Chris wandered into the darkened dinning room and sat at the table, his head in hands, he was lost, he had to make this right with Laura; but how?
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Unusual Circumstances Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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These stories will follow the views and perspectives of individual characters, sometimes switching between them. I apologize for any confusion this may cause and I hope to clearly distinguish between each character when I make the transitions.
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World’s Best Fishing Spot

Category: Incest
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When August arrives in Southwest Florida it consistently brings with it temperatures in the three digits. It brings daily afternoon downpours and a resulting humidity that causes the horizon to disappear into a steamy fog. If you are outside, whatever is not soaked from the storm, your sweaty body turns into a soggy sticky sponge. That's the bad side of living down here year-round.
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Switch-On: Uncle Understands

Category: Incest
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--commercial begins-- Do you struggle with bad habits like smoking, drinking, or gambling? Does your spouse tell you he wants to clean, but constantly forgets? Do your kids constantly back-talk or struggle with their grades? Tired of throwing away hard earned money on tuition, just to have your son or daughter fail their classes? Then we have a solution for you! Switch-On!
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Zack and Zoey

Category: Incest
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