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Young Love With Marilynn

Category: Incest
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When you get older, your outlook towards things changes. My daughter, Marilynn, introduced me to a side of life that I was completely unaware of. Now, less than a month later, I have more things to tell you about. Marilynn, Steve, and I have been living in what could only be described as a sexual paradise. At any time, if one of the three of us are in the mood for sex, either or both of the other two can be persuaded to help out. I have had more sex over the past month than I had through the entire 18 years that I was married to Angie.
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Swimming with the Dolphins

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Warning - This is an Incest Category story so if this category offends, please proceed no further. Rest assured - No Dolphins were porpoise-ly abused in the writing of this story. The one Dolphin that was unfortunately injured when she banged her nose on the bottom of my kayak during this stories research phase is now resting comfortably at a Dolphin hospice two miles east of South Beach. She's under the tender care of her Daddy.
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Utter Love

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Jill barely knocked before she entered Jake's room, "Have you been into my underwear?" Jake was curled on his bed, reading a magazine. He didn't look up, "Of course, I'm a man." "A boy." Jake laughed, "When it comes to women's underwear, it's the same thing." "Why?"
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Yonder Stands an Orphan

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Pity me, the poor orphan! My mother gave me up for adoption when she was 17, and I was that many minutes old. I grew up with Mom and Pop Hadley on a quiet, tree-lined street in a quiet, little town in upstate New York. Good home cooking. Lots of love. And, to be honest, almost zero questions about my birth mom.
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Two Moms, Two Laps: Innocence Lost

Category: Incest
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Mom is off-limits, but Jeremy has a plan to make her accessible again. There was an error in the original submission process, and only part of the first page got through. This is the full chapter. Sorry. When I woke, I could tell it was late from how bright the room was. One glance at my clock confirmed it. Almost 10:00 am. What the Hell, it was vacation, I'd earned it.
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Swinging Parents Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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It was a month after the first time I joined my parents, Bill and Karen, in their sexual exploits. I quickly got better and lasted much longer in bed and gave my mom a good time. Dad loved to watch his son and mother lustily pounding each other on the bed as he wanked off on the side with a video camera shooting the whole scene.
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Wrong! Ch. 02

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Note: this story carries on directly from Wrong! To have any idea please read that first. As always thanks for reading!! ***** My wife Sophie and I sat in the taxi home with my little sister Beth. We had a great meal with our friends Ken and Meg. Sophie had warned Ken off Beth by lying that she was only sixteen. Ken being Ken, though, that hadn't really been a problem and it had been hilarious watching him flirt with her. Sophie had even faked jealousy that Ken was paying all the attention to Beth.
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You. Owe. Me. Ch. 03

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story may be slower than some prefer. As always, feedback and suggestions are welcome and wanted. Thanks to "Roger Ebert" and Andrea for their encouragement. I hope you guys know who you are. =) And to everyone else, of course. I'm writing these for you guys, after all. Also, I didn't have time to proof-read this as much as I would like, so please forgive any errors.
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Quarantined with Mom

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
The tickets were originally for my mother and her close friend. They were set to go on a cruise ship and explore different exotic islands during the peak of summer. Unfortunately, mom's friend had a last minute issue at work, and she had to cancel a few days before the trip was supposed to start. The tickets were non-refundable. My mother tried to find someone else to go with her, but since most of her friends are also lawyers, none of them could go on such short notice.
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Two Sides to Every Story

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Una's stomach tingled. Jesus fucking Christ, why can't I ever say no and mean it? She knew the answer well enough. She loved men. She craved their smell, how their asses moved while they walked away from her, and most of all she absolutely slobbered thinking about their penises. She loved them all, big and small. She loved long, skinny ones, Short fat ones, bent ones and meaty lengthy ones, and even iddy-biddy-teeny ones. They all had what she considered too be personalities of their own. And she talked them, one and all.
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