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Ollie meets Cass & Bev

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Oh for Christ sake Ollie, will you put your face straight, what's the matter with you?" "Nothing Dad, I'm fine," she replied, looking glumly out of the window as the car took the turning for Plumford. "It's only for a couple of days, it wouldn't hurt you to have a little more consideration for others, your Nanna hasn't seen you for months and you know she's not been very well recently," Brian said, giving his daughter a stern look.
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Blonde, Brunette & Horny!!!

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"They might as well call it Phi Sigma Sex! the way they're all supposed to carry on over there," Donna said to me as we walked past the imposing sorority house, its white wooden columns gleaming in the sun. Those words electrified me. If what Donna said was true, this was definitely the sorority for me!
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Losing Control

Category: Lesbian Sex
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June Claymore stood in front of the stove, trying to force herself to concentrate. Just a few more minutes and then, finally, she would have her day all to herself, at least until 4:00 or so, when Dan came home from school. Right now, though, she was in the worst time crunch of the morning, hustling one kid off to middle school and the other one--her daughter Janie--off to high school. The mad dash happened every day and it never got any easier.
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Girl’s Night Out

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Kim and I have been friends for a while. She's a cute brunette in her early 20s, kind of petite and small framed. She had just broken up with her boyfriend of 2½ years and wanted to go out and really raise some hell. Well, I'm always up for some fun. Friday night - party time! I decided to invite my girlfriend Michele to go with us, though she and Kim had never met. I knew we were in for one wild evening.
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Roommate Adventure

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Shay's college roommate had moved out for the summer to study abroad. This left Shay with an empty room and not enough rent money. She decided to put an ad in the university newspaper in hopes of finding a girl to live with for three months. Sure enough, not long after, Kate moved in.
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Diamonds and Girls

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Fi! Hold the door!" A screech cuts through the rush hour bustle, and I wince in recognition. Clutching my bag closer, I sink into my seat and stare at the Metro doors, willing them to close. "Fi!" I duck my head. I know she knows I can hear her, but I don't care. I've never made a secret of hating her.
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Amber’s New Job Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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On Monday I appeared for work. There I met Denise, the secretary/paralegal who was also Ron's sister. Denise was thirty-five with long brown hair that reached her ass, a curvy figure, impressive chest, and killer legs. Her round wide round face featured large green eyes, a prominent jaw, and a large mouth with full lips.
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Journey Towards Love Ch. 04

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I awoke with the sun shining through the undraped bedroom window. During the first few moments of semi-consciousness, I had forgotten where I was and what had happened just a few hours before. My hand glided over my pelvis when I repositioned and it was at that moment, when I felt the absence of hair that the memory of last night sprung into my head.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Janice heard his footsteps before the telltale shadow in the hallway signaled his approach. She unconsciously tugged at the covers to pull them up to her neck, placing her book on her chest to hold the covers in place. She peered over the top of the book to see if he would enter the bedroom.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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When I left my house, I wasn't entirely sure why I took the job. But as I drove, praying the sputtering in the engine was just my imagination, I knew. I was broke. For what felt like the millionth time, I cursed my decision to leave Blackwell Modeling as an assistant photographer. What made me think I could handle the stresses and demands a freelance photographer had to deal with everyday?
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