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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'm going to play dress-the-dolly tonight, because that's what I like to do. This particular dolly is – let's see – diminutive, with pale, oriental skin. Absolutely flawless and smooth. Her hair is straight, reaches down below her shoulder-blades, and is as black as midnight, as black as my unlit bedroom, although I can see every detail of her as if it was broad daylight.
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Sarah’s First Lesbian Encounter

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I suppose you need a bit of background on me first, to set the scene as it were. My name is Sarah Matthews having married (can you believe it) Matthew Matthews some 10 years ago. To this day I can't believe anyone could give their son a name like that, but his parents - who are perfectly nice and sensible - didn't seem to think it was odd.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Author's Note: There is archeological and written historical evidence to confirm that women fought as gladiators. While many were slaves from conquered territories, women from all classes of Roman society fought in the Coliseum and just about every arena in the Roman Empire. A carved relief from the 1st century AD depicts two female gladiators with shields, swords, helmets and dressed similarly to their male counterparts.
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Adventures in New Orleans

Category: Lesbian Sex
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My friends had suggested I needed a vacation. It had been nearly two years since my jerkface shitwad ex-husband had walked out on me and the kids. I had worn myself ragged trying to keep up with all the schedules, homework and extra-curriculars, then trying to keep up with my own job - forget trying to have a life of my own.
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Just That Kind of Woman

Category: Lesbian Sex
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So like most folks, when something like this happens to them, I never saw it coming. You are probably asking yourself what the "it" is. I'll tell you. What I never saw coming was my formerly straight-laced wife being turned inside-out by a lesbian coworker of mine, and more. But I'm getting ahead of myself, which besides being disorganized probably isn't very helpful or fun for you. Let me start at the beginning.
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Dark White

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'm not a wild girl. My roommate, Kay, is, though, so naturally she was out at the clubs while I was in our apartment studying for a macroeconomics exam. I shouldn't have even been in the class in the first place, but I had a point to prove to my father, who didn't think women were capable of anything besides home economics. I admit, it was a struggle to keep the consumption and production functions straight in my mind, but I'd be damned if I was going to give up now.
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Best Girl Friends

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The Visit As Suzanne lay on the bed and reached under her friend's black lacy bra to feel her firm round breasts and engorged nipples, and their tongues hungrily searched each others mouths, she thought back to the events which led to this moment - the email offering her a week in the countryside, away from the kids and the chance to unwind in the sun, skinny dipping in the pool together and have some great chats with one of her best friends.
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Summer Nights

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It was a dark, hot, and humid night. One of those dead air summer nights with a hint of ozone in the air from a far off storm. A storm sensed but unseen that makes the skin tingle with energy. The hot, humid, still air calms the mind and makes one lazy. The heady ozone and electricity makes one antsy.
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Stripper’s Move

Category: Lesbian Sex
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There were five people jammed into Tori's little red Honda and everyone was drunk except for her. That was usual for a Friday night, but they weren't usually in this part of town. If it weren't for Jo volunteering them to pick Shauna up after work, she wouldn't be here at all under any circumstances.
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Summer Song

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Hey Candace, break time," I yelled through cupped hands at the pretty Nordic looking blonde on the lifeguard chair. With tremendous agility, Candace climbed down and sprinted for the ladies locker room. After spending three hours on the lofty perch, a much needed bathroom break was in order.
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