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One Charming Night

Category: Lesbian Sex
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We'd been sparring partners at the gym for awhile, which is why, when my bellydance class had a performance, I invited her to come with me. It was a whole big gala hafla thing, sit down dinner and all, and I just really wanted to know someone there besides my dance classmates. And Phoebe was the only person outside that context that I had really connected with since moving to San Francisco last year.
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Dragon Boat

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Ken and I had followed the Navy after his OCS and two short-hitch postings for him to Pensacola, Florida. His work as a flight controller was stable enough so it looked as though we might just be here awhile. I put my Journalism degree to use and found work with a small magazine and they seemed pretty happy to have me. So we were the typical duel income, no kids (and none wanted for now at least), nice house on the water, late to middish 20s yuppy puppies you hear about.
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Little Firecracker, Big Bang!

Category: Lesbian Sex
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This story happened my freshman year in college. It was a hot August day, but more importantly, it was move-in day at the dorms. It took longer to get situated in my new dorm room than I first expected. My family was with me, helping to bring up all my stuff to my room, it was on the sixth floor. Most of our time was waiting for our turn on the elevator.
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Brit & Lori Meet The Landlady Ch. 03

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Her jealousy was overtaking her. She was engulfed in a rage of anger. How could she do this, Lori thought, as she stalked through the kitchen. There was Brittany, her love, wrapped in the undressed embrace of Melissa, a woman they have shared intimate relations with; and another woman, one whom they have never had relations with.
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It Was Better Than She Imagined

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It had been a work day that didn't seem like it would ever end. Kaitlyn hated her job on a good day. Working in the Accounts Payable department as a junior clerk was just boring. All she did was just process one bill after another. All the other clerks were substantially older than her. She was only out of school for 3 years, twenty years younger than the next person. There wasn't much in common with them so there wasn't even a social aspect of the job.
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A Night at the Club

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Lisa struggled against the uncomfortable position, but it was no use. Her head was stuck through one hole in the pillory, and her hands through two others. She was standing, and her ankles were trapped as well, leaving her forcibly immobile in a bent-over position.
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Runner’s High: Long Distance

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Conservative upbringing had told me my body was a temple. These two were crossing the moat between my legs. Jennifer climbed up Tiffany and met me at her 36C breasts. She smiled at me, and licked along the same breast I was tasting. Jennifer kissed my cheek and then kissed my lips hard, running her tongue -- sweet with Tiffany's essence -- into my mouth.
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Pain Relief

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Closing my office door, I sat in my desk chair, reached for the phone and dialled our number. After 3 rings I hung up, waited a few seconds, then hit the re-dial button, smiling as I remembered our agreement on this signal to let you know that I was calling. I was aware of my increased heart rate and pulse throbbing in the side of my neck, as I waited for you to pick up the handset, and suddenly you were there.
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My Best Weekend

Category: Lesbian Sex
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When my husband Brad and I began to date I was no virgin. Several penis's had penetrated me and left their their hot cum. Even more than several fingers had visited there in addition to my own. However Brad's tongue was the first tongue to visit there and it was instant love. The instant his tongue entered I made up my mind to marry Brad.
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Entry Way Quickie

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Entry Way QuickieNikki walked in the front door and before she could turn to close it, she found herself backed against the entry way wall. Hands began to roam over her body and in the darkness she felt her lover's lips meet her own.
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