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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Happy Anniversary!

Category: Group Sex
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I don't know what amazed me more. That Angela, my wife of five years, was confessing to me after all this time that she sometimes thought about eating pussy, or that listening to her talk about it turned me on as much as it did. It was late. We'd been out to an incredible dinner to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary, and one of my wife's good friends, Jenny, had been watching our children.
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Canadian Janie

Category: Group Sex
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The summer before I was to start my second year as a Master's student at a prestigious coastal California university, I decided to participate in a 3-month fellowship through the University of British Columbia. The fellowship was a paid position where I would be trained in fish pathology, ultimately helping my academic career back in the States.
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Unexpected MFM 3-Some

Category: Group Sex
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The drive took about 2 hours but it was necessary to get far enough away so that they wouldn't run into anyone they knew. So Travis drove them to Racine. Just far enough. He'd heard about this bar, Ken's Place, from a friend who was from the area and had been there. It was a place where "young minded" people in their 30's & 40's went to have fun. Summer had finally arrived and it showed from the way the women dressed.
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A Slight Change Of Plans

Category: Group Sex
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As Pamela showered she couldn't believe it was her wedding day today. She had known John for two years now and although she had strong feelings for him, the sex was lacking. John just wasn't...equipped. He had a six inch cock, but compared to some of the men she had fucked back in her college days he just didn't satisfy her. She longed for a big strong man to ravage her cunt and fill her with cum. She glanced down and realized that she had been softly stroking her pussy thinking of her past experiences.
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The Farewell Party

Category: Group Sex
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Eventually Alan's contract came to an end and we decided to move to England. South East Asia was suffering further problems and the tourist industry was dead for the time being. His final contract had been quite large and employed a mixture of Australians, Canadian and a couple more Brits. We had all become good friends over the past eighteen months, spending many nights drinking, either in bars or at our house.
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Lyn is Donated

Category: Group Sex
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We returned from the garden. 'Let's go up to our room. I want you to take me and enjoy me. Telling the story for so long has made me very excited; I want you to take my clothes off and tell me what you want of me.' 'Aren't you at least going to tell me what else happened that evening?' 'All right. We'll go to bed and I'll tell you. It's room seventeen.'
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Study Group Sex

Category: Group Sex
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PART ONE After my girlfriend Jenny and I broke up, my social and sex life seemed to go on hold for awhile. I found that I now had lots of time to perfect my masturbation skills. Jenny simply moved on to another boyfriend. I began to see myself as just one more entry in her diary, but that didn't keep me from bringing her sexy body to mind as I lay on my bed in the dark of night and stroked my rigid cock. I usually pictured her in her snug designer jeans, her cute round ass moving seductively in the cleverly tailored denim as she walked ahead of me in the hall at the local community college we both attend.
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Happy Birthday

Category: Group Sex
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‘Happy birthday, baby!’ ‘Thanks,’ I replied. ‘Got you something. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.’ I was sitting cross-legged on our bed wrapped in a bath towel, and I closed my eyes, and held out my hands, palm up. A soft package, crinkled into my hands, and I opened one eye cautiously, ‘Can I look now?’ ‘Of course, open it!’
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Nick’s Gift

Category: Group Sex
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Freda met Nick on a dating site and they soon found out they were living in the same city. One date followed another and before long they were lovers. Nick was always trying to push Freda a bit further. Broadening her horizon, he called it. Freda would laugh, but most of the times she was more than willing to try something new.
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