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Unexpected MFM 3-Some

Category: Group Sex
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The drive took about 2 hours but it was necessary to get far enough away so that they wouldn’t run into anyone they knew. So Travis drove them to Racine. Just far enough.

He’d heard about this bar, Ken’s Place, from a friend who was from the area and had been there. It was a place where “young minded” people in their 30’s & 40’s went to have fun. Summer had finally arrived and it showed from the way the women dressed.

Holly was wearing a summer dress-type thing but it was a skirt only. It was one of those light fabric kind of deals where if the wind blew, it was gonna fly up. Cut pretty short, especially for her standards. Travis loved it when she wore stuff to show off her very fit & trim legs. On top of that she had a basic white, spaghetti-strapped shirt, fairly low-cut. She had a nice rack – especially for being 37 – but didn’t think so herself. Travis was willing to settle for whatever top she was comfortable wearing. He liked her to look confident. She looked fucking hot.

She rounded out the hot chic ensemble with fuck-me black pumps, rings on her thumbs and on most of her other fingers besides.

It was the type of place where when newcomers came in, people did take notice but it wasn’t like the needle on the record skipped and conversations halted. Travis noticed a booth of 4 guys next to the entrance check out Holly and kind of nudge each other to take a look. Some girls by the bar gave her the up & down once over that all chics do to each other.

It was a comfortable place. There was a fairly sizable room to the back, just beyond the pool table and it looked like a band was setting up to play.

“Oh, cool,” Travis thought. “Alright, whatchew want from the bar, my beeyotch?”

“Yeah, I got a beeyotch for you,” Holly said and elbowed him. “How about a rum and diet Coke?”

“Gotcha, a double rum, hold the Coke,” Travis said laughing and walked to the bar.

Holly walked over to a booth by the window, just a few steps from the end of the bar. Travis came back with her drink and a big fat lemonade for himself.

“There you go. Plenty more where that came from,” Travis said holding up his glass for a toast. They clinked glasses, drank and surveyed the landscape.

“Looks like a cool enough place, huh”? Travis asked.

“Yeah, looks alright,” Holly replied.

“It’s incredible how this turned out,” Travis said. “Your hubby’s gone, my wife’s gone and the kids are taken care of. When in the heck will we ever be able to get a night out and an overnight in a motel again?”

“No doubt,” Holly said happily.

They passed the next few minutes just chatting idly, people-watching and commenting on the others in the bar. The place was getting more crowded, probably in anticipation of the band starting at 9:00.

It was about 8:45 and a group of 4 guys had been standing by their booth for the last 5 minutes, waiting for the bartender to serve them. They found out at least some of their names when Sean got on Dave for his potty mouth.

“Shut the fuck up, Dave!” Sean said laughing. “We got a lady in the next booth!”

“Oh fuck!” Dave said loudly. “Pardon my French!” And the group all laughed.

One of the other guys in their group, whose name Travis & Holly didn’t catch, leaned into Dave’s ear and whispered something while they appeared to be checking her out. They both nodded & laughed good-naturedly.

“Aw that’s OK,” Holly said as she gave her million dollar smile. “I’ve heard the bad words before!”

They all laughed. They seemed like a good bunch of guys. It’s always nice to get a comfortable feeling from the locals when you’re on their turf. They all looked to be 30’ish. Good looking guys, dressed to be out on a Friday night at the local watering hole to hit on chics and score.

The band started playing a few minutes after 9:00 and Travis asked if Holly wanted to go in the back. A lot of people headed back there when the band started and the bar area was thinning out a bit.

“Sure, let’s go,” she said.

With that, they picked up and headed back, telling the 4 guys they could have their booth.

The room where the band was playing wasn’t as big as it appeared from the bar. They managed to get a raised table in a back corner’ish area. A lot of people were dancing so they couldn’t really see the band all that great but at least it was a table with 2 chairs. There were also some of those square poles at about 4 spots throughout the room that further made seeing the band difficult.

By this time Holly was on her 2nd rum & Coke and Travis thought it was a good idea to start playing How High Up Can I Rub Holly’s Thigh? Travis liked to joke that it was a popular game, enjoyed by many a Monroe High School boy in the late 80’s. Holly thought that was incredibly not-funny.

At about 9:45, just before the band went on their 1st break, Sean, Dave and friends came back and stood near their table, not even noticing that Travis & Holly were sitting at the nearby table.

“Hey!” Travis said, trying to be heard above the rock band, “Are you guys following us?”

“Oh hi!” Sean said. “Yeah, we wanted to be near all the cool people!”

Travis introduced himself and Holly to Sean. They could make out “I’m Sean, this is Dave..” but that was about it. It was too loud.

Travis & Holly both just nodded and smiled like they heard everything Sean said. He came over to stand nearer to them and they made some small talk.

“Where are you from?”

“Oh, that’s a long way to travel. How come you decided to come here?”

“Yeah, it’s a fun place.”

“The band is real popular around here.”

That sort of thing. After a few minutes Travis said, “Can I get you and Dave a drink? I’m going to get us something anyway.”

“Well sure,” Sean said. “Dave! What do you want?! MGD?! Yeah 2 of those would be cool.”

Travis left to get the drinks and came back. Sean and Dave were both standing at the table now, talking with Holly, smiling & laughing.

“Hey, here you go,” Travis said. “Bottoms up!”

“Holly, how come you’re not out there dancing?!” Dave said. “You’re about the only chic back here not on the dance floor!”

“He doesn’t dance!” she said pointing at Travis.

They both looked at Travis, laughing.

“What’s wrong with you, boy?” Sean said. “Get out there with her!”

“Oh no,” Travis replied. “My dancing days are well behind me. Not this guy. Feel free to go!”

And with that, Sean, took her hand and led Holly out to the dance floor. They sort of disappeared into the sea of people. Travis & Dave stayed at the table and talked. The Brewers and their latest wining streak was the hot topic.

Sean and Holly got out there near the end of “Gimme Me 3 Steps.” At the end of that song, the lead singer said, “Alright, we’re gonna do 1 more before we take a break and then we’ll be right back.” And with that they broke in “Freebird,” the infamous slow ballad.

“Shall we?” Sean said.

“Well, why not?” Holly laughed. “It’ll take us forever to get back to the table anyway, with all these people.”

Sean put his hands on either side of her waist and she put her hands up on his shoulders and nestled politely closer, in formal slow-dance pose.

“Too bad he won’t dance with you,” Sean said, looking at her. “His loss.”

“Yeah. Party pooper,” she said laughing.

He could smell the light scent of rum on her breath and then he realized she was getting looped. He looked at her eyes and noticed they were nearing drunk-drooped. Not a lot, but enough to see she was getting a very good buzz. With that he sort of swung around so he could see the direction of the table. The wall of people afforded no view of the table at all.

“Oh, dude…” he thought to himself.

“Man, I feel out of place out here,” he said to her.

“What do you mean?”

“Look at all these guys out here groping ass,” he said. “I feel like I’m breaking a rule.’

And with that, he moved his hands just a tad like he was repositioning them. But as he did so, he slid them a couple inches further down her waist.

With all the noise (and the booze), Holly couldn’t quite hear what he said. All she did in reply was smile big and say, “Yeah!” Usually a safe reply in any situation.

It was at this point that Sean started to get a bit of a hard-on. Not having gotten laid in 3 weeks or jacked off in about 4 days, he got wood quick and hard.

Again, Sean “repositioned” his hands and moved them a tad further down, this time feeling just the top of her ass. At the same time he pulled her just a tad closer in to him, their crotches coming slightly together but not, Sean believed, in an obvious sort of way. As he did this he looked at her close to see if he could pick up any sort of reaction.

From Holly’s perspective, she knew she couldn’t quite hear everything he said. Something about “…guys like that and following rules…” She also noticed that they had gotten closer together, probably because of the crowded dance floor. People really flooded it for the last one before break, and a slow song at that.

“Is that a hard-on he’s got kind of rubbing up against me?” she said to herself. “He’s not hitting on me or anything. It’s probably nothing.”

Holly had no clue she was getting drunk.

From Sean’s side, he was sensing no resistance. She didn’t throw herself at him but she didn’t slap his face and walk away either. Of course, it’s not like he pulled her in and made it obvious he had a hard-on. He decide that since it was so early and he wasn’t sure what signals she was giving, he’d play it safe.

The song ended and they fought the crowd to get back to the table. Travis & Dave were engaged in conversation and greeted the dancing pair.

“Just talking baseball,” Travis said. “Musta been pretty crowded out there, huh?”

“Yeah,” Holly replied, fanning her face. “Crowded, hot, smelly,” and laughed.

Travis noticed that she took a big gulp of her drink, and then another.

“Oh, Travis is getting laid tonight,” he thought to himself and smiled.

“OK, let me get the next round,” Dave said. “Same thing for everybody?”

“Oh cool. Yeah I can have another lemonade. Holly?”

“Sure, why not?” she said and gulped down the last of her rum & coke

With that, Dave & Sean headed to the crowded bar, now more full with the band on break.

“Dude,” Sean said to Dave, “she’s pretty fucking hot, ya think?”

“You know,” Dave replied, “I honestly haven’t checked her out that close. She’s attractive, I’ll give you that. I’ll check it out more when we get back and let you know.”

“Yeah, man,” Sean said, “take a look. I was kind of feeling out the possibilities on the dance floor but I didn’t really make any moves.”

” ‘Possibilities?’ ” Dave said. “Her guy is here. What do you mean ‘possibilities’?”

“Hey, man, you never know. It’s 2010, dude!”

“You are totally right on that one, my man,” Dave replied.

Back at the table, Travis asked Holly if she was having fun.

“Yeah, this is a cool place,” she said smiling.

“Have fun dancing?” he asked.

“Sure did!”

Sean and Dave returned with the drinks.

“Alright, here we go,” Dave said. “Sorry that took so long. The bar’s a zoo.”

“It’s OK,” Holly said, “It’s free!”

They all laughed. Chit-chat ensued and before they knew it the band was playing again. They watched, listened, drank and laughed. It was hard to hear what anyone was saying unless they were right up against the person’s ear.

Then Dave said, “Alright Travis, you up for some dancing?! Let’s go!”

They all laughed.

“Well,” Travis started, “normally I would but I’m fanatically religious and I’m not allowed. Otherwise man, I’d be all over that invitation!” He laughed heartily at his own little joke.

“OK,” Dave said, “Holly?”

And with that they were off into the sea of bodies and disappeared.

Dave noticed right away that Holly was getting drunk. She almost fell and he had to reach out to balance her. He noticed the loopy look that a drunk person gets, too. Not staggering, falling down drunk, but he knew the look. She was drunk.

“You look very hot!” Dave said. “Too bad Travis doesn’t want to dance! He’s missing out!”

“Thanks!” she shouted back. “Yeah, his loss!”

Then, as Dave knew would happen shortly, a slow song started. “We’re gonna do a few slow ones,” the lead singer said, “so you can find the person who’s gonna buy you that next drink.”

They assumed the slow dance position and Dave instinctively checked back at the table. There was no view of the table at all. Too many people.

“Hey,” Dave thought, “his loss.”

Dave was a lot less shy and a lot quicker to act than Sean. Dave was a good looking guy, good with the ladies and he knew it. He wasn’t exactly sure what could happen with this chic’s guy here with her but he was on the dance floor with a hot chic where they couldn’t be seen and was going to do what he normally did with a hot chic.

He was a little less formal in assuming the slow dance position. He pulled her closer to him and positioned his hands further down than Sean did. His finger tips were on the round of her ass. He could tell she was wearing a thong. As a result of how he pulled her to him, her arms went not just to his shoulders but around his neck and her hands crossed behind his neck.

Holly was drunk. She’d been drunk before. She wasn’t at prom either. Drunk or sober, she knew what a hard dick felt like when it was pressed up against her slow while slow dancing. She was surprised by it. She didn’t come here with Travis looking to hook up with anyone else. She was counting on getting fucked tonight but not by anyone other than Travis.

She could sense that he purposely pulled her into him so she could feel his hard-on. She didn’t want to make anything obvious by pulling away so she just held her position. Holly figured that if she didn’t pull away or move closer, he wouldn’t move either.

Their heads were side-to-side of each other so it’s not like they could see each other’s eyes. That was fine with Holly. She didn’t know what kind of look she had on her face once she realized he had a hard-on.

Dave noticed that his thumbs were over the bare part of her back where her top didn’t quite reach her skirt top.

“Ah, today’s fashions…” he thought to himself. “I really love this country,” and he smiled.

Dave didn’t have evil on his mind at all. But he was with a drunk hot chic and, her guy around or not, he was the one with her on a dance floor where no one could see them. He was going to see where he could take it. This was a long Crosby, Still & Nash song and he figured they’d play at least a couple more. He knew he had a good 15 minutes.

He rubbed his thumbs up & down on her bare skin a little bit. This continued for about 30 seconds and then he stopped.

“Hey, she didn’t run away,” he thought to himself. “That’s a good sign.”

Looking around the dance floor, he could see there was any number of 4th degree sexual assaults taking place. Well, not really assaults because the chics weren’t minding at all. So it’s not like anything he could do would really draw attention.

He slipped his hands upward a little bit, slipping up under her top, just a tad. Really, it was just his fingers that slipped under. He caressed slowly. Still no negative reaction. “This is good,” he thought.

He swayed his hips more and she went along with his movements. He’d danced with a few chics who practically fucked him on the dance floor before so he sort of had an idea how to move and be sexy about it.

Then he moved his hands down further, slipping his fingers into the top of her skirt, going just past the top of her thong to her bare, hot ass.

“OK,” he thought, “now we’ll see how she reacts. This is way more obvious.”

Holly noticed what he was doing. She thought he was just doing what everyone else on the dance floor was doing, sort of as a habit. “Christ,” she thought to herself, “Travis can see this.”

As they swung around she was able to decipher that the view from their table was totally obscured by all the people. She was embarrassed by the thought of Travis being able to see what this guy was doing. It’s not like she went out to the dance floor with the intention of dirty dancing with him or doing anything.

When he slipped his fingers up under her top he pulled her a little more snugly to him. She noticed that but again, didn’t do anything to resist. “Just don’t make a big deal out of it,” she thought. “It’s probably nothing.”

When he put his fingers inside the top of her skirt and reached for bare skin below her thong top, she was sure that it was no accident; that he was up to something. She just didn’t know what.

Right next to them was a couple and the chic was really fat. The guy dancing with her was really drunk. Her guy didn’t seem to mind as he had both hands grabbing a hold of 2 really fat ass cheeks packed into jeans that would have been too tight on a chic half her size.

“Compared to what they’re doing,” she thought, “what Dave is doing is nothing. No one’s even noticing that.”

As one slow song gave way to the next, Dave pulled her in more closely. At that point she could really feel how hard he was. She knew that it wasn’t just a repositioning pulling her close. This was more of a, “I’ve got a hard cock for you, baby,” kind of thing.

To Holly, it wasn’t just this hard thing she felt in his crotch. It was a long thing; unmistakably a big cock. Prior to this, they were positioned so that their mid-sections were merely touching. Not really placed flat against each other. That changed when he pulled her in this last time.

She wasn’t wearing a belt and the fabric of her skirt and top was pretty thin; it was summer after all. Their mid-sections were now flat up against each other and she could feel him. He was taller than her so his crotch area was higher than hers.

It took a few seconds to comprehend it all. Yeah, she knew he was hard and was up against her. But it took a bit to realize that this guy obviously had one big fucking cock!

Oddly, and it almost made her chuckle at how she thought of that, but her first thought was, “If were sticking straight up, it’d be out of his pants!”

Holly could feel it sideways in his pants. She almost felt like saying, “I’m sure it won’t get that dark; you won’t need that flashlight in your pants.”

At that thought, she did chuckle a little bit.

“What’s so funny?” Dave asked.

“Oh! Nothing!” she said. “Just the people in general.”

“Yeah, they’re a hoot,” he said.

With that, he slipped his entire hands into her skirt and pulled her in. As he did so, he gave a slight thrust forward with his hips. To that, she grasped him around the neck a little bit and let herself be pulled in.

Holly didn’t plan on it but she was excited by that.

Dave was a good looking guy, nicely built. The way he used his hands on her was strong, confident. He was moving in a very sexy way. The whole scenario was sexy. There was something naughty in a sexually exciting way doing this so that Travis couldn’t see what was going on.

He lowered his head and put his mouth on the back of her neck, off to the side a little but, just under her hair, and tongued her neck. As he did so, he used his strong hands to firmly grasp each hot little ass cheek under her skirt. Holly dug her nails into his back and gyrated her hips into his. Feeling more strongly than before how hard he was.

“Christ,” she thought. “This is insane. This song has got to end.”

Being the oh-so-polite girl that she was, she couldn’t just walk off the dance floor in mid-song. But there was also a part of her that didn’t want it to end. This was so totally unexpected and, being drunk, she was just reacting to what was there, what was happening.

The song finally ended and the band went on their 2nd break. They made their way back to the table to find Travis and Sean talking.

“OK!” Dave said, “Time for another round! I’m buying!” And he was off to the bar.

“I’m off to the little girls’ room,” Holly said. “I’ll be right back.”

She left Travis & Sean at the table and went off to the ladies’ room.

When she got back she found the 3 guys at the table, talking away, with her drink ready for her. She took a drink.

“We’ve got problems,” Dave said.

“Problems?!” Holly said laughing. “How can you have problems on a night like tonight?”

“Well, Sean’s ex-girlfriend and prick of a new boyfriend are here and ready to cause trouble,” Dave explained. “Sean and I need to call it a night.”

“Oh man,” Travis said. “That sucks! You can’t leave yet.”

“Normally, we’d stay out til bar time,” Sean said, “but this will end up bad if we stay. Even if we went to another bar, we’d bump into them tonight yet. It’s bad news.”

“Well fuck that,” Travis said. “Let’s fold this tent and head to our hotel room! We’ve got a room at the Country Inn just down the road.”

Travis looked at Holly and her face showed neither approval nor disapproval of the idea.

“Alright,” Sean said. “Let’s do that.”

They each took a few more gulps of their drinks and headed out into the summer night.

“Hey,” Travis said, “you guys ride with us. You don’t want to get picked up for DUI.”

“OK,” Dave replied. “If you say so!” They laughed.

Travis & Holly piled in the front of the wagon, Dave & Sean into the back and off they went down the street to the Country Inn.

When they got to their room, It was about 11:30. There was the sound of a rather loud party going on in the room next door and another down the hall. They got into their room and turned the radio on to the local rock station. They had to turn it up quite loud to hear it over the noise from the room next door. Fortunately, both rooms had on the same radio station. It was quite the stereo effect.

The room was actually a suite; very nice. When you walked in, there was a very large bathroom to the left and another smaller one to the right. A closet was to the left of the smaller of the bathroom. Then 2 steps went down into a small living room-type space on the right and a small kitchen on the left. Back beyond that was the big bedroom. A lot of privacy was afforded with this setup. From any one room, the back bedroom was pretty much walled off. Travis liked that. Especially for what he was hoping would happen tonight.

Travis had done his usual best to hold it while at the bar and by now really had to pee.

“Alright,” he said. “Must pee. Now.” And into the bathroom he went and shut the door.

Travis was thinking to himself that this could end up being a very interesting night. Holly would never agree to do a 3-some before but here they were, with 2 other good looking studs in their room, Holly drunk and friendly with both guys. You never know. As it was, it was going to take him a few minutes to pee, he could easily drag it out several minutes longer. As drunk as Holly was, she may not notice. And if those guys were real men at all – and just a tad daring – they’d utilize those minutes in a way fitting of the studs they appeared to be.

The possibilities made him tingle with nervous sexual excitement. He could be such a naughty boy. But he also was firm in that if something did start happening and Holly wanted no part of it, then he was going to stop it and send the boys home. Well, maybe he’d give them a little leeway if she got resistant.

When they first entered the room, they stood around talking for a few minutes. Holly leaned up against the table by the couch in the living room. Dave stayed standing by Holly and Sean took a seat on the couch. When Travis went into the bathroom, Holly moved to take a seat on the edge of the couch. Before she could so, Dave nonchalantly put his arms around her from behind in a sort of reverse slow dance position and moved to the song on the radio.

He pulled her to him and began swaying back & forth. Holly just smiled and moved with him. It didn’t seem like a big deal. Sean’s eyes got kind of big. Even though with the way the room was set up, Dave would have a few seconds to recover if Travis came out of the bathroom, Sean thought it was pretty ballsy with her guy just on the other side of the bathroom door.

“Holly sure is one hot chic,” Dave said in her ear. “I bet there’s a naughty streak to her, too,” and he chuckled.

She didn’t think much of it, since they were basically just dancing, just like at the bar.

“Oooohhh, I don’t know about that!” she said smiling big.

He spun her around nicely and they assumed a regular slow dance position. This time he pulled her to him right away, just like he did at the end of their slow dance at the bar.

The rum was really hitting her now. She wasn’t getting more sober; she was getting more drunk.

Dave pulled her in and gyrated his hips into her. He was again very hard. She could feel that he was very hard. He moved his head forward and put his mouth on her throat. He gave a quick, meaningful lick up & down.

“You like that, don’t you?”

“Uhhhh, wellllll,” was all Holly could reply. His hardness pressed up against her and his mouth on her neck made her nipples go hard. She could feel the warm rush of excitement in her pussy. She knew she was getting wet. Despite that, she wasn’t too drunk to know that the bathroom door could open any second and Travis could come out. She had to act like Travis was standing there.

“Oh, don’t worry,” Dave said quietly. With the radio from both rooms, whispering wasn’t required. Dave talked just loud enough to be heard. “He’s still in there peeing. I can hear him.”

“Oh, you can, can you?” Holly replied to his devilish statement.

Travis was taking his sweet time in the bathroom. “I’ll give it 10 minutes and then go out nonchalantly and see what’s going on. Probably nothing, but you never know.”

Sean, meanwhile, was watching this unfold with great interest. He knew Dave was a big player with the chics but they’d never been in a situation like this. The 2 of them with 1 chic. A hot chic. For at least the moment, Sean was content to just let it play out.

But Dave was also not stupid. He knew he only had a few minutes before Travis returned. His raging hard on for this hot chic who just happened to fall into his lap did kind of get the best of him. This was pretty risky. But still, he couldn’t resist.

Sensing that it was now or never, he took a gentle hold of the back of her head and moved forward to kiss her. He could see that she turned her head a little bit, resisting. But he moved her head so that their lips could meet. She didn’t return the kiss at first. He stuck his tongue in her mouth and gyrated his hips into her. Immediately, he felt her slip her tongue into his mouth.

With the hand on the back of her head grabbing a gentle handful of hair, he tilted her head back and licked her throat from her upper chest to her chin. As he did this, he reached his left hand to her backside under her skirt, grabbed her right ass cheek and pulled her in.

They both forgot about the danger of the moment and went with it. She thrust her hips into him and let him have his way.

With her left hand, Holly reached for his cock through his jeans. She cupped it with the flat of her hand, getting a gauge of its size.

Sean couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It happened so fast. He knew that an average pee was going to go at least a bit longer and he hoped that this one would go on quite a lot longer. Out of pure lust reaction, Sean got up and walked over to where Dave & Holly were locked in their groping embrace.

He moved behind her to her left back side so he wouldn’t be in the way of Dave groping her right ass cheek. He nestled his crotch up to her and gyrated his hips into her. This startled her a little bit and she pulled off kissing Dave to see what was happening.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Dave said and he put his mouth back on hers, kissing her.

Sean, with his right hand, reached under her skirt and grabbed her left ass cheek. “That’s a nice, nice ass,” he thought. They both stood there for about a minute gyrating into her, groping her nice ass, alternating kissing her and tonguing her neck & throat.

Sean then reached down between her legs from behind and felt her pussy area. She moved her feet apart to allow her legs to part. He deftly moved her thong aside and immediately slipped his middle finger between her pussy lips.

Later, he swore that his dick grew 6 inches when he felt how wet she was.

“You like this, don’t you?” Sean asked.

She didn’t give a reply with words. Her only sound was whimpered moan.

Only an idiot couldn’t sense the urgency here with her guy on the other side of the bathroom door. With hard-ons and little blood left to work the brain, it’s amazing though how 2 guys can rationalize a situation involving a hot sexy chic who’s enjoying what’s going on, boyfriend there or not.

“I tell you what,” Dave said, taking his mouth off her neck. “Let’s go check out the view from the window in the other room. Maybe there’s a nice breeze blowing in to cool off with.”

“Oh, a breeze, huh?” Holly replied.

With that, Dave put his arm around her waist and they walked into the bedroom to the back of the suite. And sure enough, there was a little breeze blowing in.

“Oh look,” Sean said chuckling. “A bed, too…”

Dave laughed, too. “Yeah, Christ. Imagine that.”

“Oh, and what good do you think a bed is going to do?” Holly asked through her growing drunkenness.

“Well hey,” Dave said, “you never know when you might need to just lay down & take a load off. Right, Sean?”

Dave pulled her back to him and resumed the mouth work on her neck. On cue, Sean took the position he had before as well. The sense of urgency was renewed now that they were in the back bedroom. They’d have more warning if Travis came out of the bathroom, but still…

Moving quickly, they both dropped their shorts just below their crotches. Since they were buttonless, zipperless shorts they knew they could be pulled up in a heartbeat.

Holly’s right hand had been up on Dave’s neck and her left hand was rubbing his cock through his shorts. When their shorts came down, Sean put her left hand on his cock; Dave took her right hand and put it on his.

“Guys…” Holly started. “I don’t know…”

“Oh, it’s not gonna kill anyone,” Sean said.

Immediately, she began stroking Sean’s cock. Through the sexual, drunken, rushed haze that was her mind at the moment, her impression was that he was hard. At first she thought she was also gripping perhaps part of his underwear or his shorts because the tip of her thumb was not meeting the tips of her other fingers as she gripped it. She regripped in an attempt to shake the underwear/shorts fabric loose out of the way. She still couldn’t reach her finger tips.

Then it dawned on her that she simply couldn’t get her fingers all the way around Sean’s cock. This startled her as she had never experienced something like that before. In her few attempts to regrip, she had essentially jerked his cock some. His length wasn’t anything awesome, maybe 6″ (“About like Travis,” she thought), but it was very thick. Nothing else dawned on her about that; just that he was thick.

In what was only about 2 seconds later, she took her right hand off Dave’s cock and reached down to Sean’s balls. She cupped his balls in her hand and gently rubbed them in the way an experienced woman knows how to grab a man’s balls. There’s a sexual way to do it. Not too hard; just right.

It turned her on that he was smoothly shaved. It let her feel his balls very nicely. That made her moan and whimper some more.

Sean resumed fingering her pussy while she jerked him and her hips were moving to his touch. He had worked his hand & wrist under her quite expertly and was able to rub her clit with his middle finger. That seemed to work very nicely with Holly. They both were turned on by how she gyrated her hips to his fingering.

Her eyes were closed and she was kind of swaying back & forth while she gyrated. She let out a “Mmmmmmmmm…” as she moved.

Sensing Dave was feeling left out she took her right hand off Sean and gripped Dave’s cock. Her head was thrown back some, swaying and gyrating, and she gripped his cock with her whole hand, palm facing in. She was not at all surprised when she couldn’t come close to touching her thumb tip to her fingertips. She jerked her hand up & down and it was then she noticed that he was not just thick.

Holly lowered her chin to look down at him. As she did so, Dave pushed her down at the shoulders to her knees.

“Nooooooo!” Holly whispered loudly. “Travis is going to come out. We can’t!!”

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” Dave whined. “Yes! Yes we can. Just for a second! I’ll watch!”

“No! He’s going to come out! This has to stop!”

“Wait,” Dave said quietly so as to not be heard. “If we move you over to the bed, he won’t be able to see in from the bathroom door but we’ll be able to hear the door! C’mon!!”

Without waiting for a response, they moved her over to the bed and sat her down. Both of them then positioned themselves in front of her. Dave to her right, Sean to her left.

They stood there in front of her, cocks hard and in front of her face.

Each took one of her hands – Sean her left, Dave her right – and put them on their cocks. She immediately but slowly jerked each one and looked up.

“Guys,” she said, “we can’t!”

“Oh, just come on!” Dave said and pulled her head to his cock.

“No!” Holly said more firmly. “You have to listen to me!”

“Just give me that mouth,” Dave said.

With that, he gripped his cock with his right hand and moved her head to the tip with his left hand. Sean moved her left hand to keep jerking him.

“I can’t do anything with this thing anyway,” she said. “It’s too big!”

“God!” Dave said, kind of laughing. “Just shut up and give me that mouth!”

About 10 minutes had elapsed. Travis decided to open the door and come on out. He opened the door slowly not knowing what he’d find, unable to hear anything because of the radio noise. He stepped around the corner and saw that no one was in the living room area. There was no light on in there but he could see some light coming from the back bedroom.

“Oh baby,” he thought. “Maybe I’ll get lucky…”

As quietly as possible, tip toed towards the back bedroom. The bed was not visible to him yet as he approached the door. The first thing he heard was “—give me that mouth!”

Immediately, he got hard. “Jackpot!” he thought to himself. He edged closer to the door opening until he could make out Dave and Sean standing. Holly was sitting on the bed with her back to the door. Lucky break.

Dave looked up with a look of panic on his face. Right away, Travis put up his hands in a, “Hey, it’s OK!” gesture. Sean saw this just then. Both Dave & Sean got the signal right away. Both were very relieved.

Now they knew the real fun could begin.

Travis moved a little further into the room and what he saw was Holly holding Dave’s cock in her hand straight up & down, Sean’s in her left hand. Dave had the back of her head in his left hand, the bottom of his cock in his right hand. Travis’ first thought, “Oh good lord! That’s a black man’s cock!” Then Dave pulled her head forward, she parted her lips, and took the head into her mouth.

Holly moved her right hand up to her lips wrapped around his cock and jerked it down a little bit. Travis could see her tongue stick out and lick the underside a little bit, wetting it. The cockhead seemed to fill her entire mouth. Then Holly’s cheeks puffed in & out. She was sucking the tip. Travis reached into his own shorts to jerk himself a little.

She dipped her head down and put her tongue at the base of Dave’s cock by his balls and licked upward to the tip. Sean then had had enough and reached across with his right hand and moved her head to his cock. She continued to jerk Dave’s wet cock with her right hand.

Holly gave a quick, hard suck to the tip of Sean’s cock and then tongued him from the bottom to the tip. “He’s thick,” she thought. “But not like Dave. Christ.”

As she jerked Dave she could feel the enormity of his cock. Gauging it in comparison with a cock she already knew size-wise, she guessed him to be 9″ at least. And there was still plenty of cock showing when she gripped it.

Dave felt like he could cum just from watching her jerk him and blow Sean. Her fingers had rings on every finger, including a thumb ring, which looked particularly sexy jerking a cock. He didn’t know why he thought that was so sexy, it just was.

She moved her head up & down on Sean’s cock at what was a feverish pace.

“Whoa,” Sean gasped. “Slow down. You don’t have to go so fast.”

She looked up at him with his cock still in her hot mouth to acknowledge what he said. He felt her swirl her tongue on the underside of his cock as she slowly bobbed her head across the length of it. She rubbed his balls in an oh-so sexy way with her left hand while she sucked his cock.

Dave needed that mouth. He gave her a little tap on the head and she looked up at him with her lips still wrapped sexily around Sean’s cock. He motioned with his cock that it was his turn.

Slowly she took her mouth off Sean’s dick and moved her head back in front of Dave’s huge cock. She kept stroking it, not sure what to do.

She was jerking it at about a 45° angle with his belly, running her sexy hand up & down the entire length of it. She left Sean’s cock very wet so his cock was sliding between the fingers of her left hand very nicely. Holly could feel it pulsating in her hand. It was nothing, however, compared to the one in her right hand.

Dave’s cock felt strong. Like it was alive. She gripped it more straight up & down and leaned her head forward and licked it again from the bottom to the top.

“Lick my balls,” Dave said.

Obligingly, she lowered her head and put her tongue to his balls in a sweeping motion. Dave tossed his head back.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” he gasped.

Expertly she took his right one into her mouth and rolled it around a little. She sucked it.

“Yeah, suck ’em!” Dave said eagerly.

She sucked it harder. She licked them both. She tried to take them both into her mouth at the same but couldn’t quite do it. She sucked the left one.

“God yesssss!” Dave let out.

She sucked it harder.

“Yeah, suck that thing, Holly!” he said.

She couldn’t believe how strong his cock and balls were.

“His cock is hard,” she thought to herself. “I’ve never felt a cock like this before.”

Holly then slid off the edge of the bed, stood up and reached under her skirt to take off her thong. Then she got down on her knees between them and resumed her grip on their cocks. She went back to Dave’s cock, licking his balls, licking the length of it. At the same time, they could see her left hand had left Sean’s cock and she was rubbing her pussy.

Seeing her do that almost pushed Sean over the edge. He wanted to get her on the bed up on all 4’s and nail her at that moment. But he was patient. He was content to watch her work on Dave’s big dick.

“Yeah, that’s right,” Dave said looking down at her, “work that mouth. Show me what you got.”

He also realized that, like them, she must be so worked up that she no longer cared about who might come out of the bathroom and catch them. That was a very good sign for Dave & Sean.

Then Dave asked, “So tell me, Holly, what do you think of that cock?”

She took her left hand away from her pussy and put it on his right hip. “It’s huge. Christ.”

“And what would you like to do with that huge cock?” Dave asked.

“What do you want me to do with it?” she asked looking up at him.

“Well, I’d like you to wrap your lips around it and swallow it.”

“Hah! That ain’t happening,” she said chuckling.

Moving his right hand to the back of her head and guiding to his cock, he said, “Well let’s see you give it a try anyway.”

She opened her lips and put the head of his cock in her mouth. Dave was tired of being patient and he thrust his hips forward a bit and gave her about four inches of his cock. Holly had her right hand around the base of it and her left hand went to his right thigh to sort of try to control his thrusting.

Dave was worked up enough that he wanted to just fuck her mouth with it and bury it in her throat. He also knew that he didn’t want her puking on his cock. For Dave, puke & sex didn’t mix and he didn’t want this night to come to a crashing halt. He knew he’d have to walk a fine line between what his cock wanted to do and what common sense told him was the best way to go.

“C’mon, take that cock,” he said hissing. “Show me what you’ve got. C’mon, bob that head back & forth on my cock.”

He kept doing little thrusts with hips making her take it. She was expertly rocking her head back & forth over his cock, still gripping the base of it with her right hand.

“Jerk it with your hand while you work your mouth,” Dave said. “Yeah, that’s right. Now try taking more.”

And with that, he pressed on the back of her head, making her take more it, but being mindful of not gagging her and making her puke. She pressed her left hand a little more firmly on his right thigh, trying to hold him back a little. She let in as much as she could, her lips wrapped firmly around his huge cock. Holly held it for a few seconds and then pulled off.

“Hey, let’s try something else,” Sean said.

He lifted her up from her knees so she was standing.

“Let’s check out this bod,” he said.

Both Sean and Dave knew that continuing another 30 seconds would have made them both cum. There were things they wanted to enjoy with this hot chic before then.

“How about we get this top off?” asked Dave. “Any problems with that?”

“Uh, no,” she responded.

Holly was very buzzed up. Any worry about Travis was no longer apparent.

Dave lifted her top up over her head, threw it on the floor and cupped her tits over her bra. Sean reached under skirt and slipped his right hand under her thong and went right to rubbing her clit. She moved her feet apart a bit to provide a little better access.

“Nice fucking tits,” Dave said as he leaned down to lick her neck. As he mauled her tits with his hands he moved his mouth down to her exposed cleavage and licked back & forth on both of her tits. She put both her hands on the back of his head, apparently afraid he might stop. Since it was front-clasp bra, he easily undid it and slid it off of her arms and tossed it next to her top on the floor.

“Look what we got here,” Sean said while he rubbed her pussy. “Very nice.”

Sean and Dave both leaned down to take her tits in their mouths. Sean the right one, Dave the left one. Dave circled her nipple with his tongue. Sean gave a few licks and then moved his mouth off. Having both of them there at the same time was a little crowded. For now, he was content to rub her wet pussy and watch Dave tongue her.

Dave went back & forth between her tits, tonguing, sucking, mauling them with his hands.

“That’s nice,” he said to her. “Love these tits.”

“Are your legs getting tired?” Sean asked. “How about we get this skirt off and you lie back on the bed, huh?”

With that, he easily got Holly’s skirt off and gave her a little nudge and back she went onto the bed. Sean climbed up onto the bed on his knees and knelt next to her head on her right side. He slid his still-hard cock length-wise over her mouth and she opened her mouth to tongue it as it slid along. He used his right hand to rub her tits.

Dave lowered himself between her legs. He saw how nicely shaved she was, legs and pussy. He ran his tongue from mid-thigh of her left leg up to her pussy and then over the lower part of her stomach. He circled around to her other side and ran his tongue down her right thigh to just above her knee. He put each hand on her inner thighs to part her legs ever so slightly more. Then he licked back up her right thigh to her pussy, lightly going over her pussy lips and her clit.

Sean watched as Holly let out a soft moan. Dave’s mouth was buried in her crotch, his tongue circling her clit with his moved up to spread her pussy lips, giving him better exposure to the clit. Holly moved her hands to her tits and squeezed them, looking down at Dave. This turned on Sean so much he just had to have those tits.

He moved down to her tits and tongued first her right one – circling his tongue around her nipple – and then the left one. He adjusted his position so he could more easily grip them in each of his hands while he tongued them. He was also mindful not to stick his ass in Dave’s face. There is a big difference between the view of her pussy and his ass and he didn’t want to spoil anyone’s fun.

Dave continued his fun with Holly’s pussy. Every once in a while running his tongue down her thighs and giving her a little nibble with his teeth and running his mouth up to her lower stomach area. Just to tease. Mostly though, he liked to use the tip of his tongue and apply it with some firmness on her clit, circling it. Then he’d suck it. Holly also responded when he’d lick the entire length of her pussy.

Meanwhile, Sean alternated licking and sucking hard on her tits. She had a nice rack and he loved to maul them. He liked to move his mouth up to her neck and nibble, just like Dave did to her thighs.

While running his tongue along the length of her pussy opening, Dave slid down to her ass and tongued her asshole opening lightly. He circled his tongue lightly around her asshole while his left thumb rubbed her clit. At that Holly raised her hips up off the bed just a bit and let out a very audible moan and she brought both hands to the back of Dave’s head.

Sensing that she was about to cum, Dave pulled off and moved up, still between her legs. “You ready to fuck now?” he asked. “What do you want?”

“Yes!” she replied. “Fuck me.”

Sean then moved more to the side, kneeling next to her head. He jerked his cock as he watched the next part of the show.

Dave took his raging hard cock and put the tip to her pussy with his right hand. He held her right thigh open a bit more. He slipped the tip of his big cock into her pussy quickly and then withdrew it. He teased her by rubbing the tip along her pussy opening.

“Tell me what you want,” he said looking at her. “C’mon, tell me what you want!”

“Give me that cock!” she hissed. “Fuck me!”

With that, Dave thrust forward, putting about half of his cock into her. He withdrew immediately and thrust back in to the same spot.

“You like that?” he asked. “Huh? You want this cock?”

“Yes, give it to me!”

Sean was so turned on he placed his cock up to her mouth and nudged her head to it. Holly opened her mouth and Sean slipped his cock into her mouth, just a couple inches. Her tongue swirled around the head as Dave thrust forward again, this time burying his cock to the hilt.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!” she moaned around the cock in her mouth. The vibration on his cock made Sean even harder.

Dave took her calves in each hand and held her legs higher and spread them a little further as he thrust his cock into her, burying the entire length into her unbelievably wet pussy. Knowing that he could cum at any minute, he pulled out.

“OK, Sean, your turn,” and moved to the side.

Sean moved off the bed and pulled Holly’s ass to the edge. He held her legs like Dave did and slipped his cock into her easily. He gave her some short, quick thrusts, loving how hot and wet she was. Then he buried it. He wasn’t as long as Dave but he was still pretty thick. Holly definitely knew she had a cock in her.

“Ohhhhhhhhh!” she cried out and grabbed her tits. “Yesssss!”

Dave got up on the bed and knelt over her so she could lick his balls.

“That’s it,” Dave said to her. “Lick those balls.”

She stuck out her tongue and licked across them both while Sean drove his cock into her. He was giving it all to her, hard and fast. Her body shook as she tongued Dave’s balls with her hot mouth.

“Man, I could cum right now,” Sean said.

“Let me go again then,” Dave replied, moving quickly back into position.

He got his cock back into her and Sean stood watching, jerking his cock.

“Good god, that pussy feels good,” Dave said. “Man oh man. Tell me how you want it. How do you want that cock?”

“Ohhh!” she cried out. “Fuck me hard. Give it to me!”

He put her legs up on his shoulders and leaned forward, pinning her legs back by her head. He rocked his cock into her hard, burying it. The slapping of his midsection against her was fast & furious.

“How do you like that?” he asked. “You like that?”

“Uhhh, huhhhh,” was all she could let out as she took his cock hard and fast. She moved her hands around to his ass, helping to pull him in as he thrust.

Sean stood by watching, amazed at the fucking this chic could take.

He unpinned her legs and let them fall to her side as he continued fucking her. Holly looked hotter than hell under him taking his cock and loving it.

After a couple more minutes he got off and motioned for Sean to take over again. He didn’t want to cum just yet.

Holly spread her legs for Sean as he rammed his cock back into her.

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Holly let out. “God, that feels good!”

Sean reached under her and gripped her ass in both hands, getting better leverage as he drove his cock in to her pussy. Her body moved hard with each thrust into her. He felt like he was getting harder and bigger with each thrust.

“OK, let me have some more,” Dave said, tapping Sean’s back.

Sean got off and Dave knelt back on the bed. “OK, get on top of me,” he said, getting onto his back.

She pulled herself up and straddled him, lowering her pussy down to his cock that he was holding straight up. Holly gripped the middle of his cock to steady it as the head disappeared into her pussy. Any thought Dave or Sean had of being too hard on her disappeared as she drove herself down onto Dave’s huge cock, taking it all into her pussy.

“Oh fuck,” Dave moaned. “Ride that cock!”

He reached up to grab her tits as she rode him, bouncing up & down hard, taking the whole cock into her pussy. Then she leaned backward a bit, continuing to hump her pussy up & down. Her tits hung perfectly like that and Dave & Sean loved it.

Dave pulled her forward so her head was by his and grabbed her ass, spreading her cheeks. He got Sean’s attention and kind of motioned to him with his head. Sean got the signal and climbed onto the bed behind her.

“Want to try 2 cocks, Holly?” Dave asked. “Huh? How about it?”

“OK, but you’ve got to go slow.”

Sean spit into his right hand and massaged some “lube” into her asshole. He slipped his lubed up middle finger into her slowly and guided it in & out a few times. She didn’t resist so he figured she was good to go. He took his cock head and positioned to her asshole. Then he pressed forward slipping the head in. Dave was continuing thrusting his cock into her pussy as Sean slowly slipped more into her tight ass.

She didn’t resist at all as Sean withdrew and went back in again, his thick cock buried about halfway in her nice ass. He started going in unison with Dave’s thrusts into her pussy, still only giving her about half.

“You like that?” Sean asked.

“Mmmm hmmmm,” she replied softly. Holly had taken a big cock in her ass before from a guy from Iowa once so it wasn’t like this was totally new. But still, a big cock in your ass is something you never get completely used to.

“Spread those ass cheeks for me,” Sean said. “C’mon.”

With no hands to support her, she had to rest her head on the bed next to Dave’s head as she put her hands on her ass cheeks.

“Now let’s do some fucking!” Sean said.

With that, he grabbed her at the hips and continued thrusting into her ass. He was giving her a little more with each thrust until he had it all the way in her. Dave & Sean worked their thrusts so that as one cock was going in, the other was pulling out. Once Sean made it all the way in, he picked up the pace a little bit, giving it to her a little harder. Both he & Dave were getting close to cumming.

Holly took her hands off her ass and raised herself up. She started rocking herself back onto them, really getting into it. She moaned and met their thrusts hard. Holly was close to cumming.

Travis, seeing this, finally made his entrance. He could take no more. He climbed up onto the bed and put his hard cock to her mouth and she took it. Moaning as she took it, he put his hands to the back of her head and began fucking her mouth. Adding a third guy to the mix didn’t appear to bother Holly at all. She took it like a champ.

After 30 seconds of Travis fucking her hot mouth, she managed to pull her mouth off his cock and said, “I’m cumming! Oh, don’t stop! Keep fucking me! Faster!”

Travis buried his cock back into her as she moaned on his cock. Sean and Dave were thrusting into her hard. Sean grabbing her at the hips, Dave with his hands on her ass.

Holly shook as she came, thrusting down hard once and letting Dave & Sean pound her. Hands on her head, hips and ass held her in place as her orgasm came hard. The 3 cocks kept pounding her.

When her body stopped shaking, Sean pulled out and rolled her onto her back next to Dave. He knelt between her legs as Dave got up and knelt to her right. Travis was up over her head. They jerked their cocks onto her and Sean shot his load first. It landed right between her tits and ran a stream down to her belly button. Having not cum for about 10 days, he had quite a load built up. Seeing Sean shoot a load onto her caused Dave’s dam to burst, too. He shot a load onto her tits and hands as she squeezed them together. Sean leaned forward more and shot another load onto her throat area. Dave shot another one, this time onto her right cheek and nose.

Travis could take no more. He jerked feverishly as his first shot hit her on the forehead and nose. Sean then stuck his cock into her pussy and tilted his head back as he finished cumming in her pussy. He unleashed his load into her for another minute as Dave jerked another load onto her face and tits, and then another. Travis, meanwhile, was aiming for her open mouth as he shot two more loads onto her.

As they finished, her hands & tits with several streams of jizz, her right cheek, nose and forehead with ample amounts of cum, and Sean’s cock buried in her pussy, they withdrew from the bed in disbelief at what they had just done…

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