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Born to be Three

Category: Gay Male, Group Sex
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Something changed in my life when I looked up and saw him. A beautiful young man in vest and jeans, sun shining and lighting his body as it hip-jerked with laughter. Tanned shiny muscles, soft but strong. Tight flat stomach, He knew he looked good. He pushed his body forward, he displayed his muscles, he turned easy and relaxed. His jeans were deliciously tight, bewitching. But I could see something else.
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Unexpected MFM 3-Some

Category: Group Sex
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The drive took about 2 hours but it was necessary to get far enough away so that they wouldn't run into anyone they knew. So Travis drove them to Racine. Just far enough. He'd heard about this bar, Ken's Place, from a friend who was from the area and had been there. It was a place where "young minded" people in their 30's & 40's went to have fun. Summer had finally arrived and it showed from the way the women dressed.
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Molly, Alyssa And Me

Category: Mature
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The snow storm was getting worse. It was about ten miles to the next town and I began to wonder if I would make it. The Ford F250 I am driving is four wheel drive, but even the big truck was having a hard time staying on the road. The snow storm was almost blizzard like and there were short periods of white out. These conditions made visibility minimal at best. I literally couldn't see much more than thirty feet in front of the truck. I had slowed to five mph trying to stay on the road.
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The Chance Cafe

Category: Gay Male
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What a neat idea, Ted thought. He'd been down Lexington a couple of times a week all semester from his room to his classes at the university and he hadn't even noticed the Chance Café, down on the lower level under a hippy New Age gear store.
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Category: Gay Male
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I watched as Dee slipped a short bright red dress over her head and pulled it down her body. She sat down next to me and pulled on her matching high heel shoes. She turned to me and lightly kissed me with her full lips. "I'm ready to go." she said and stood up.
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The Event Horizon of Insanity

Category: Group Sex
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"The roads look like they're getting bad fast. You might as well stay here for the night." It was a reasonable statement of reality. Factual, logical. Looking out their front room window at the raging winter storm the last thing I wanted was to go out into the middle of it. However, the second-to-the-last thing I wanted was to encroach on their privacy.
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New Neighbors Move In

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
First, let me start by laying down a little bit of my background. My name is Joe. I am 6’3”, 220 lbs, brown hair and blue eyes. I am married and consider myself straight. I have had a few homosexual experiences in the past, but they were with my best friend who is a long distance truck driver. My previous gay experiences were monogamous with my friend and are still completely secret.
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Fantasy Becomes Love

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had just made love to my best friend's wife. Okay, that was a bit of a strong statement. Technically, we didn't 'make love' and further, they weren't married. Yet. But I just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life and it was with her. She'd played out a fantasy of mine I'd had for a very long time. She was perfect in the role and when it was all said and done with, I'd sheathed myself in her body and lost myself completely.
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The Burlesque Dancer

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It was Valentines Day and my husband, James, had told me to arrange a babysitter for the evening as he had booked ticket to a show as a surprise. I was very excited at the thought of a romantic night out, just the two of us. We didn't get to spend as much time alone as we would both like as he worked long hours and I stayed at home to care for our three young children, so I decided I was going to make an extra special effort this evening.
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Coercing the College Kid

Category: Group Sex
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"Hon, would you get the door. That's probably Mark" Jenna, like usual, was running late. A pile of dresses lay on the bedroom floor, as she scrutinized the latest choice in the full-length mirror in the upstairs bathroom. Although the latest option was not as flattering as she'd hoped, she realized that it would have to suffice if they were going to make their dinner reservations, and she frantically began the process of applying make-up.
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