Elizabeth and I have been friends for more years than we care to remember. She is the one person I feel totally comfortable with, and who knows ALL my secrets. I have always known she is bi-sexual and admired the fact that she took the world by storm, while I was afraid to act on my desires.
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My friend Jeannie and I have a thing. We shop together, try on clothing, and fool around in the dressing room.
We have always liked it when people watch us kiss and touch under tables and such, but since we found one particular clothing store, we can't stop going there. It is a small shop that sells the sort of dresses we like, and the same saleswoman is always there. She watches us.
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Will paced back and forth in his dressing room as he recited the lines over and over to himself. Tomorrow was the first day of shooting; the first day he had to make a whole audience of people believe he was gay. It's not that he had anything against gays, or that he felt like he was above them, but he had a sort of disconnect, and wondered if this role was beyond his talents. He sat down at his table, in front of the mirror, and stared at his very blond hair. It was quite a different look for him, and he wasn't entirely sure it suited him.
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*Author's Note: Any and all persons engaging in any sexual activity are at least eighteen years of age.
Chapter 1
Richard Ignatius Pennington, Rip as he called himself, checked the card, and then checked the door number.
413; freshmen got the fourth floor of the dormitory. Sophomores got the third floor, juniors were on the second floor, and the seniors got the ground floor.
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