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The Interview

Category: BDMS
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This glossy, monthly magazine’s ratings must be falling, I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an article they were considering, entitled, ‘Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!” I had nothing planned for that day and it could turn out to be an amusing interlude, to say nothing of the exorbitant fee they were offering to pay for my services, so I agreed to the meeting.
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Category: BDMS
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The whip laid into Valerie's back with a vengeance. Blood flipped off the end of the whip to create a splatter pattern on he wall behind the creature wielding the instrument of torture. More blood streamed down the nearly dead woman's back from the open wounds on her back; more appearing each time the savage whip laid into her with a loud crack.
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Special Delivery

Category: BDMS
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Annabella was just arriving back to school after her winter break. She'd been home visiting family in Arizona. She loved her family, and it had been nice seeing everyone together. Moving away for college had been a very difficult transition for her. Bella, as her friends called her, was a good girl -- honest, caring and considerate. Now that she was on her own, she found it unnerving taking control of her own life.
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War of Words

Category: BDMS
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Malek pushed open the great oak doors to the main hall, as if they were made of paper, despite them being over twenty feet high and over five inches thick. Sofia glanced in the direction of the noise and saw him standing at the door. The blue moon cast a shadow of his silhouette, as the reverberations of the boom were sent to the very foundations of the mansion.
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Not the Script She Was Expecting

Category: BDMS
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Warning! This story includes very heavy BDSM, rough sex, anal fucking and other nasty stuff. As usual there is also a romance but it is secondary to the stroke. Another caveat: I don't write with a dictionary or a thesaurus at my side. I use words which are familiar to me---words I use in daily conversation. I am not writing stories for children. If you are the persistent anonymous poster who wishes I would use smaller words so that you can understand them, just give me a zero and move on without comment.
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Swedish War

Category: BDMS
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"Damn it all, why cancel tonight of all nights?" She slammed the phone back on its cradle. "Friday night, new shoes, shaved my legs and everything, and the bastard cancels last minute. Men!" Amy had been looking forward to going out, to alleviate the monotony, get away from the rut she had been in for so long. All of a sudden it was another Friday night just so many others...
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Your Precious Pet

Category: BDMS
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"That's my good girl," You praise me as you stroke my hair and pull it away from my neck and face. I am kneeling naked at your feet and you are fully clothed. You fasten the buckle on the collar you bought for me. The lining is soft, but the hard, strong intent to control me is inherent in the leather and silver buckled design. I look into your eyes with complete trust as you test the ring at the front of the collar, onto which you will fasten a leash.
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The Usherette

Category: BDMS
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Cruise Ship Cinema was an older style movie theater that had been converted to a multiplex as best as the architecture of the antiquated building would allow. There were eight theaters and an oversized entry lobby. The projection loft was on a second floor that ran above the lower ceiling hall that separated the theaters into two banks of four.
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Perversions in the Penthouse

Category: BDMS
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Carolyn couldn't sleep. Restless in her queen-sized bed, she glanced at the digital alarm clock. The numbers cast a faint green illumination in the still blackness. 2:37 a.m. Damn. She needed her sleep -- and her energy. But it was proving difficult. Tomorrow was the day. Now only hours away. The exhilaration coursed through her body again and her nipples began to harden.
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My Last Chance

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PART 1 I race to a halt and stand panting outside the office. My feet are killing me. These new high heels are not made for sprinting. Gulping a few nervous breaths, I smooth down my pink top and white mini. The door is ajar but I knock anyway then take a few steps back. I look down at my fluffy pink purse swinging back and forth across my thighs as if it's as anxious as I am to get this thing over with. The door jerks open and I watch two slightly scuffed, black shoes step towards me. I dare not look up.
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