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Free Hugs

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Celeste was always an affectionate woman from the time she was very young. In the time since she had a chance to settle down out of her wilder streaks, and after all that had happened to her in life, she had grown to be a bit lonesome. That changed in late 2006. Quite some eventful months ago, she found a website spotlighting a young visionary that was provoked to offer hugs, free of charge, to our very impersonal, busy as beavers society.
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Candy Afternoon

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"Ding," the doorbell rang, and Miranda stopped breathing for a moment. "Ding, ding," the doorbell rang, and she grabbed her glass, knocking it back before realizing it was empty. She grabbed the bottle, and it was empty, too. Getting up from the table, she swayed slightly and went to the kitchen sink, getting a glass from the cupboard and filling it from the tap. "Ding, ding," the doorbell called again as she drank quickly.
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Dull No More

Category: Fetish
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They weren't different than any other couple. They were together because they had fallen in love. But as so many relationships do, they do started to keep secrets. They weren't as honest and open with each other as they had been. And, as a result, they didn't know that they had a connection stronger than what they've already experience with each other.
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Oral Vixen Liberates

Category: Group Sex
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Another lifetime ago, I was blessed to be in a relationship with an enlightened sexual vixen that helped break me out of the confines of my structured traditional upbringing to explore new terrain in my sexuality. That, and she loved to suck my cock. Really, her oral fixation was what singularly unbound me from a number of sexual fears and associations I had, and helped me find new arenas of pleasure.
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Stacy Moves to College

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Well, today is the big day! Stacy thinks the moment she wakes up. She blinks her baby blues open to see the streaks of sunlight across her room. The walls are bare and all of her stuff is piled around the room in cardboard moving boxes. Today, Stacy moves out of her parent's house to begin college. She stretches and hops out of bed. The smell of her mother's breakfast is prominent throughout the house. Stacy heads downstairs.
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Danielle and Jessica

Category: Mature
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I'd been having this dream. I'm not even sure what it was about, but it had something to do with warm and wet. Then, I woke up with my cock in her sweet, soft mouth. I looked down, and saw this shiny mass of bed-tousled auburn hair and deep blue-green eyes, staring straight into mine. Full, soft lips were wrapped around my dick. I haven't yet figured out how someone can give you a blowjob, and smile at the same, but Danielle can do it. She lifted her head, and there was an audible "pop" when I came out of her mouth.
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Category: Gay Male
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I moaned softly as the dark-haired man ran his tongue over my nipple and then over it again, chills running down my spine at the feel of the hard, round metal stud rubbing on my nipple. I was thinking hard, although having a hard time organizing my thoughts—Steve was his name, I thought.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
He watched my chest heaving with each breath, breasts bobbing up and down in my tight black corset. I was dressed entirely in tight black leather, and the heady aroma of our juices, sweat and leather filled the air. I licked my lips as I stood before his bound and captive body, laughing devilishly to myself as I replayed tonight's events in my mind.
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Joy’s First Anal

Category: Anal Sex
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The weather in Kansas City was unusually warm for the Veteran's Day weekend. We had the opportunity to be casually dressed all day and the evening wasn't cooling down much so far. We went out to a romantic dinner that night in the County Club Plaza at a very quiet and very private place that we found. The food was wonderful and we hadn't eaten too much so that we were uncomfortable.
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Category: Incest
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"Alison, have you seen my light blue shirt? You know, the silky one that I wear for more formal occasions..?" My mum barely dragged her eyes away from the news on the TV. "I ironed it yesterday. It's hanging in the wardrobe next to your best suit." "And my dark-blue tie..?" "Where you hung it yourself after you wore it last time, inside the wardrobe door..."
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