
I had literally creamed myself almost nightly for Phil's body, but Phil was about as straight as they come—and getting all the female tail he could handle if all the talk around campus was true. We were both attending the university on athletic scholarships—Phil on a football and baseball scholarship and me on a wrestling scholarship, wrestling being a good way for me to get down and dirty with other hot, sweating, muscular dudes.
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Chapter 1 - Discovery
They had been friends for years. They lived a suburb apart, they had been on many glorious and memorable weekends away and enjoyed many fabulous dinner parties together. Close as they were with each other, none of them could ever have imagined that by summer's end, their close and loving friendship would bring them all the kind of sensual delight and sexual fulfilment they had each only dreamed.
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There wasn't an adult in the land that didn't know what her family did. There wasn't a tabloid editor on Fleet Street that hadn't paid out hard cash for sex tapes containing her or her family. They were notorious; famous almost. Salacious details of the exploits became Internet folklore, the stuff of legend.
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Me and my buddies were going through the usual Saturday night routine. The evening always begins with us sitting around getting drunk and watching sports. We then head out to the local club when we are buzzing. We started off with the usual: buying a drink and checking out the place, just chilling basically. Anyway the club started to heat up and I decided to hit the dance floor. I was out there for a while mixing it up with the ladies when this gorgeous girl approaches me, she introduces herself as Amanda and we started grindin'.
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Halloween was fast approaching and Amy could hardly wait. She and her husband Mark were hosting this year's company Halloween party. The last few parties had been great and she knew this one would be lots of fun. She worked with a great group of people, and adding in their spouses or partners there would be 24 people attending. The party was this coming Saturday night and Amy and her husband were almost done with the preparations.
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I grew up in a mid-size city, a middle class family and mostly sheltered from the big city life of Chicago just a few hours away. We didn't have rave parties and orgies, but we knew about them of course. I was the oldest by three years and always very protective of my baby sister. My family and I tried to keep the realities of inner city life away from her the best we could.
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I lay in my dad's arms, still woozy from what just happened -- physically and emotionally. My free right hand reached for his arm, and caressed the knots of muscle that roping from the shoulder to the elbow. It struck me then, that there was something about an older man in peak physical shape that I found desperately attractive. Of course, he owed this fact to his job as a conditioning coach -- but there it was all the same, this frame of capable limbs, narrow waist, and a big, brutish chest.
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The other Saturday, as I was getting dressed for my morning workout, standing by the dresser in nothing but cotton panties and sneakers, the doorbell rang causing me to I wonder who the hell it could be. My friends knew that I worked out every morning so they never even called, much less popped in for a visit. I figured it must be the Jehovah's Witnesses or somebody selling something. I decided I'd blow them off without even opening the door.
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About once a week, my wife and I meet at home for a lunch-hour rendezvous. This is what my life has come to; twenty years with Brenda, two kids in middle school, both of us working, and it seems the only time that we have enough energy for a decent fuck is over the lunch hour. How sad is that?
Like most men, I am good to go in the morning, but Brenda is usually sound asleep until the alarm goes off; by then it is too late.
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Two months later I walked out the prison a free man. I enjoyed the bus ride to my hometown. My mother was surprise when she saw me standing on her porch.
We sat and talked before the front door slammed open. My sister ran over almost knocking me down.
"You're ass better be home for good!" She yelled as she ran up the steps.
"Oh, my God!" The voice was my ex-girlfriend Gloria. "Why didn't you call me when you were on you way home?"
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