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With Mother’s Approval

Category: Gay Male
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Dinner was unusually quiet as I could tell my mother had something on her mind. After the table was cleared she told me she had heard something that really disturbed her. "Jimmy, I spoke with a woman today who lives in the complex and she told me.......oh god I almost can't say it. She told me you......have been seeing her husband and........" I hung my head as I knew what was coming.
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Homemade Pie

Category: Fetish
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Before I continue with my story I will introduce you to myself. My name is Alan and I am forty three years old. I have been married to Pam for twenty years now and we are both happy with each other. We have never had any children. This year Pam turned forty and still looks great. She has dark brown hair which she cuts short in a bob which curves in to the nape of her neck.
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Category: Anal Sex
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The July afternoon was hot and brilliant, the sun beating down from a cloudless sky as she stood in the doorway, looking out into her backyard. She was alone with her thoughts, which were now just so much kindling for the summer weather that always made her feel lusty. Holding a cold, sweating glass of lemonade, she was on her way out to sit in a lounge chair when he crossed her mind and she felt her legs get a little weak.
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The Interview

Category: BDMS
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This glossy, monthly magazine’s ratings must be falling, I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an article they were considering, entitled, ‘Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!” I had nothing planned for that day and it could turn out to be an amusing interlude, to say nothing of the exorbitant fee they were offering to pay for my services, so I agreed to the meeting.
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Summer Moon

Category: Gay Male
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"Forever shall the wolf in me desire the sheep in you" ~ from the song "Beauty and the Beast" by Nightwish * "Are you sure you want to spend your last summer before college out in the middle of nowhere?" Jamie sighed into the phone. "Yes, mom. I'm sure. I need to relax." "You call that relaxing? I'd be bored out of my skull."
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Punishment Date

Category: Fetish
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He glanced up from his computer when he heard the commotion just outside his open door; his eyes shifted to the clock and noted the time. "Fifteen minutes late," he mumbled to himself. He watched her sauntering in, reciting good morning greetings to her fellow coworkers, their faux smiles and un-cordial greetings in return, falling on deaf ears and blind eyes.
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All Tied Up

Category: Anal Sex
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The evening has been spent peacefully. A quiet dinner, lots of interesting conversation, a couple of drinks, relaxing, no interruptions. During the conversation I ask how you feel about being tied up. You just smile that beautiful smile you have, and give me the distinct impression that you might be agreeable, but you are going to make me work for it. I know that smile all too well, and I know it means the night could get very interesting.
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Category: BDMS
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The whip laid into Valerie's back with a vengeance. Blood flipped off the end of the whip to create a splatter pattern on he wall behind the creature wielding the instrument of torture. More blood streamed down the nearly dead woman's back from the open wounds on her back; more appearing each time the savage whip laid into her with a loud crack.
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Special Delivery

Category: BDMS
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Annabella was just arriving back to school after her winter break. She'd been home visiting family in Arizona. She loved her family, and it had been nice seeing everyone together. Moving away for college had been a very difficult transition for her. Bella, as her friends called her, was a good girl -- honest, caring and considerate. Now that she was on her own, she found it unnerving taking control of her own life.
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Fucking my Roommate’s Feet

Category: Fetish
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I was nineteen (about three years ago) when I had my first real life experience testing my foot fetish. I had been aware of my fetish since I was in middle school, always looking under the table at girl's feet. The older I got the stronger the fetish became. I had a couple girlfriends in high school but had never had the courage to tell them about my fetish.
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