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Category: Fetish
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She came every week like clockwork. She always came in on the same day, same time and used the same confessional with the same priest to absolve her of her sins. It was like torture to him. He would pray every week after she left and learned that praying before he knew she would come, that it would give him strength and the power to resist the impure thoughts. To resist...her.
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Blonde, Brunette & Horny!!!

Category: Lesbian Sex
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"They might as well call it Phi Sigma Sex! the way they're all supposed to carry on over there," Donna said to me as we walked past the imposing sorority house, its white wooden columns gleaming in the sun. Those words electrified me. If what Donna said was true, this was definitely the sorority for me!
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The Hot Dog

Category: Mature
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I named him Frank, as in Frankfurter, because he was a schnauzer, and as kids, we called them frankfurter dogs. It had been 2 weeks since I found him huddled out by the trash cans, shaking in the cold night air. I brought him into the garage, which was a lot warmer than the 15 degrees it was supposed to reach, held him in a towel to stop his shivers. I had a few cans left over from when my brother stopped by with his dog, Mangy, and Frank went at it greedily.
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Category: Gay Male
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Year: 2084 "There is still much talk over who will win the next General Election on the planet Zius." The EBC reporter announced. "The current Zius government feels they could lose to the Global League, who already control the planet Reid and IO. Should this be the case, then they could end up imposing a Feudal status on the planet as has happened on others.
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Quiet Lust

Category: Incest
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Soft feet padded down the hallway toward where I was lying in the rec room. I heard them pause at the door. I knew that she saw me. I knew she wanted to sit by me. "Chuck?" her soft voice drifted across the room. "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you?" "You can come in, but you have to be quiet."
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Your Precious Pet

Category: BDMS
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"That's my good girl," You praise me as you stroke my hair and pull it away from my neck and face. I am kneeling naked at your feet and you are fully clothed. You fasten the buckle on the collar you bought for me. The lining is soft, but the hard, strong intent to control me is inherent in the leather and silver buckled design. I look into your eyes with complete trust as you test the ring at the front of the collar, onto which you will fasten a leash.
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Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Mike's wife laughed the first time he brought it up. "You're kidding, right?" She looked at him incredulously. "No, I'm serious," he said. He was a little miffed that she was laughing as they lie in bed after having sex. It wasn't anything to do with what they'd just done but ... still. She was laughing at something that he really wanted and had finally gotten up the courage to mention.
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Canadian Janie

Category: Group Sex
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The summer before I was to start my second year as a Master's student at a prestigious coastal California university, I decided to participate in a 3-month fellowship through the University of British Columbia. The fellowship was a paid position where I would be trained in fish pathology, ultimately helping my academic career back in the States.
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Losing Control

Category: Lesbian Sex
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June Claymore stood in front of the stove, trying to force herself to concentrate. Just a few more minutes and then, finally, she would have her day all to herself, at least until 4:00 or so, when Dan came home from school. Right now, though, she was in the worst time crunch of the morning, hustling one kid off to middle school and the other one--her daughter Janie--off to high school. The mad dash happened every day and it never got any easier.
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Rajasthani Interlude

Category: Gay Male
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I had just turned 30, had left one job and was about to start working for a new company, but wanting a break from the routine of the daily grind, decided to take a road trip through the deserts of Rajasthan before starting the new job. The old Jeep was cleaned up and packed with all the necessary gear, spare parts and tools to keep it running, my tent, and of course provisions, as I was headed into a rather sparsely populated area where the villages and towns were few and far between.
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