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Blonde, Brunette & Horny!!!

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“They might as well call it Phi Sigma Sex! the way they’re all supposed to carry on over there,” Donna said to me as we walked past the imposing sorority house, its white wooden columns gleaming in the sun. Those words electrified me. If what Donna said was true, this was definitely the sorority for me!

Donna lived in the women’s freshman dorm down the hall from me and in the last couple of weeks, since the semester started, we had become pretty good friends.

“I’ve heard on very good authority they have orgies and stuff over there,” Donna said, seeing how I was perking up at this. Of course, this might’ve just been idle campus gossip, what she was saying. As a freshman I suppose Donna would be gullible to that kind of thing.

“Where’d you hear that?” I asked skeptically. “I’ll bet it isn’t true.”

“It is,” Donna insisted. “This girl in our dorm, Allison, know the one I mean? That little red-headed fox with all the freckles? Well, her older sister’s a member and Allison said her sister’s told her about everything that goes on there.”

“Like what?” I said, insanely curious to know. “Tell me!”

“Come, let’s find us a table,” Donna said.

The two of us were in a coffee bar and had just gotten two cups of coffee at the counter. Now we found ourselves a table out of earshot of everyone else.

“Okay, here’s what I heard…” she began, and for the next ten minutes I sat there, opposite her, with my jaw hanging as I listened to Donna regale me with all these outrageous stories about this sorority.

“… and I hear when they talk about greek over at Phi they don’t just mean sororities and fraternities. You know, the whole greek letter thing.”

Donna took a sip of coffee and leaned over.

“You are aware of the other meaning of greek, aren’t you?” she asked, looking around to see if anyone was listening.

“Sure, butt sex,” I told her. I knew all about that!

“Yeah, that’s supposed to be a specialty of the house over there,” she said. “Do you do that, Tracy? You know, do greek? I never asked you about that.”

“Yeah, I love the ole backdoor,,” I told her truthfully.

“Me too,” Donna now confessed to me. “I haven’t done it all that much, but what I’ve done, I sure have liked.”

“The more you do it, the more you get to like it. At least I found that to be true,” I said.

“You’re really something, Tracy,” she said, looking straight at me. “A sex freak, just like me.”

“Takes one to know one,” I said as we laughed, slapping palms.

“The other thing I heard about Phi Sigma Sex,” Donna continued, “was that the a lot of the sisters over there prefer pussy to cock, if you know what I mean.”

She gave me a meaningful look. Though we had come to know each fairly well, this was the first time we were frankly broaching the topic of girl-girl sex.

“Yeah, I know what you’re saying,” I said. “I can get behind that sentiment.”

I’d been wanting to tell Donna that for awhile too.

Now we both went silent for a moment, sharing something new.

“Me too,” Donna said, gazing at me with her liquid, green eyes.

We shared a deep and meaningful look as we let all this sink in.

“And I hear their initiation for new pledges over there is supposed to be really wild.” she said.

“Yeah, like what?” I asked, very curious.

“That I wasn’t able to find out. Allison asked her sister but she wouldn’t say. She told her it’s for members to know and pledges to find out, she said.”

“All I know is that talking to you about all this, Donna, has made my pussy wet,” I told her. And that was true; I felt moist and sticky between my thighs.

She cackled over that, and then leaned close again.

“I happen to know someone who’d just love to get into that wet pussy of yours,” she said with a wink.

Was she talking about herself, I wondered. Could she be that brazen?

“Who?” I asked.

“You know that chick who works in the pizzeria across the street from the dorm? The dark-haired skinny one with the big tits?” she asked.

“Yeah, the owner’s daughter, right?” I said.

I knew who she meant. Her name was Angie and she worked there all the time, it seemed. She was a slim Italian chick with real long hair and this hot look about her. The guys from the dorm were always checking her out. She had this sexy, natural blue-collar vibe that appealed to a lot of them.

“Yeah, her. Well she’s the one I’m talking about, the one who I happen to know is dying to get into your pussy.”

“What!? She’s straight,” I said, stunned. “There are always guys around her. Doesn’t she have a boyfriend or something?”

“No,” Donna said confidentally. “She’s a dyke. I know that for a fact.”

The smirk on Donna’s face told me that she probably knew that from personal experience.

“Tell me more,” I said.

And then Donna told me all about Angie.

“So one night I’m over there getting a slice just as the place is getting ready to close. Me and Angie are talking and she says she’s always been curious to see the inside of a girl’s dorm.”

Even though the dorm was right across the street from the pizza place, the town-gown line was pretty firm, and townies like Angie almost never mixed it up with us co-eds.

“So I tell her I’m going back to my room and ask her if she wants to come back with me and hang out,” Donna continued. “I mean, in my mind I’m thinking that just maybe she’s a part-time pussy hound, the way she’s talking about being curious about the girl’s dorm. And I happened to be feeling real horny that night.”

“Shit, this is gonna get exciting, I can tell,” I said, “Keep talking, Donna.”

“Anyway, we get back to my room. I know my roommate ain’t going to be there; she’s got this boyfriend and stays with him all the time. So we’re in my room and it takes all of about thirty seconds for this pizza slut to start licking her lips and eyeing my bod with that look that tells me exactly what she has in mind. Well, to make a long story short, off came all our clothes and we spend the night doing the nasty like you wouldn’t believe. Angie must’ve spent five hours with her face between my legs, really eating me up. She really has a craving for pussy, believe you me. So anyway, that was the first time. Since that night she’s been coming over once, sometimes twice a week to service little old me.”

“Goddamn, Donna, you’ve been keeping busy!” I said.

“And the thing about her is that she’s kind of kinky too,” Donna said, leaning close again, whispering.

“Kinky?” I asked, very curious now.

“Yeah, kinky. Like she begged me to spank her. I don’t know how she guessed I’d been fantasizing about spanking a nice female butt. Plus, she just loves dropping down to her knees and eating out my ass. You say you’re a greek fiend, Tracy. Well you’d love little Angie’s tongue down there. She’s really into butt games too. She freaks when I work a couple of stiff fingers up her ass and really twist them around in there.”

“What are you trying to do telling me all this, Donna?” I joked. “Getting me to have an orgasm right here, sitting next to you?”

“Why? Do you like it when a girl buries a couple of stiff ones up your butt?” she probed, winking sexily.

I couldn’t believe that we were suddenly talking to each other as openly, as lewdly this.

“Yeah, actually I do,”I happily confessed.

“Mmmh, I’ll have to remember that,” she said, looking into my eyes with another very meaningful gaze, taking yet another sip of coffee. “And check this out, last time the Angie came over she brought this huge strap-on dildo with her and had me use it on her. She got it at that sex shop downtown, know the one I mean?”

I sure did. I’d been down there to pick up a vibrator to use on myself during some of those lonely nights back at the dorm.

“Anyway, the last couple of times she came by, I fucked the shit out of her with that thing,” Donna continued. “You should’ve seen how she flipped over that.”

“You know, Donna, as if all that sorority stuff wasn’t enough, you’re really making me cream telling me all this,” I told her.

“That’s what I figured,” Donna said, that sexy smile never leaving her face. “And here’s what I’m getting to, this Angie chick confessed to me that she didn’t just have the hots for me, but for you too, Tracy. She says to me that every time you come to get a pizza she undresses you with her eyes and a couple of times she’s even beat off at night thinking about making it with you. She actually told me that. She’s got this fetish for college babes like us. I mean she’s this dark Italian chick, and so foxy blondes like you and me really push her button. You know how it is, opposites attract. Plus, she lives at home with her mom and dad, right above the pizza restaurant. So she really looks forward to getting away from all that and coming to my room. And get this, her mom loves that she’s hanging out with me. She figures maybe that way Angie’ll get into the college scene and decide to go to college herself. Shit, If her mom only knew that what Angie likes most about college chicks is their pussies!”

I wondered if Donna knew just how much this was getting me off. I think she did!

“So what do you say, Tracy? I know Angie’d love it if you joined us and we made it into a little threesome. You and me, we can team up, and really work her over, make her our little plaything, have her service us any old which way we want.”

“Damn, sounds good to me,” I enthused.

Donna looked at her watch.

“Say, the pizzeria closes in a couple of hours. Why don’t I see if Angie wants to come over after she gets off work tonight. When I tell her you’re going to be there I know she’ll drop whatever else she might have planned.”

“What the fuck are you waiting for, Donna, give her a call!” I urged.

Donna went to use the phone and I couldn’t wait for her to come back, hoping that she’d reach Angie and that Angie would be free to come over later. By now I was so fuckin’ horny I could barely stand it.

As Donna walked back from the pay phone to our table I tried to read the expression on her face to see whether she succeeded. There was a strange smile there and I wondered what that meant.

“Get this,” she said, sitting down. “Of course Angie loved the idea. But there’s just this one catch. She’s got a cousin visiting from Chicago, staying over with her. The chick’s married but she ain’t with her husband. So Angie tells me that she and this cousin — Teresa’s her name — have always been close and she’d told her all about the things me and Angie have been doing together. Shit, that was a little shocker! Then she tells me that her cousin, who’s supposed to be straight by the way, got all excited hearing the dirty details. So I’m asking Angie about maybe coming over and her cousin’s right there, listening. And when she hears what I’m proposing she asks Angie if she can tag along and just watch the three of us do our thing. Angie said her cousin’s been real curious about chicks making it and she’d really get off sitting back and watching a hot all-girl sex show. So when I heard that I figured it’d be pretty cool. What do you think, Tracy?”

“What you think I think! That sounds great to me, I don’t mind being watched doing it, I get off on it. I’ve always have had a bit of the exhibitionist streak in me. Let the bitch watch us put her cousin through the wringer.”

Donna laughed.

“You’re really something else, Tracy. That’s what I figured you’d say, so I told her to come over and to bring her cousin along.”

Then Donna leaned close once again with a lewd wink.

“Maybe we’ll even turn her cousin into a pussy fiend before the night is over.”

“Maybe we will,” I said, as Donna and I slapped palms again. “Maybe she won’t ever want to go back to her husband after we’re done with her.”

“You and me, I have a feeling we’re gonna make quite a team,” I said.

“I agree,” I told her. “Two hot and horny sluts ready to party!”

And the amazing thing was that, until now, Donna and I had never even talked about any of this kind of shit, let alone having made it with each other.

Donna looked at her watch again.

“We got a couple of hours to kill until they come over. What do you want to do?”

She looked me in the eye, a seductive gaze.

“How about we go back to your room and get to know each other a little better, know what I mean?”

“I know exactly what you mean, and I think that’s a great idea, Tracy,” Donna said. “I wouldn’t want pizza girl to get familiar with your pussy before I had a chance to check it out for myself.”

“I wouldn’t want that either,” I said, reaching under the table and sliding my hand up her thigh, right to her crotch, and giving that warm ‘V’ a little squeeze.

Donna smiled, looking around us, pretending to be shocked.

“What will people think?”

“They’ll think we’re two horny sluts…”

“… which we are!” Donna hissed.

“Let’s go to your place, let’s go right now,” I whispered sexily.

“Okay, but first I need to take a leak real bad,” she said. While all I had was a little espresso, Donna had consumed a double cappuccino, so I could understand her need to relieve herself.

We walked over to the ladies room and Donna opened it to see it was one of those one-at-a-time jobs that you lock from the inside.

“I’ll just be a second,” she said, then hesitated. “Say, come in with me, why don’t you?”

“Sure,” I said, eager for any kind of intimacy.

She bolted the door, then pulled down her jeans and panties and planted her pretty bottom on the toilet seat. Naturally I stared right down there, at her silky bush.

“Gosh, I really have to go,” she said just as she released a torrent. I looked down at the golden stream leaving her pussy, listening to the sound of her urine splashing against the porcelain of the bowl. All Donna was doing was pissing, but now this most ordinary of acts took on a sexual charge for me as I watched her relieve herself. And she stared right at me as she peed, obviously enjoying the fact that she was doing it right in front of me.

“We are going to have ourselves some serious fun tonight,” she said as she finished up. Then she turned to see there was no toilet paper left. But there was a stack of rolls on a counter a little out of her reach.

“Will you get me one of those rolls?” she asked.

I grabbed a roll and pulled off the wrapper. I was going to hand her the roll, but suddenly I had a better idea. So instead I tore off a length, clumped it up, and knelt down to reach between her legs.

“Let me,” I said, wiping her pussy, drying her off.

“Oh, you’re so sweet, Tracy,” she said, giggling.

“Now let’s take you home so I can wipe you with my tongue,” I said as she zipped up.

We walked the few blocks back to our dorm all charged up, glancing at each other and smiling, knowing that hot, kinky times were definitely in store for us tonight!

Once we were behind the closed door of Donna’s dorm room, there was no stopping us.

“Come here,” I whispered, holding open my arms as Donna fell against me, pressing her body against mine, our lips meeting in a torrid, passionate kiss. Our tongues entwined, our breath hot. I reached around to grab hold of Donna’s firm butt, as she held on to mine, both of us pushing, grinding our pubic mounds against each other.

Then we just fell back on Donna’s bed, still kissing, hands groping, feeling all over. Soon my hand slid up her thigh, between her legs, cupping her, feeling her warmth under the rough denim of her jeans.

“God, you really are wet!” she said, feeling me now. “I can even feel how damp you are through your jeans.”

“I told you I was a wet one,” I purred, kissing her, running a hand under her sweater to feel her warm, firm breasts.

“I’ve got to get these off you right now!” she panted, pulling back to take off my jeans.

“Oh my God! You even got a little wet spot down there,” she marveled, staring between my legs. “You actually soaked right through your jeans.”

I looked down there to see that Donna was right.

“What’d I tell you? I don’t just get wet down there when I’m turned on, I get soaked,” I said, spreading my legs wide, proudly showing off the visible sign of my deep arousal.

“I have to see what’s under there,” she insisted, pulling down my zipper and tearing off my jeans, and my panties along with them.

“Oh fuck!” she gasped, staring at my exposed pussy. “You’re absolutely drenched down there.”

“I’m drenched for you, Donna,” I whispered, taking off my sweater and getting nice and naked. Donna took the opportunity to take off her own clothes too. Of course we had seen each other naked in the college gym locker rooms after working out and lifting weights together. That’s how we met, in the gym. Both of us were athletic and liked to work out and stay in shape.

But now we stared at each other’s toned, shapely bodies with a frank, carnal hunger. Then we fell against each other again, panting with raw, unbridled desire, kissing wildly, sliding hands between each others’ legs, feeling for ground zero — pussy!

Donna may not have been as soaked as I was down there, but she sure was all moist and creamy with arousal, though not quite the humid, tropical jungle that I was.

But I knew my own pussy was something else; it was positively swampy.

“Damn! It’s like a river down here!” she said, running her hand all over my vulva before sliding a couple of fingers up inside me. I was so wet her fingers made a ‘squishy’ sound as they probed me.

“Oh shit! I can’t wait to drink some of that,” she said, and we laughed, realizing how with my pussy being in its present state, drinking it as well as eating it was the thing to do.

“All in good time,” I said, pushing her hand away from between my legs. “But first let me. I’ve been dying to get at your goods for so long, Donna.”

I dragged my tongue down her neck and all over both her breasts, before taking her stiffened nipples between my lips and sucking each one in turn.

“Go on, Tracy, suck my nipples!” she urged, pawing mine as I devoured hers.

And as I chewed on those sensitive nipples I dropped my hand between her legs, running my fingertips over every nook and cranny of her lusciously warm pussy, before finding the clit and gently rubbing it between my fingers.

“Yeah, my clit, rub my clit!” she begged as I fondled the stiff little pleasure pea. Her body trembled against mine as I caressed her like this.

Now I moved my mouth from her breasts and dragged my lips down to her stomach, kissing and licking her smooth skin, and then further still until they were brushing over the thick curls of her pubic patch.

“Do it!” she begged as I brought my face lower. She spread her legs wide apart and sighed, trying to press her pussy against my lips as I began to probe the fragrant heart of her femininity. I kissed her thighs and pressed my lips against her curly pubic hair. She pushed her pussy up against my mouth, but I felt like teasing her first, holding off from her pussy, at least for right now. So instead I reached underneath to spread apart her smooth buns, revealing her pretty bud of an asshole.

Now she pushed up, trying to shove her anus against my mouth. This time I met her effort with my tongue, digging it into her crack, licking the anal flower.

“You love that, don’t you, Tracy? You love ass!” she hissed as I dug my tongue in there, exploring her anal crevice.

“Soon I’ll be feeding you mine,” I purred, pulling my mouth away a moment.

“I can’t wait!” she groaned.

Now I pulled back, spreading her firm, perfect buttocks wide apart. God, her creased, little butthole was so pretty! Especially right now, slick with my saliva!

“Oooh whee! You really know how to lick it!” she howled, holding my head firmly in place.

Since she seemed to be enjoying it so much, I took my time, making sure I thoroughly bathed her asshole with my tongue, even forcing the tip up inside the way I like to do it, digging it in there.

Finally I pulled away.

“Come here!” she begged, urging me to come up to her face, kissing me passionately, wanting to savor the tongue that had just probed her ass.

I darted out my tongue like a viper in heat.

“That is so fuckin’ hot!” she hissed. “Having your tongue in my mouth after you’ve kissed and licked my asshole.”

“You are a kinky one, aren’t you, Donna?”

“Not half as kinky as you, I’m sure,” she answered.

Now, finally, I brought my mouth down to her pussy. I spread her lips and gazed at it. She had such a beautiful pussy, nesting in a lush, honey blonde bush. Her labia were really well-defined, her clit very pronounced, and believe me, I’m a bit of an expert on the subject of female genitals. I licked every corner of her pussy, finally encircling her little swelling of a clit with my lips and sucking on it while I slid a pinky up her asshole, moistened with my spit.

Soon she began to shake and pant and moan, and then to shriek and howl as I worked her pussy over with my lips and tongue. God, I just love eating pussy! Especially a sweet, tender one like this, desperately ready for an expert tongue-bath!

Her breaths came faster and faster and then her whole body started trembling and I knew she was very close. She held on to the back of my head, pressing me firmly against her and I sensed she was about to cum. Suddenly she exploded in a wild orgasm that tore through her body, gasping for breath as the seizures convulsed her, then howling with pleasure, letting out all her untamed, animal feelings.

“Oh shit,” she finally said, getting her breath back. “You sure know how to take a girl to paradise.”

“Glad I could be of service,” I said.

She eyeballed my body with frankly lusty eyes.

“Now I get to do you, Tracy,” she said, pushing me down on the bed as I spread my legs wide for her.

“No, first something else, turn over,” she said, as I rolled over on my stomach. “I know what you really want, what you need right now.”

I needed her tongue in my asshole, that’s what I needed. And Donna knew it!

“You’ve got the cutest butt, Tracy,” she said, admiring it, softly running her fingers over the smooth, taut skin. And I must admit that I have always prided myself on what I know is a very alluring rear end.

Then, suddenly, I felt a stinging sensation as Donna brought the flat of her hand down firmly and spanked me.

“Geez!” I hissed in surprise. “You pick that up from doing Angie?”

“I’ve always dreamt about spanking other girls. Is it cool if I do it to you a little?” she asked, a bit uncertain about whether she should continue.

I relished laying helplessly on my stomach, knowing that pretty soon me and Donna would be teaming up to work over Angie’s butt. So I thought now I’d let Donna work over mine a little.

“Yeah, it’s cool, Donna,” I said, turning my head to look at her. “Go ahead and spank my tush.”

She gave me a light spanking; we’d be saving the serious shit for Angie later.

Then she brought her face down and kissed every inch of my butt, working her way towards the crack. As softly as possible she ran her tongue down the crack between my cheeks, teasing me as I had teased her.

“Tongue it!” I pleaded. “Tongue it the way I tongued yours.”

She spread apart my cheeks, and I could sense that she was just gazing at my hole.

“Cute butt… and cute butthole,” she purred.

Now she brought her mouth down and really began to devour my ass, savoring it with each stroke of her greedy, skillful tongue, stabbing my little hole with it the way I had stabbed hers.

Finally, she pulled away from my anus and I could hear her licking her finger.

“Now here’s something else for you,” she said. “Something I know you’re going to like.”

I thought back how I had confessed to her at the coffee bar that I loved having a a chick shove her fingers up my butt. And so now she slowly slid a finger up my ass, working it well into my ass.

“How about another one?” I said, giving her the okay to probe further as she added to the welcome pressure by jamming a second finger right up my ass.

God, I craved having Donna digging her fingers into my ass like this. By now my pussy was even more soaked than before, if that was possible. And Donna must’ve known it. Because she pulled out her fingers and turned me over on my back, as I eagerly flung open my legs for her.

“Look at you,” she said, gazing at it finally, “It’s so fuckin’ wet I could swim in it!”

“Well go ahead and swim,” I said, pushing her face in there, feeling her tongue reach out to lap it up. “I should’ve offered to you before now.”

“You should’ve,” Donna said, pulling her mouth away a moment, looking up at me, her eyes blazing with cunnilingual lust. And then she went back to work.

I just closed my eyes and took it all in, fantasizing about what was going to be happening real soon now, when Angie and her cousin came over. Then thinking about what Donna had hinted went on at the sorority we’d both be pledging. And reminiscing about the few other chicks who had gone down on me, and comparing their techniques to Donna’s.

Now I felt her slide a finger into my ass while she kept giving me the most sublime pleasure imaginable with her skilled and agile tongue. That extra bit of anal stimulation must’ve done it, because about two and half seconds later, I literally exploded in a shattering orgasm that took my breath away.

“Wow!” was all Donna could say when she finally pulled her mouth away from me.

“Gee, you really got me off,” I told her, as though she didn’t know.

She stared down into my dampness.

“You’re even wetter than you were before,” she said.

“It’s your mouth that did it,” I told her as she came up to me, smiling tenderly, wrapping her arms around me as we kissed, the scent of my pussy on her lips, the aroma of her pussy on mine.

“They’ll be here any minute,” Donna said, looking over at the clock. “Should we greet them like this, all naked already?”

“Nah, let’s get dressed again,” I suggested. “We don’t want them to think we’ve taken care of business and that they’re just an afterthought.”

“Oh, they won’t be thinking that, I guarantee it,” Donna said, obviously knowing Angie much better than I did. “But you’re right. We should get dressed and start afresh.”

And so we got dressed and cleaned up the bed. What we couldn’t get rid of, and didn’t want to, was the faintly sweet scent of pussy in the room. We knew what an aphrodisiac that would be for Angie.

And maybe for her married cousin too.

Rather than satiating us, our torrid coupling only made me and Donna eager for more, much more. So we waited for the arrival of our visitors with keen anticipation, idly laying on Donna’s bed, making out, caressing one another.

Then there was a knock on the door. A few minutes earlier, as Donna and I were getting dressed, I couldn’t stop thinking about what the two of us would soon be doing to Angie. I’ve always fantasized about sex, playing out steamy, sometimes rather depraved scenes in my mind. Maybe that’s why my pussy always seems like it’s wet. I really have that ability to turn myself on to the burning point just by coming up with images in my mind. And that’s what I had been doing as I was laying next to Donna, kissing her and playing with her stiff, excited nipples. So now I knew that my pussy was literally drenched again as the two brunettes walked through the door.

“How ya doin’?” Angie said to me as she walked in and quickly gave me the once-over. Every time I went down to the pizza joint, and Angie served me, I’d look her over and say to myself that she was one sexy, hot-looking female. And tonight she looked especially appealing.

“This is my cousin Teresa.”

Teresa looked a lot like Angie, you could see the family resemblance right away, another slim, Italian-American fox with long, raven hair and big breasts. Somehow I expected Teresa to be older, maybe because Donna had mentioned she was married. But she looked around the same age as Angie, maybe twenty, twenty-one, just a year or so older than me and Donna.

They both wore sweaters that clung spectacularly to their big busts, and down below, tight jeans that showed off their sleek, toned thighs and firm butts.

The freshman dorm rooms were real small, with two beds for the two roommates and hardly any space. So with four excited females in here we were packed in pretty tight. And that’s even before we were flinging open our legs and falling back all over the beds.

“So you’re going to watch the show, huh?” Donna asked Teresa.

“Yeah, if it’s cool with you two.”

“Hey, you wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t cool,” I said.

Donna looked at me, a smirk on her lips, then over at the cousins.

“Me and Tracy, we were talking before, about all sorts of sex things,” Donna explained. “And Tracy tells me how our sex talk got her pussy all hot and wet. So I tell her I happen to know someone — besides myself of course — who I knew would appreciate that wet pussy of hers.”

“I guess she was talkin’ about you, huh Angie?” Teresa said to her cousin, poking her in the ribs.

“Does the thought of my wet pussy turn you on, Angie?” I asked boldly.

“Shit, yeah!” she hissed. “I couldn’t fuckin’ wait to come over here with my cousin.”

Donna eyed me and Angie, keenly listening to all this, loving the fact that she had made it happen.

“Check it out then,” I said, dropping down to Donna’s bed and spreading my legs. Before, Donna had pointed out to me how I had soaked right through my jeans. And so just before these two walked through the door I had glanced down there again and saw that the wet spot was still clearly visible through the denim. Now I thought I’d show it off to the two visitors.

“Holy fuck!” Teresa gasped, the tone of her voice blue-collar rough, “she creamed right through her pants!”

Angie said nothing, her eyes riveted on the crotch of my jeans as if she were in a trance.

“Show it off, Tracy! Show it off raw,” Donna urged ” ‘Cause I happen to know a slut who wants to see it real bad.”

She winked at Angie, who stood frozen in place.

“I hope she wants to do more than just see it,” I purred.

“Uh huh, a lot more,” Angie said, her gaze drifting from between my legs up to my eyes as we looked each other over.

“Take a look, then,” I said, unzipping my jeans and pulling them off. I was wearing pale blue panties and the crotch of those panties was soaked, even my thighs were a little damp.

“Shit, you’re so drenched down there, Tracy, you almost look like you pissed in your panties,” Donna said as though she had just laid her eyes on it. Little did the two of them know that a little while ago Donna had been greedily lapping up that nectar.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet,” I said, the tone of my voice rough and direct, now taking off my panties and showing off my pussy, raw and wet!

“Oh my God!” Teresa gasped. She may have been straight, but she sure looked like she was getting off staring at my damp cunt.

Angie, though, was again mesmerized into silence.

“Hungry?” I asked Angie.

“Starving!” she gasped, as she dropped to her knees between my open legs.

“Dig in and enjoy then,” I said, pulling her face between my legs and feeding it to her. She was ravenous, her eager tongue greedily reaching for it.

“Uh huh, lick it,” I said, as Angie dug her tongue in there, lapping it up. Others had worked their tongues into my pussy and I couldn’t help comparing Angie with them as she displayed her cunnilingual style for me. She sure knew what she was doing; I had a feeling Angie had eaten a lot of pussy in her time.

“She give good head?” her cousin asked.

“So far, so good,” I said, as I fed it to her, Donna and Teresa watching. Of course Donna had brought me to an intense orgasm a little while ago, so I was in no hurry to get off. I was going to savor Angie’s mouth, letting her make a nice, slow meal out of me.

While she gave me some sweet oral attention, I pulled off my T-shirt and showed off my perfect tits, each topped with a big nipple.

“Why don’t you suck on these now, slut,” I said to Angie, who nearly swooned when she heard me call her a slut. But I sensed from Donna to address her like that would only arouse her. A second later her hands were all over my tits as her lips went back and forth ravenously from one nipple to the other. Donna, meanwhile, had slapped a hand between Angie’s legs and was feeling her up from behind.

And across the room, sitting on the other bed, there was Teresa, staring straight ahead at the torrid sight of her cousin mixing it up with two foxy and very eager blonde co-eds. I saw that Teresa had dropped her hand between her legs, though she probably wasn’t even aware of it. So I thought I’d point it out.

“Look at Teresa, I think she’s grooving on the performance over here,” I said, as all three of us stared back at her. She blushed, suddenly realizing that she was pressing a hand against her crotch. Now she moved it away.

“Hey, Terry, you can leave it there,” Angie told her cousin. “Leave it there and relieve the itch.”

Teresa did just that as Angie brought her mouth back down to my pussy. Did her tongue ever feel good now, snaking its way up into my wet vagina!

Now, as Angie gobbled me up, Donna took off Angie’s clothes for her. First, the tight sweater, revealing those oversized tits, especially massive in contrast to her slight frame. Then she took off her sneakers, and tore off her jeans and panties, leaving her stark naked.

Having stripped Angie, now Donna quickly tore off her own clothes.

Then Donna got behind Angie and brought her hand down sharply on the taut skin of Angie’s buttocks, exposed for her.

“Oooh!” Angie winced, pulling her face away from my pussy as she felt the delicious sting brought on by Donna’s hand coming down nice and hard. I couldn’t wait until I’d get my turn at Angie’s perky taut cheeks. Her buttocks were as trim and tight as her tits were big and soft and voluptuous. This pizza girl was definitely top heavy. And now I reached down for those tits as she kept licking me, squeezing them and pinching the dark, pointy nipples.

“Yeah, spank her!” Teresa urged as she watched Donna’s onslaught.

“You like watching me spank your cousin’s butt, huh?” Donna said, turning to Teresa. “Maybe you’d like to spank her yourself a bit?”

“Yeah, Terry,” Angie said, suddenly turning back to her cousin. “Why dontcha spank my butt?”

“Nah, I’m a married woman,” Teresa said, begging off. “I’ll just watch if it’s okay with you guys. Besides, Angie, you’re my cousin. Spankin’ you would be like incest, or somethin’.”

“At least take your clothes off and stay awhile,” I coaxed Teresa. “Look at the

three of us. We’re as naked as the day we were born. And you’re still all dressed.”

“Yeah, show us that hot body!” Donna insisted.

“C’mon, cuz, take it off!” Angie now urged, adding to the chorus. “You were naked with me before when we were gettin’ dressed to come here.”

Teresa hesitated a long moment, thinking it over.

“Okay, you guys convinced me,” Teresa said, suddenly pulling her sweater over her head. Like Angie, she wasn’t wearing a bra. And now showed off a pair of tits every bit as impressive as her cousin’s.

“Big ones run in the family, huh?” Donna said as Teresa now took off the rest of her clothes, showing off a body that seemed almost a carbon copy of her cousin’s, except that rather than the thick, black shag Angie had between her legs, Teresa’s pussy was completely shaved.

“You dykes all satisfied now?” Teresa asked with a sexy laugh, spreading her legs and showing it off to us, getting into the swing of things very quickly. She may have been straight and claiming to just want to watch, but she sure seemed to be getting into the spirit of things real fast.

“Shit, she’s all shaved!” Donna said.

“Yeah, a couple of weeks ago my husband told me he wanted to see what my pussy looked like all shaved, so I did him the favor.”

“Looks sexy,” Donna said, eyeing the exposed slit.

“He sure thinks so, he’s been fucking me about twice a day since I did it.”

Finally Donna stopped spanking Angie and I thought now was the time to do something else.

“Keep spanking her,” I told Donna, who had slacked off as she turned to stare at Teresa’s shaven pussy. And now as Donna eagerly resumed bringing her hand down on Angie’s vulnerable cheeks, I pushed Angie away from my pussy and lifted my foot to her face. Earlier in the year, at a club I visited, I had enjoyed having a couple of slavish dykes orally tend to my feet, and I somehow guessed Angie could get into something like that.

“Lick these now,” I said, offering my pretty foot, the toes topped with glossy, brilliantly red polish I had applied just that afternoon.

Angie began to lick every inch of my foot.

“Now suck the toes,” I said, feeding them to her one by one, as Donna spanked her harder than ever.

Teresa, awed into stunned silence, stared at her cousin devouring my feet.

“Now do Donna,” I said, pushing Angie’s face away from my feet and getting up off the bed as Donna quickly replaced me down on her back on the mattress, spreading her legs wide apart. I stared at Donna’s pretty, perfectly etched little pussy, nesting in a bed of strawberry blonde curls, a pussy I had tasted for the first time only an hour ago.

Angie’s face was all wet from having just delved into me and now she was ready to dig into Donna.

“Do my feet first, like you did Tracy’s,” Donna said, arrogantly thrusting a foot in Angie’s face, a foot which Angie now devoured with relish.

“Good, now lick my cunt!” Donna demanded of Angie, pulling her toes away from Angie’s mouth.

Without missing a beat Angie dug right in to feast on Donna now, really burying her face between her open legs, munching away.

I turned to Teresa.

“Your cousin sure seems to like the taste of pussy,” I said.

“That’s what she’s always telling me,” Teresa said, her eyes straight ahead, watching, as she idly strummed her own pussy.

“Don’t you ever have a hankering to try some yourself?” I asked Teresa, watching her finger herself.

“Yeah, what chick doesn’t? But I’m straight and I’m married and shit, you know what I’m sayin’?”

“No,” I said, teasing her. “If you can sit here, naked like that, watching us and playing with your pussy, you ought to be able to check it out for yourself too.”

She looked at me and said nothing, a strange, new look on her face.

Now I turned back to Angie and stared down at the smooth skin of her buttocks, still a little pink from Donna’s spanking. I thought it was time to bring a little color back to those buns.

“Ouch!” Angie yelped as I brought the flat of my hand down on her buttocks.

“Uh huh! That’s it! Spank her!” Teresa enthused. Obviously she really got off seeing her cousin get spanked like this.

“Beat my fuckin’ butt, beat it!” Angie begged, pulling away from Donna’s pussy to turn back and look at me with slavish eyes.

“Damn, cuz, you’re a nasty little cunt!” Teresa said in amazement.

“If you think she’s so nasty why don’t you spank her yourself now?” I asked Teresa, thinking back to how Angie herself had urged her cousin to help spank her earlier.

Teresa still hesitated.

“Oh, come on, it’s not like eating her pussy, come over here and spank her,” I insisted, letting Teresa get a nice eyeful of Angie’s pink ass cheeks.

“Shit, why not!” Teresa said, suddenly standing up and joining me behind her cousin.

I moved aside and let Teresa take over now. And she sure took over with a relish, really coming down on her cousin’s butt with sharp downstrokes of her open palm.

“Uh huh, Terry! Do it to me, spank my butt!” Angie said, pulling away from Donna and turning back to look at her cousin.

Rather than let Angie return to her pussy, Donna now pushed Angie on the floor to her knees, as she stood up from the bed, signaling that I join her.

“Let’s feed her something else now, something she really loves,” Donna said, winking at me. I knew exactly what Donna meant as the two of us now stood up, turning our behinds to Angie. We both bent over at the waist and each reached back to spread apart our cheeks

“Oh shit!” Angie groaned, seeing what was being presented to her. Obviously she had become very familiar with Donna’s rear quarters, but now she was being offered two butts, not one. Then, immediately, I felt Angie’s warm, wet tongue burrowing into my crack, lapping away at my asshole with the same enthusiasm she had shown dining on my pussy and my tits and my toes.

“That’s it, lick my fuckin’ ass!” I hissed.

“Goddamn, Angie, you’re lickin’ her butthole!” Teresa cackled, obviously a little stunned by the sight.

“Yeah, and now I’m gonna lick this one too,” Angie said, shuffling over on her knees behind Donna, and digging her tongue deep into her crack now.

“How about you, Teresa? You like having a wet tongue buried in your butt?” I asked, turning to Angie’s cousin.

“Shit, I love it, or at least loved it in the past. But my husband won’t do it. He don’t even like to go down on my pussy. Though the selfish bastard sure can’t get enough of having my lips wrapped around his gnarly cock, and he craves it when I bury my tongue back there, in his ugly, hairy crack.”

I happened to know a nice hairless crack I’d be only too happy to feed to Teresa later on! But right now I was thinking about something else.

“Well if that’s the case,” I said, still looking over at her as Angie kept slurping away at Donna’s bottom. “Why don’t you come up and here with me and Donna and have Angie give yours a nice licking too?”

“Yeah, Terry,” Angie said, perking up at hearing this. “You just spanked my butt, now let me lick yours.”

“You sluts are really too much!” Teresa said, sitting up on the edge of the other bed. “First you got me playing with myself, then you make me take my clothes off and show it off. And if that ain’t enough, you get me to spank my cousin. And now you’re telling me I should let her eat out my ass?”

“Well, you sure don’t seem to be objecting to any of it,” Angie said to her cousin. “So come on over here and bend over next to these two, let me taste that butthole of yours, cuz.”

“Oh, what the fuck, why not!” she said, getting up and standing right next to me, reaching back to hold herself open as she bent over now.

Donna and me turned our heads to look down as Angie buried her face between her cousin’s ass cheeks, devouring hers as she had just devoured mine and Donna’s.

“She sure likes Greek cuisine, huh?” Donna said.

“Greek is tasty,” I said, casting my vote for a favorite sexual cuisine.

Teresa looked so damned hot standing like this next to us, reaching back to spread herself open, bending over so her huge, soft breasts hung low. Now I thought I’d take a chance and reach over, cupping one of Teresa’s big breasts with my hand as she kept feeding her rear to her cousin.

“Mmmmh, nice and warm,” I said. “And I think yours are even bigger than your cousin’s.”

“38 triple-D,” Teresa, said, proud of the stats, looking into my eyes with frank lust now as I squeezed her tits.

“That’s enough, slut,” Donna finally said after Angie went another couple of rounds, lapping away at our butts for what seemed like an hour. Then Donna looked over at Teresa.

“Hey, Teresa?” Donna said, “Your cousin just eaten your ass, so now how about letting her have a taste of your pussy?”

“Yeah, why the fuck not,” Teresa said, her eyes sparkling with lust as she succumbed to the temptations of sapphic lust. She may have been married and she may have been straight, but she sure seemed to be able to get turned on by naked women and the exciting things they did to each other.

So now Teresa threw herself back on Donna’s bed and spread her legs wide, showing off her smooth, shaved pussy. Though I generally prefer my pussies nice and furry, the sight of Teresa’s exposed vulva running down the middle of her smooth pubic mound made my clit flutter.

Angie now got up on the bed, positioning herself between Teresa’s legs.

“Go ahead, and eat it,” Donna urged Angie, roughly pushing Angie’s face between her cousin’s thighs.

“Oh my God!” Teresa gasped, throwing her head back, closing her eyes, as she suddenly felt Angie’s eager tongue tending to her highly aroused vulva.

Donna and me stood and watched for a long moment, then Donna got behind Angie and lifted up her butt, forcing her to her knees with her butt raised high. Her buns were still a little pink from the rugged spanking she had received at our hands.

Now Donna held her open, exposing her asshole.

“Check it out,” Donna said, showing off Angie’s cute, puckered anus for my viewing pleasure. I stared at the sight, then my eyes drifted lower to her pussy, all exposed as the slick pinkness peeked out of her thick bush.

“Nice, huh?” Donna asked.

“Very nice,” I purred. “I think I’ll have myself a little taste.”

Angie had dark olive skin, and her pussy lips were likewise dark. Now I dug in to feast on that dark pussy of hers. Sometimes I like to come at a pussy like this from behind. It’s a little hard to reach her clit with my tongue that way, but I sure like making the effort.

Donna was still holding open Angie’s cheeks, right above where I was licking her, and so now I dragged my tongue up to that tasty bud Donna was so helpfully exposing for me — Angie’s succulent anus, the anus Donna said Angie loved having probed. Just as her pussy was dark, so was her anal wedge. Dark brunettes like Angie and Teresa tend also to have darkish pussies and assholes, I’ve found, while blondes like me and Donna tend to a little more pink both front and rear. And take it from me, I know my way around that turf!

So now I licked the exposed and vulnerable sphincter as Donna watched closely. I glanced up at her and caught her gaze.

“Oh yeah, lick it!” Donna panted as she watched.

“Now you lick it,” I said, pulling my tongue away.

“You two lickin’ her butt, or somethin’?” I heard Teresa say, knowing that what we were doing to her cousin was out of her view.

“That’s just what we’re doing I said,” as suddenly, I drove three stiff fingers right up her cunt, as Donna just kept lapping away at her sphincter.

“Oh shit!” Angie gasped in surprise as she felt me drive my fingers inside.

“Oh yeah, shove ’em in there, she loves it!” Donna urged when she saw what I was doing. And so I added a fourth finger, only my thumb was exposed now.

Now Donna pulled back her mouth.

“Go ahead and stick your thumb up her ass,” she urged me as I did just that, wedging it up into her anus. Now I had all five fingers inside her, four jammed up her pussy, my thumb probing her asshole. From her muffled cries, muffled because she had her face buried in her cousin’s pussy, I knew Angie relished having my stiff fingers probe the tight, warm recesses of her aroused body.

Donna and me stared straight ahead as I dug into those two exposed holes, all five fingers out of sight now. I was reminded of a time a couple of weeks ago when I met this very kinky dyke in an off-campus bar and took her back to the dorm. She had tattoos all over and her nipples and her pussy were pierced. What this freak begged me to do to her was to slide my whole hand, my entire fist inside her cunt, and then, if you can believe it, up her ass!

I thought back to that scene now as I reamed Angie’s two tight holes. I remembered how I’d had her up on her knees, her butt raised high, the ornate tattoo of a tiger gracing one buttock, a coiled rattlesnake drawn across the other. And between those buttocks there was my hand, her asshole stretched around my wrist and my whole fist, out of sight, buried deep inside her ass. She was beating away at her clit in a wild frenzy as I took my time fisting her bottom like this. I think that was probably the wildest thing I had ever done with anybody, sexually speaking at least.

I couldn’t help wondering whether petite Angie could tolerate something as outrageous as that. But I wasn’t about to find out now.

“Did you bring that strap-on with you?” Donna asked.

“Yeah, it’s in my bag,” Angie told her.

Donna retrieved the rubber cock from Angie’s bag and strapped it to herself.

“Bet you didn’t know I was a hung stud in my spare time, did you?” Donna joked, strutting her stuff, stroking her shaft like a horny dude with a big, hard aching cock.

“What are you going to do with that?” I asked

“I thought I’d give our pizza girl over here a nice, solid fuck,” Donna said

“Sorry, she’s all filled up for the moment,” I said, digging those fingers deep into her, “So how about you fuck me first?”

I wiggled my butt at Donna.

“Love to,” she said, getting behind me and sliding the rubber cock up my cunt nice and smooth and easy.

“Oh wow!” Teresa said, staring right into my eyes as Angie kept gobbling her up. “You’re getting screwed, aren’t you?”

“I sure as shit am. Why? You feel like getting screwed too?” I asked her.

“Not really. My husband fucked me for about two hours solid just before I came to visit Angie. I’ve had more than enough cock lately. I think I’ll stick to tongue.”

“Your cousin’s tongue, huh?” Donna said.

“Unless one of you feel like taking over?” Teresa cooed seductively.

“Sure, I’ll take over,” I said, pushing Angie aside while still keeping my fingers wedged inside her. And now I brought my face between Teresa’s legs taking over where Angie had left off.

That’s the way it went for a while — I’m going down on Teresa while, next to me, Angie’s up on her knees, her ass facing me, my fingers buried inside her. And behind me, Donna, holding on to my hips is fucking the shit out of me with her strap-on rubber cock.

“Oooooh, God!” Teresa began to howl. “Ohhhhhh shit! Ohhhhhh man! Ohhhhhh fuck!”

And then her body arched upwards as she pushed her pussy against my lips for even greater contact.

“Righhhhhhht nowwww!!!” she yelped, her body shaking.

“Damn, I got off!!” Teresa said, marveling at the fact.

“That’s what’s supposed to happen,” I said, satisfied with my work.

“Yeah, I know,” Teresa said. “Except I never cum with Nick, at least when he fucks me. Even though he fucks me good and hard, I just never can get off that way. And he ain’t too good in the giving head department neither.”

“See, you shoulda tried chicks long ago, like I told you,” Angie told her cousin.

I imagined Teresa having shared her frustrations with her cousin, and her cousin suggesting that she try the sapphic route, to no avail. Maybe that’s why Teresa had been so keen to come and watch tonight. Maybe in the back of her mind she was hoping that the ice would somehow finally get broken, and she’d get to experience the female route to pleasure for herself.

Now I was hankering to try out that rubber cock Donna was using on me. So I pulled away from her thrusts and turned around.

“Let me have that baby,” I said, grabbing hold of the dildo, all wet and slick form having just fucked me.

“Here you go,” Donna said, unstrapping it.

I strapped it on as the three of them watched. Of course I had pulled my fingers out of Angie but she was still up on her knees, knowing I’d be returning with my new toy.

“Ready for some more,” I said, kneeling behind Angie and burying that cock up her cunt in one sharp thrust.

Now Donna got up on the bed and spread her legs in front of Angie’s face.

“Lick my pussy, bitch!” she demanded, drawing Angie’s head to her. I could hear that tongue lap away furiously as I pumped it into Angie’s body, Teresa kneeling right alongside me, watching avidly as I slammed it into her cousin.

“Why don’t you stick a finger in her ass while I fuck her?” I said to Teresa. In this position Angie’s buttocks were spread wide and her asshole was staring us both in the face.

“Me?” Teresa said, a little shocked as Angie stopped munching for a moment, and turned her head.

“Yeah cuz, go ahead and finger my shithole.”

Teresa hesitated for just a moment longer, then wet a finger in her mouth and brought it down to Angie’s crack, sliding it right up her hole.

“Yeah Terry, finger me! Finger my ass!” Angie insisted.

“Get back down here!” Donna demanded, turning Angie’s face and forcing it between her legs again.

Now I held on to Angie’s hips and fucked her while an inch above where my rubber cock was digging into her pussy, Teresa was digging a finger deep into her other hole.

“Tight, huh?” I said to Teresa.

“You stretched her out with your thumb.”

“Maybe she needs a little more stretching out before she takes what I have in mind for her.”

“That’s right, Tracy!” Donna said, smiling broadly, knowing just what I was up to. “Here’s some lubricant if you need it.”

She reached over to her dresser, right next to the bed, and handed me a jar of Vaseline.

“Oh wow!” Teresa sighed, sensing something interesting was about to happen.

“Here, lube her for me,” I said, unscrewing the cap from the jar of petroleum jelly. “Slap some in there.”

Teresa scooped up the jelly and worked it into Angie’s crack, spreading it all over her hole, then sliding a finger back inside.

“Nice and smooth,” she said, testing that hole now that it was well-lubricated.

“Let me see,” I said, pulling Teresa’s hand away and sliding two fingers up Angie’s butt. No problem. And so I added two more, really opening her up back there. Earlier I had worked four fingers into her pussy, now I was working four up her tight but slippery anus. I remember how when Donna told me back in the coffee bar that Angie was kinky and liked to have stiff fingers jammed up her asshole, it really got me excited. So when I knew that Donna had arranged for us to get together, I couldn’t wait to have Angie feel my fingers inside her, back between her buttocks.

“Fuckin’ freaky! She’s got four fingers inside your shithole, Angie!” Teresa said in amazement.

“Don’t you think I know,” Angie said breathlessly, pulling away from Donna again to turn and look at me. There was an expression of pure, depraved desire on her pretty face.

“Let’s try this out now,” I said, pulling the dildo out of her cunt and bringing it up an inch higher, rubbing it against the ridge of Angie’s sphincter while Teresa watched with her jaw hanging in wonderment.

“Holy fuck, I never did you back there with the dildo,” Donna said to Angie. “I didn’t think you could take it.”

“You should’ve tried and found out, like your girlfriend’s doing here,” Angie wisecracked.

“Oh, shut the fuck up and eat my pussy!” Donna growled, forcing Angie’s head between her legs again.

And now I just slid it right up her asshole, burying it inside her. She was good and lubed, and I did it nice and easy.

“Uh huh!” Teresa hissed, holding open her cousin’s ass cheeks so she’d have a perfect view. “Take it up the ass, cuz!”

Then, suddenly, Teresa dropped to her knees behind me, pulled aside the dildo strap, and snaked her tongue into my crack.

Donna, from her vantage point, could see what was going on behind me.

“Your cousin’s eating out my girlfriend’s asshole, while your’s is getting fucked, Angie,” Donna said to her, holding her face up by the chin.

We kept it up like this until Donna began to show signs of going over the edge again. I could see the sweat pouring down her forehead, as she closed her eyes tightly and shook her head back and forth. And then the sighing and moaning got louder and louder until she just went silent and her body convulsed as though she were having an epileptic fit or something. Good old Donna had climaxed again.

Now Angie could finally pull her mouth away from Donna, turning her face to look at me again.

“You know my cousin’s always telling me how she loves it in the ass. She don’t cum with a cock inside her anyway, so she says she likes it better up the ass than in the cunt, ain’t that right Teresa?”

“You givin’ away all my fuckin’ secrets, Angie,” Teresa said, pulling away from me.

But I knew that Angie was informing me of this sexual proclivity of her cousin’s because she wanted me to do something about it.

“That right, Teresa?” I said, staring her down. “You like taking one in the butt?”

“Yeah… uh huh,” she confessed.

“You want to try out mine? I think your cousin’s had just about enough.”

Actually Angie was acting like she could take that cock up her ass all night long and into the morning. But I was in a mood to sail my ship into a new port.

“How about it?” I said.

“Yeah, okay,” she said, “Just let me get myself ready.”

She reached for the Vaseline again, working some between her cheeks. Then she got up on her elbows and knees on Donna’s roommate’s bed. If only her roommate knew what was about to happen on that bed of hers in her absence!

I pulled out of Angie’s bottom and turned around to devote my full attention to her cousin’s exposed and vulnerable derriere. Teresa had the same, trim buttocks as Angie, and the same dark, puckered hole between those buttocks. Angie excitedly scurried up to her feet and joined me behind Teresa, holding her cousin wide open for me, eager to help out.

“Oh yeah, I want to see!” she panted excitedly as I wedged the tip of my cock against Teresa’s hole.

“It’s just been all the way up your butt,” I said to Angie. “Now it’s going right up your cousin’s.”

“That is so freaky. Until tonight she wouldn’t even let a chick get near her. Now, look at her, on her knees, about to take it up the ass from another chick!”

And then I just slammed it right inside Teresa’s bottom as Angie watched with amazed eyes. Donna now got up off the bed and joined me and Angie behind Teresa, Angie pulling back one buttock, Donna the other, while I rammed my dildo right between them.

“Oh God, I love it!” Teresa howled as I shoved the dildo up her bottom.

“Fuck that butt, fuck it!” Donna hissed.

“Look at her, she’s really freakin’ for it!” Angie chimed in, seeing how excited Teresa was, taking it up the rear. In fact she had dropped a hand between her legs and was rubbing away like crazy as I sodomized her.

“Oh shit! Oh shit! I’m gonna fuckin’ cum again!” she howled as I really slammed it in her now. And then, a few seconds later, she kept her word, exploding.

“Goddamn!” Donna said, “Now you gotta do me.”

Having just seen how I took care of Angie and Teresa’s butts with my strap-on, Donna, greedy for some backdoor pleasuring too, now insisted that I do her. She took hold of the Vaseline jar and dug in, working some between her cheeks as the three of us watched. She really made a show of it too, swaying her bottom and lubing herself up nice and slow and sexy. God, Donna loved to show off what a total slut she could be.

“I’m ready,” she said, getting up on her knees and offering up her bottom. Angie’s and Teresa’s butts were trim and dark, but Donna’s was pale and milky and round, the smooth skin glowing like alabaster.

“Spread her open for me,” I said to Angie and Teresa who now assisted me by pulling apart Donna’s buttocks, showing off that succulent anal crater I had earlier enjoyed.

And then I buried that rubber cock of mine right up Donna’s horny rear end, just as I had done with Angie and Teresa.

“Oh yeah… up my fuckin’ ass!” Donna screeched as I sodomized her hot bottom.

“You two,” I said to Angie and Teresa, “Get up on the bed, on either side of Donna, okay?”

The two of them eagerly scampered up on the bed, getting down on elbows and knees, sticking out their young Italian, olive-toned butts for me. There was something about the sight of their trim, and yet appealing rounded ass cheeks that made my clit tingle.

“Now reach back and spread ’em, I want to see the damage I’ve done,” I told them.

They held themselves open for me as I gazed into their cracks, their assholes slick and dilated from my hard, solid fucking. That was a beautiful sight to behold while I took care of Donna’s bottom. Three girls with me here in Donna’s room, and I had fucked all three in the ass! Damn, was I good or what!

“You three bitches love your buttholes reamed, don’t you?” I said, feeling in control. With so many dykes, you can never use the word ‘bitch.’ But not these three.

“Uh huh!” Angie squealed.

“Love it!” Teresa added.

“You can fuck mine any old time you want, Tracy,” Donna rejoiced, turning her head, looking at me with her big, blue eyes, eyes shining with lusty desire.

It was hard work, thrusting into three bottoms in a row, and finally I was getting a little tired. But I made sure to let Donna get herself off fingering her clit before I pulled out of her.

“Turn around and check it out,” I said as the three of them turned to stare at the big rubber cock. Now I thought I’d test how far Angie would go. Donna had said she was an utter slave to her desires for Donna and, now, for me.

“Let’s see you suck it!” I demanded, waving it in Angie’s face.

She hesitated a moment, looking at me and then at the others. The rubber cock I was asking her to suck had been buried up all three butts.

“Come on, Angie,” I said, urging her on, “Suck it, I know you want to.”

“Yeah, I’ll taste it,” Angie finally said, grabbing hold of it and stuffing it in her mouth. Teresa and Donna looked on, as if in a trance.

I had fucked one pussy and three butts with this fat strap-on cock, and now here was Angie sucking on it. I loved it! I knew then and there I’d have to go out and buy a strap-on of my own. The obscenely erotic thrill of it all send chills up and down my spine! Was I kinky, or what!?

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