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Unexpected MFM 3-Some

Category: Group Sex
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The drive took about 2 hours but it was necessary to get far enough away so that they wouldn't run into anyone they knew. So Travis drove them to Racine. Just far enough. He'd heard about this bar, Ken's Place, from a friend who was from the area and had been there. It was a place where "young minded" people in their 30's & 40's went to have fun. Summer had finally arrived and it showed from the way the women dressed.
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Handling Emil

Category: Fetish
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The phone rang once. I groaned, stirring from dreams as deep as the blue eyes I had been dreaming about. The phone rang twice. I sat up and gave the phone two middle fingers. The phone rang again. "FUCK!" I shouted, lunging myself across the silk sheets to pick the damned thing up.
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Karen’s Thank You

Category: Mature
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I could have sworn she was about my age. I'm 21 now, making me a dedicated observer of girl's asses and legs for the last eight years or so. I can detect the slightly-too-slender look of a hot little piece of jailbait, or the subtle signs of impending cellulite that brand most older women. So as I walked along the beach perhaps 30 feet behind the bikini-clad brunette, I never would have guessed she was old enough to be my mom.
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"Student ID?" I fumbled around my jeans for my student ID. The Indian security guard at the gate nodded as I found it and flashed it at him. "Long night at the library?" he asked casually, leaning backwards in his chair as his eyes flicked down and up again.
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Pure Fantasy Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Note: After some positive feedback from my first story I decided to continue with it where I left off. Thanks for all your comments. Feedback is always appreciated. I don't consider myself to be gay and have never experienced any sexual contact with another man, although there is an appeal that seems to draw me. I admit that I have watched men masturbate via video chat, I found this exciting and exhilarating.
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Fuck Friends

Category: Anal Sex
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"I have never...had a one night stand." I lifted my glass and took a drink. Dan and Serena did likewise, smiling as they drank from their large mugs while Erin sat back and watched with a smug expression. "Okay," Dan said, wiping his mouth as he set his beer back down on the table. "My turn." We all turned our attention towards him as he stroked his chin as if trying to think of something to say.
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Leading Him Astray

Category: Anal Sex
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Reid and I had been seeing each other for many months. Our sex was awesome. I knew by his expressions, the feel of his reactions, I could read him implicitly and he me. Best of all, we trusted each other. He knew how deeply I loved having anal, and as his first experience that way, I was happy he enjoyed giving it as well.
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Sucking Cock in the Woods

Category: Gay Male
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I heard about the spot in the park from a guy I met online. He was an older white man. Not particularly good looking. Didn't have a great body. Didn't have a great cock, but I needed cock and he was the only one who responded to my craigslist ad that day and I went with it.
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The Spanking

Category: BDMS
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I've known Mary's parents for thirty years. That's a year before she was born. When she started to come on to me one night in the bar, I was startled to say the least. Startled but flattered since I'm close to twice her age. "Why don't you ever flirt with me?" Mary asked out of the blue. I thought a moment and then replied, "I've know you all of your life and I know your parents. I changed your diapers."
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King of the Strippers Ch. 01

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was putting the finishing touches on a website I developed for a multi-national corporation. I had spent the last year of my life on it and was pretty proud of it. I sat back in my chair and thought about the last year. It started with my divorce. I married right out of college, which was too soon and lasted only two years. I was bummed about it in the beginning, but realized it was the best for all.
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