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Ollie meets Cass & Bev

Category: Lesbian Sex
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“Oh for Christ sake Ollie, will you put your face straight, what’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing Dad, I’m fine,” she replied, looking glumly out of the window as the car took the turning for Plumford.

“It’s only for a couple of days, it wouldn’t hurt you to have a little more consideration for others, your Nanna hasn’t seen you for months and you know she’s not been very well recently,” Brian said, giving his daughter a stern look.

“I know that, but me and Kyle were-”

“I don’t want to hear about bloody Kyle, I’ve never liked that lad, he looks a right shifty little bastard.”

“Oh God, here we go,” Olivia groaned, “don’t start.”

“Well, bloody hell, I don’t know what you see in him, ratty faced little shit.”

“For fuck sake Dad, give it a rest!” the young girl snapped.

“Oi, less of the attitude young lady, and you’d better not use language like that in front of your Nanna.”

“I don’t, she doesn’t get on my tits like you do!” she scowled, turning to her mobile.

“And don’t spend all the time on that bloody thing ignoring her, you’re supposed to be keeping her company,” Brian mumbled.

“I won’t, oh for God’s sake!” she huffed, rolling her eyes.

“You used to like coming down here when you were a kid.”

“I know, but I’m not a kid any more Dad, I’m 20,” Olivia sighed, “It’s so bloody boring round here.”

This was true, Plumford held little excitement for a girl of Olivia’s age; it was just your typical English village, a church, a couple of pubs, and a few shops. Most of the people were snobby, nosey or just plain weird; the village itself was nice enough, one of those picture postcard sort of places, but it was just so dull and the thought of having to spend a weekend there didn’t really appeal to her. She suspected that her Nan probably wasn’t as poorly as her Dad had made out and it was just a tactic to get her away from Kyle, but it wasn’t going to work, she was determined to stay with him whether he liked it or not, besides, this was nothing new, he’d never liked any of her boyfriends, no one was ever good enough for his little girl.

“Here we are,” Brian smiled as they pulled up outside his mother’s house. Maggie was already standing at the front gate, perched on her walking stick.

“Hi Mum, how are you?” he asked, hugging the frail woman.

“I’m okay, hello Ollie thanks for coming love.”

“Hiya Nanna,” she smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

“I’ll just get the stuff from the car, Mum.”

“Okay love, me and Ollie will go inside,” Maggie replied, hobbling up the path, “I haven’t seen you for ages luvvie, are you still playing netball?”

“Yep, we won the other day.”

“Oh, well done.”………….

As her Dad and Nan gossiped about the rest of the family, Olivia strolled out of the house and into the back garden; she looked out over the hedge to fields beyond that stretched all the way to the railway line, remembering how she used to have adventures in them when she was a child; she would play in them for hours, usually until it was almost dark, it seemed like a lifetime ago. She smiled as the memories came flooding back, but it soon faded as she thought about the weekend of boredom that lay before her; she shrugged and made her way back into the house.

“Right Ollie, I’m off now,” her father said gruffly.

“Alright, see you Monday,” she smiled, giving him a half hearted hug.

“Okay, and behave yourself, I don’t want to hear that little shit has been anywhere near my mother’s house, if I find out he’s been here I’ll wring his scrawny little neck.”

“Dad, will you please leave it, just go!” Olivia moaned, exasperated.

“Well think on, I’ll see you Monday.”

“Yeah, bye.”

With that, he stomped off down the path, got into the car and drove off.

“He’s just worried about you luvvie,” the old woman smiled.

“I know, but he’s doing my head in Nanna,” Olivia stormed.

Picking up her bags in the hallway, she stomped off up the stairs, into the spare room and flopped down on the bed. “Two days stuck here in the village of the damned, I’ll go round the fuckin’ twist!” she groaned.

She got up off the bed and looked at herself in the mirror, she was a short girl, about 5′ 4” with brown eyes and brown hair cut into a bob; her figure was quite slender, somewhere around a size 10 with small boobs and cute pert bum which Kyle never seemed to tire of grabbing. Her angelic face gave her a look of almost saintly innocence, which to be fair was well deserved; she had always been a pretty shy and quiet sort of girl with a small circle of friends, most of which were in the netball team. It was only when she met Kyle she had started to be a little more outgoing and a lot more argumentative, much to her Dad’s annoyance. Dressed in a baby pink t-shirt, blue three quarter length jeans and a pair of white pumps, she placed her hands on her hips and admired her reflection.

“Ollie….Ollie love.”

“Coming Nanna,” she sighed.

She sloped back down the stairs and into the sitting room.

“Could you do me a favour love, nip down to the shop and get some milk please?”

“Yeah, okay,” she shrugged, trying to muster a smile.

“Thanks luvvie.” Maggie smiled, handing her the money.

Closing the front gate behind her, she ambled off down the lane into the village, it was just past midday and the July sun was beating down, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, just a gentle breeze that offered little relief from the heat. ‘Oh well, I could sunbathe this afternoon I suppose,’ she thought as she strolled past the church. Crossing the road, she walked round the corner and headed for the shop; she was just about to step inside when she noticed a beautiful old motorbike parked just a little way down the road. A reminiscent smile spread across her face as she remembered the old bike Uncle Jerry used to have, how he used to let her sit on it; not that she’d ever been on a moving motorbike, her Dad would never have allowed that! She stood looking at the bike, totally unaware she was being watched.

“Nice, isn’t it,” said a voice behind her.

Startled, she spun round to find a dark haired woman in leathers smiling at her.

“Erm…yes it’s beautiful,” Olivia replied nervously, “is it yours?”

“Oh no, I always walk round in leathers and boots carrying a helmet, course it’s mine,” she laughed.

“Sorry…stupid question,” the young girl smiled awkwardly.

“That’s alright; I’ve not seen you round here before.”

“I’m staying with my Nan for a couple of days.”

“Oh right, whereabouts?” the biker asked. “Chelford Lane, the cottages.”

“Oh yeah, I know,” she nodded, “What’s your name then?”


“Olivia, ooooooohhh very posh!” the biker smirked.

“Alright, what’s yours then?” she snapped, trying to show she wasn’t intimidated by the leather clad stranger.


“Cass?” the young girl asked, “is that short for something?”

“Yep, it’s short for Cassidy, my surname, I don’t like my first name.” she smiled.

“Why, what is it?”


“What’s wrong with Helen?”

“I’ve just never liked it,” Cass shrugged, “so, what do you think of Plumford then?”

“Boring as hell,” Olivia sighed.

“Yep, that’s Plumford alright,” the biker laughed, “dull, boring and full of right nosey fuckers.”

As they stood chatting, Olivia studied the woman; she guessed she was about early thirties, stood about 5′ 8” and was probably around a size 14. Her hair was dark, almost black, cut short with the fringe dyed bright red; she couldn’t be sure, but when Cass laughed, she thought she saw a tongue piercing.

“Tell you what,” Cass smiled, “if you find yourself at a loose end, I usually get in The Falcon most nights, if you fancy a laugh I’ll shout you a couple of drinks.”

“Err…yeah okay, why not?”

“Right, I’ll see you in there about eight then, Olivia,” Cass smirked, raising her eyebrows.



“My friends call me Ollie.”

“Okay then Ollie, I’ll see you later.”

With that, Cass put on her helmet, started the bike and rode off.

A few hours later Olivia was in the spare room getting ready, she hadn’t really brought anything with her for going out in, eventually she decided on a blue summer dress. Slipping it on, she went over to the mirror and did her make up; once satisfied, she made her way downstairs.

“Oh hello luvvie, you look nice,” Maggie chirped.

“Thanks, erm, Nanna is it alright if I go out tonight?”

“Yes, of course it is love,” the old woman smiled, “he’s in the village then, is he?”


“You don’t have to be evasive with me Ollie, Kyle of course.”

Olivia smiled nervously, actually she had rang him a few times, but it had gone straight to answer phone.

“Erm, yeah,” she nodded, not quite sure why she’d lied.

“It’s alright luvvie, you go and see him, don’t worry I won’t tell your Dad.”

“Thanks Nanna,” she beamed giving her a hug.

Grabbing her handbag, she made her way out of the house and off down the lane; it was still quite warm, despite it being early evening. Passing the church once more, she crossed over and turned down Dysart Road; she had never been in The Falcon before, she had been in The Vine a couple of times, Plumford’s only other pub, so she assumed it would probably be the same; full of locals who all stare whenever a stranger comes through the door. ‘God I hope she’s in here,’ she thought anxiously as she pulled the door and stepped into the bar; at first she couldn’t see Cass anywhere but she could certainly feel a roomful of eyes all suddenly trained on her.

“Oi, over here!” Cass yelled, waving to her.

“Thank God for that,” Olivia muttered, smiling and walking over.

“Hiya, you look a bit different, I didn’t recognise you.”

“Well I don’t go round dressed like Mad Max all the time y’know!” the older woman laughed.

Olivia looked at her new friend, in her tight black knee length dress and black stilettos she looked very attractive; the more she looked at her, the more she felt a strange sensation in her stomach that she’d never experienced before.

“You alright?” Cass asked, “You look a bit….vague.”

“Erm…yes I’m fine, sorry.”

“What do you want to drink then?”

“Rum and coke please,” Olivia smiled.

“Geoff, pint of lager and a rum and coke please mate.”

“Four eighty please, Cass.” the old barman grunted, giving Olivia a look that made her more than a little uncomfortable.

“Would you mind if we went outside?” the young girl whispered, “everybody keeps gawping at me.”

“Like I said earlier, right nosey fuckers,” Cass whispered back, “come on then, I’ll just get our drinks and we’ll go in the beer garden.”

The pair went outside and sat at a table in the corner; there were a few people at the other tables, but they didn’t seem to take much notice of them.

“Bloody hell, I’m glad I’m out of there,” Olivia said, relieved.

“It’s just because you’re a new face,” Cass smiled, taking a large swig of her pint.

“That barman, he’s a right lecherous creep, I could feel his eyes undressing me, uurrggh!” Olivia scowled, shuddering.

“Geoff? Nah, he’s harmless enough, that’s just the way he is, he was probably just admiring your pretty blue dress.”

“What? You mean he….,” Olivia gasped open mouthed.

“Well, there was a few rumours going about when his missus left him,” Cass smirked.

“What rumours?”

“Well, they reckoned when she came home early one afternoon, she found him wearing one of her cocktail dresses and when she screamed at him to take it off, he had her bra and pants on as well!”

“Bollocks, you’re winding me up!” Olivia laughed.

“No honest, that’s what I heard.”

“Oh my God, uurrgghh!” the young girl shrieked, laughing.

Knocking back her pint, Cass turned to her.

“Want another?”

“Yeah, same again please,” Olivia smiled.

The pair talked for a couple of hours as they drank perhaps a little more than they should have; their bursts of laughter attracting some rather disapproving glances from some of the other tables. As Cass downed yet another pint, she let out a loud belch which brought a particularly disgusted look from an elderly woman sitting a few tables away. “Oh I do beg your pardon madam,” Cass smirked, as Olivia sat shuddering with laughter.

The old woman tutted and turned away.

“Oh dear, I think we might have outstayed our welcome,” she said, turning to Olivia, “How d’ya fancy coming back to mine for a few more?”

“Yeah, okay!” she replied, sounding a little keener than she would have liked.

“Alright then, let’s go,” Cass smiled, “don’t worry I’ll have you back at Granny’s cottage by midnight.”

“Piss off, cheeky bitch!” Ollie giggled, “Where do you live?”

“Just across the playing fields over there.”

The two of them left the pub and staggered off across the playing fields; as they chatted, they came across a football.

“Here, watch this,” Ollie smiled, picking it up and placing it.

“Fuck sake, stop arsing about,” Cass groaned, “Anyway, I thought you told me you played netball.”

“No no, I can play a bit of football as well,” the young girl slurred, staggering back to take a run up.

“Come on you daft sod, let’s go!” Cass laughed.

“I bet you I can curl this into that goal over there.”

“Go on then, a fiver!”

“You’re on!” Ollie replied, drunkenly pointing a finger at the older woman.

Taking her run up, Ollie blasted the ball straight over the goal and into the twilight gloom, followed by a loud crash of breaking glass.


“Oh shit, leg it!”

“Oh fuckin hell!” Ollie gasped, a look of fear etched on her face as the pair ran for the gate at the corner.

“Fuckin’ nice one, Beckham!” Cass laughed as she ran alongside her, carrying her stilettos.

As they ran through the gate and down the alleyway, Cass grabbed the young girl by the shoulder.

“It’s alright,” she panted, “I don’t think he’s chasing us.”

Ollie slumped back against the wall, a relieved smile spreading across her face.

“You daft cow,” Cass sniggered, gently stroking the young girl’s cheek.

Ollie looked into her blue eyes, her stomach churning once more; unable to fight the urge any longer she kissed her, crushing her lips hard against the older woman’s. Cass groaned as their tongues entwined; the two of them engulfed by the lust that had built up between them all evening. Breaking off the kiss and grabbing the Ollie’s hand, Cass smiled at her.

“Come on, this way,” she said softly, leading her down the alleyway and round to her house; as they stumbled through the front door, Cass pushed the young girl against the wall in the hallway and kissed her gently on the neck; grabbing the shoulder straps, she slowly pulled the blue cotton dress down the young girls body, leaving her standing there in just her pink bra and knickers. She knelt down softly kissed Ollie’s navel, slowly making her way down to band of her knickers and gently pulled it with her teeth.

“Oh God Cass………please!” Ollie gasped, grabbing the back Cass’s head, trying to push it down between her legs.

“Okay baby,” Cass whispered, sliding the skimpy pink knickers down and kissing the soft, rapidly moistening lips of her waxed pussy. Ollie groaned wantonly as she felt her clit starting to pulse.

“Oh … oh fffuuck!” she groaned, as she felt the piercing glide over her clit, It was divine, like nothing she’d ever experienced before; spreading her legs she thrust her pussy into Cass’s face.

“Oh Cass…..Cass……harder……harder….pleeeease!” she begged.

She flicked her tongue harder over the young girl’s rock hard throbbing clit, occasionally sucking and rolling her piercing over it, making Ollie gasp and mewl as she pushed the older women’s head hard between her legs.

“Oh my God yes…..that’s it…..suck it bitch….SUCK IT!”

Cass shook her head and growled, burying her tongue deep into Ollie’s sweet tasting pussy.


Ollie cried out in ecstasy, throwing her head back and slamming her hands against the wall as an intense orgasm swept through her, causing her legs to buckle. As the beautiful feeling ebbed away, she felt her body go limp; Cass had now stood up and was holding her up against the wall.

“Oh my God, what did you? That was fucking amazing,” Ollie whispered, staring into those bright blue eyes.

“That was just the start,” Cass smiled, kissing her softly on the lips.

Removing her bra, she kissed down to Ollie’s pert little tits, sucking her erect nipples and sinking her fingers into her soft arse cheeks.

“Oh God Cass…yes,” she groaned, feeling her pussy getting wet.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs,” Cass said softly.

Slipping off her pumps and her knickers, Cass then stood back and looked at the naked girl in the dim light of hallway, her soft innocent face framed by the brown bobbed cut hair, the pert tits and the sweet, waxed little pussy.

“God, you’re so cute,” she whispered.

Grabbing Ollie by the hand, she gently led her up the stairs and into her bedroom; sitting her down on the bed, she switched on the bedside lamp and started to undress. Ollie watched as the older woman unzipped her dress to reveal a bright red bra and thong; on her left thigh was a large tattoo of a prowling tiger, it stood out in stark contrast to her pale, ivory like skin. As she took off her bra she noticed she had another piercing, a tiny bar through her right nipple; finally she stepped out of her thong, exposing a neatly trimmed bush of dark pubic hair.

Ollie lay back on the bed and Cass lay down beside her. Kissing and nuzzling her neck, the young girl gently caressed her lover’s big soft tits, circling a finger round the nipples and giving the pierced one a little twist, extracting a lustful moan from her as she closed her eyes and gently stroked her fingers down Ollie’s back. Slowly kissing down her chest, she softly gripped her left nipple between her teeth and sucked, whilst twisting the piercing on the right one.

“Mmmnnn… it harder!” Cass groaned, her legs thrashing about on the bed.

The young girl sucked harder on the nipple as she slowly slid her hand down Cass’s body and gently stroked the soft tuft of dark hair. Cass moaned softly, spreading her legs and thrusting her hips as Ollie’s fingers rubbed her hardening clit.

“Ohhhhh…..fffuckin’ hell…harder…harder!”

Ollie rubbed harder, the older woman’s gasps and moans getting more fevered as she slipped two fingers into soft, moist folds of her pussy.


She softly and slowly kissed her way down to Cass’s throbbing clit and sucked hard, making her lover scream ecstatically, grabbing a pillow and burying her face. Her legs thrashed wildly as Ollie flicked her tongue over her clit, her fingers digging into the mattress as she felt herself slipping towards a shattering climax. The feeling of Ollie’s tongue thrusting into her drenched snatch was more than she could stand; arching her back, she screamed into the pillow, thrusting her hips as the orgasm consumed her.


As the climax subsided, she fell back onto the bed, an exhausted smile spreading across her face. “Oh my God,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath, “you randy little tart.”

“Well, was that nice?” Ollie asked, lying back next to her.

“What the hell do you think?” Cass smiled, kissing her on the lips, “you’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

“Certainly not!” the young girl retorted, giving a wry smile; there had been a drunken moment with one of her team mates once, but nothing like this, this felt different.

“You little liar!” the older woman laughed, turning Ollie over and slapping her ass.

“Oh for Christ sake Ollie, will you put your face straight, what’s the matter with you?”

“Nothing Dad, I’m fine,” she replied, looking glumly out of the window as the car took the turning for Plumford.

“It’s only for a couple of days, it wouldn’t hurt you to have a little more consideration for others, your Nanna hasn’t seen you for months and you know she’s not been very well recently,” Brian said, giving his daughter a stern look.

“I know that, but me and Kyle were-”

“I don’t want to hear about bloody Kyle, I’ve never liked that lad, he looks a right shifty little bastard.”

“Oh God, here we go,” Olivia groaned, “don’t start.”

“Well, bloody hell, I don’t know what you see in him, ratty faced little shit.”

“For fuck sake Dad, give it a rest!” the young girl snapped.

“Oi, less of the attitude young lady, and you’d better not use language like that in front of your Nanna.”

“I don’t, she doesn’t get on my tits like you do!” she scowled, turning to her mobile.

“And don’t spend all the time on that bloody thing ignoring her, you’re supposed to be keeping her company,” Brian mumbled.

“I won’t, oh for God’s sake!” she huffed, rolling her eyes.

“You used to like coming down here when you were a kid.”

“I know, but I’m not a kid any more Dad, I’m 20,” Olivia sighed, “It’s so bloody boring round here.”

This was true, Plumford held little excitement for a girl of Olivia’s age; it was just your typical English village, a church, a couple of pubs, and a few shops. Most of the people were snobby, nosey or just plain weird; the village itself was nice enough, one of those picture postcard sort of places, but it was just so dull and the thought of having to spend a weekend there didn’t really appeal to her. She suspected that her Nan probably wasn’t as poorly as her Dad had made out and it was just a tactic to get her away from Kyle, but it wasn’t going to work, she was determined to stay with him whether he liked it or not, besides, this was nothing new, he’d never liked any of her boyfriends, no one was ever good enough for his little girl.

“Here we are,” Brian smiled as they pulled up outside his mother’s house. Maggie was already standing at the front gate, perched on her walking stick.

“Hi Mum, how are you?” he asked, hugging the frail woman.

“I’m okay, hello Ollie thanks for coming love.”

“Hiya Nanna,” she smiled, kissing her on the cheek.

“I’ll just get the stuff from the car, Mum.”

“Okay love, me and Ollie will go inside,” Maggie replied, hobbling up the path, “I haven’t seen you for ages luvvie, are you still playing netball?”

“Yep, we won the other day.”

“Oh, well done.”………….

As her Dad and Nan gossiped about the rest of the family, Olivia strolled out of the house and into the back garden; she looked out over the hedge to fields beyond that stretched all the way to the railway line, remembering how she used to have adventures in them when she was a child; she would play in them for hours, usually until it was almost dark, it seemed like a lifetime ago. She smiled as the memories came flooding back, but it soon faded as she thought about the weekend of boredom that lay before her; she shrugged and made her way back into the house.

“Right Ollie, I’m off now,” her father said gruffly.

“Alright, see you Monday,” she smiled, giving him a half hearted hug.

“Okay, and behave yourself, I don’t want to hear that little shit has been anywhere near my mother’s house, if I find out he’s been here I’ll wring his scrawny little neck.”

“Dad, will you please leave it, just go!” Olivia moaned, exasperated.

“Well think on, I’ll see you Monday.”

“Yeah, bye.”

With that, he stomped off down the path, got into the car and drove off.

“He’s just worried about you luvvie,” the old woman smiled.

“I know, but he’s doing my head in Nanna,” Olivia stormed.

Picking up her bags in the hallway, she stomped off up the stairs, into the spare room and flopped down on the bed. “Two days stuck here in the village of the damned, I’ll go round the fuckin’ twist!” she groaned.

She got up off the bed and looked at herself in the mirror, she was a short girl, about 5′ 4” with brown eyes and brown hair cut into a bob; her figure was quite slender, somewhere around a size 10 with small boobs and cute pert bum which Kyle never seemed to tire of grabbing. Her angelic face gave her a look of almost saintly innocence, which to be fair was well deserved; she had always been a pretty shy and quiet sort of girl with a small circle of friends, most of which were in the netball team. It was only when she met Kyle she had started to be a little more outgoing and a lot more argumentative, much to her Dad’s annoyance. Dressed in a baby pink t-shirt, blue three quarter length jeans and a pair of white pumps, she placed her hands on her hips and admired her reflection.

“Ollie….Ollie love.”

“Coming Nanna,” she sighed.

She sloped back down the stairs and into the sitting room.

“Could you do me a favour love, nip down to the shop and get some milk please?”

“Yeah, okay,” she shrugged, trying to muster a smile.

“Thanks luvvie.” Maggie smiled, handing her the money.

Closing the front gate behind her, she ambled off down the lane into the village, it was just past midday and the July sun was beating down, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, just a gentle breeze that offered little relief from the heat. ‘Oh well, I could sunbathe this afternoon I suppose,’ she thought as she strolled past the church. Crossing the road, she walked round the corner and headed for the shop; she was just about to step inside when she noticed a beautiful old motorbike parked just a little way down the road. A reminiscent smile spread across her face as she remembered the old bike Uncle Jerry used to have, how he used to let her sit on it; not that she’d ever been on a moving motorbike, her Dad would never have allowed that! She stood looking at the bike, totally unaware she was being watched.

“Nice, isn’t it,” said a voice behind her.

Startled, she spun round to find a dark haired woman in leathers smiling at her.

“Erm…yes it’s beautiful,” Olivia replied nervously, “is it yours?”

“Oh no, I always walk round in leathers and boots carrying a helmet, course it’s mine,” she laughed.

“Sorry…stupid question,” the young girl smiled awkwardly.

“That’s alright; I’ve not seen you round here before.”

“I’m staying with my Nan for a couple of days.”

“Oh right, whereabouts?” the biker asked. “Chelford Lane, the cottages.”

“Oh yeah, I know,” she nodded, “What’s your name then?”


“Olivia, ooooooohhh very posh!” the biker smirked.

“Alright, what’s yours then?” she snapped, trying to show she wasn’t intimidated by the leather clad stranger.


“Cass?” the young girl asked, “is that short for something?”

“Yep, it’s short for Cassidy, my surname, I don’t like my first name.” she smiled.

“Why, what is it?”


“What’s wrong with Helen?”

“I’ve just never liked it,” Cass shrugged, “so, what do you think of Plumford then?”

“Boring as hell,” Olivia sighed.

“Yep, that’s Plumford alright,” the biker laughed, “dull, boring and full of right nosey fuckers.”

As they stood chatting, Olivia studied the woman; she guessed she was about early thirties, stood about 5′ 8” and was probably around a size 14. Her hair was dark, almost black, cut short with the fringe dyed bright red; she couldn’t be sure, but when Cass laughed, she thought she saw a tongue piercing.

“Tell you what,” Cass smiled, “if you find yourself at a loose end, I usually get in The Falcon most nights, if you fancy a laugh I’ll shout you a couple of drinks.”

“Err…yeah okay, why not?”

“Right, I’ll see you in there about eight then, Olivia,” Cass smirked, raising her eyebrows.



“My friends call me Ollie.”

“Okay then Ollie, I’ll see you later.”

With that, Cass put on her helmet, started the bike and rode off.

A few hours later Olivia was in the spare room getting ready, she hadn’t really brought anything with her for going out in, eventually she decided on a blue summer dress. Slipping it on, she went over to the mirror and did her make up; once satisfied, she made her way downstairs.

“Oh hello luvvie, you look nice,” Maggie chirped.

“Thanks, erm, Nanna is it alright if I go out tonight?”

“Yes, of course it is love,” the old woman smiled, “he’s in the village then, is he?”


“You don’t have to be evasive with me Ollie, Kyle of course.”

Olivia smiled nervously, actually she had rang him a few times, but it had gone straight to answer phone.

“Erm, yeah,” she nodded, not quite sure why she’d lied.

“It’s alright luvvie, you go and see him, don’t worry I won’t tell your Dad.”

“Thanks Nanna,” she beamed giving her a hug.

Grabbing her handbag, she made her way out of the house and off down the lane; it was still quite warm, despite it being early evening. Passing the church once more, she crossed over and turned down Dysart Road; she had never been in The Falcon before, she had been in The Vine a couple of times, Plumford’s only other pub, so she assumed it would probably be the same; full of locals who all stare whenever a stranger comes through the door. ‘God I hope she’s in here,’ she thought anxiously as she pulled the door and stepped into the bar; at first she couldn’t see Cass anywhere but she could certainly feel a roomful of eyes all suddenly trained on her.

“Oi, over here!” Cass yelled, waving to her.

“Thank God for that,” Olivia muttered, smiling and walking over.

“Hiya, you look a bit different, I didn’t recognise you.”

“Well I don’t go round dressed like Mad Max all the time y’know!” the older woman laughed.

Olivia looked at her new friend, in her tight black knee length dress and black stilettos she looked very attractive; the more she looked at her, the more she felt a strange sensation in her stomach that she’d never experienced before.

“You alright?” Cass asked, “You look a bit….vague.”

“Erm…yes I’m fine, sorry.”

“What do you want to drink then?”

“Rum and coke please,” Olivia smiled.

“Geoff, pint of lager and a rum and coke please mate.”

“Four eighty please, Cass.” the old barman grunted, giving Olivia a look that made her more than a little uncomfortable.

“Would you mind if we went outside?” the young girl whispered, “everybody keeps gawping at me.”

“Like I said earlier, right nosey fuckers,” Cass whispered back, “come on then, I’ll just get our drinks and we’ll go in the beer garden.”

The pair went outside and sat at a table in the corner; there were a few people at the other tables, but they didn’t seem to take much notice of them.

“Bloody hell, I’m glad I’m out of there,” Olivia said, relieved.

“It’s just because you’re a new face,” Cass smiled, taking a large swig of her pint.

“That barman, he’s a right lecherous creep, I could feel his eyes undressing me, uurrggh!” Olivia scowled, shuddering.

“Geoff? Nah, he’s harmless enough, that’s just the way he is, he was probably just admiring your pretty blue dress.”

“What? You mean he….,” Olivia gasped open mouthed.

“Well, there was a few rumours going about when his missus left him,” Cass smirked.

“What rumours?”

“Well, they reckoned when she came home early one afternoon, she found him wearing one of her cocktail dresses and when she screamed at him to take it off, he had her bra and pants on as well!”

“Bollocks, you’re winding me up!” Olivia laughed.

“No honest, that’s what I heard.”

“Oh my God, uurrgghh!” the young girl shrieked, laughing.

Knocking back her pint, Cass turned to her.

“Want another?”

“Yeah, same again please,” Olivia smiled.

The pair talked for a couple of hours as they drank perhaps a little more than they should have; their bursts of laughter attracting some rather disapproving glances from some of the other tables. As Cass downed yet another pint, she let out a loud belch which brought a particularly disgusted look from an elderly woman sitting a few tables away. “Oh I do beg your pardon madam,” Cass smirked, as Olivia sat shuddering with laughter.

The old woman tutted and turned away.

“Oh dear, I think we might have outstayed our welcome,” she said, turning to Olivia, “How d’ya fancy coming back to mine for a few more?”

“Yeah, okay!” she replied, sounding a little keener than she would have liked.

“Alright then, let’s go,” Cass smiled, “don’t worry I’ll have you back at Granny’s cottage by midnight.”

“Piss off, cheeky bitch!” Ollie giggled, “Where do you live?”

“Just across the playing fields over there.”

The two of them left the pub and staggered off across the playing fields; as they chatted, they came across a football.

“Here, watch this,” Ollie smiled, picking it up and placing it.

“Fuck sake, stop arsing about,” Cass groaned, “Anyway, I thought you told me you played netball.”

“No no, I can play a bit of football as well,” the young girl slurred, staggering back to take a run up.

“Come on you daft sod, let’s go!” Cass laughed.

“I bet you I can curl this into that goal over there.”

“Go on then, a fiver!”

“You’re on!” Ollie replied, drunkenly pointing a finger at the older woman.

Taking her run up, Ollie blasted the ball straight over the goal and into the twilight gloom, followed by a loud crash of breaking glass.


“Oh shit, leg it!”

“Oh fuckin hell!” Ollie gasped, a look of fear etched on her face as the pair ran for the gate at the corner.

“Fuckin’ nice one, Beckham!” Cass laughed as she ran alongside her, carrying her stilettos.

As they ran through the gate and down the alleyway, Cass grabbed the young girl by the shoulder.

“It’s alright,” she panted, “I don’t think he’s chasing us.”

Ollie slumped back against the wall, a relieved smile spreading across her face.

“You daft cow,” Cass sniggered, gently stroking the young girl’s cheek.

Ollie looked into her blue eyes, her stomach churning once more; unable to fight the urge any longer she kissed her, crushing her lips hard against the older woman’s. Cass groaned as their tongues entwined; the two of them engulfed by the lust that had built up between them all evening. Breaking off the kiss and grabbing the Ollie’s hand, Cass smiled at her.

“Come on, this way,” she said softly, leading her down the alleyway and round to her house; as they stumbled through the front door, Cass pushed the young girl against the wall in the hallway and kissed her gently on the neck; grabbing the shoulder straps, she slowly pulled the blue cotton dress down the young girls body, leaving her standing there in just her pink bra and knickers. She knelt down softly kissed Ollie’s navel, slowly making her way down to band of her knickers and gently pulled it with her teeth.

“Oh God Cass………please!” Ollie gasped, grabbing the back Cass’s head, trying to push it down between her legs.

“Okay baby,” Cass whispered, sliding the skimpy pink knickers down and kissing the soft, rapidly moistening lips of her waxed pussy. Ollie groaned wantonly as she felt her clit starting to pulse.

“Oh … oh fffuuck!” she groaned, as she felt the piercing glide over her clit, It was divine, like nothing she’d ever experienced before; spreading her legs she thrust her pussy into Cass’s face.

“Oh Cass…..Cass……harder……harder….pleeeease!” she begged.

She flicked her tongue harder over the young girl’s rock hard throbbing clit, occasionally sucking and rolling her piercing over it, making Ollie gasp and mewl as she pushed the older women’s head hard between her legs.

“Oh my God yes…..that’s it…..suck it bitch….SUCK IT!”

Cass shook her head and growled, burying her tongue deep into Ollie’s sweet tasting pussy.


Ollie cried out in ecstasy, throwing her head back and slamming her hands against the wall as an intense orgasm swept through her, causing her legs to buckle. As the beautiful feeling ebbed away, she felt her body go limp; Cass had now stood up and was holding her up against the wall.

“Oh my God, what did you? That was fucking amazing,” Ollie whispered, staring into those bright blue eyes.

“That was just the start,” Cass smiled, kissing her softly on the lips.

Removing her bra, she kissed down to Ollie’s pert little tits, sucking her erect nipples and sinking her fingers into her soft arse cheeks.

“Oh God Cass…yes,” she groaned, feeling her pussy getting wet.

“Come on, let’s go upstairs,” Cass said softly.

Slipping off her pumps and her knickers, Cass then stood back and looked at the naked girl in the dim light of hallway, her soft innocent face framed by the brown bobbed cut hair, the pert tits and the sweet, waxed little pussy.

“God, you’re so cute,” she whispered.

Grabbing Ollie by the hand, she gently led her up the stairs and into her bedroom; sitting her down on the bed, she switched on the bedside lamp and started to undress. Ollie watched as the older woman unzipped her dress to reveal a bright red bra and thong; on her left thigh was a large tattoo of a prowling tiger, it stood out in stark contrast to her pale, ivory like skin. As she took off her bra she noticed she had another piercing, a tiny bar through her right nipple; finally she stepped out of her thong, exposing a neatly trimmed bush of dark pubic hair.

Ollie lay back on the bed and Cass lay down beside her. Kissing and nuzzling her neck, the young girl gently caressed her lover’s big soft tits, circling a finger round the nipples and giving the pierced one a little twist, extracting a lustful moan from her as she closed her eyes and gently stroked her fingers down Ollie’s back. Slowly kissing down her chest, she softly gripped her left nipple between her teeth and sucked, whilst twisting the piercing on the right one.

“Mmmnnn… it harder!” Cass groaned, her legs thrashing about on the bed.

The young girl sucked harder on the nipple as she slowly slid her hand down Cass’s body and gently stroked the soft tuft of dark hair. Cass moaned softly, spreading her legs and thrusting her hips as Ollie’s fingers rubbed her hardening clit.

“Ohhhhh…..fffuckin’ hell…harder…harder!”

Ollie rubbed harder, the older woman’s gasps and moans getting more fevered as she slipped two fingers into soft, moist folds of her pussy.


She softly and slowly kissed her way down to Cass’s throbbing clit and sucked hard, making her lover scream ecstatically, grabbing a pillow and burying her face. Her legs thrashed wildly as Ollie flicked her tongue over her clit, her fingers digging into the mattress as she felt herself slipping towards a shattering climax. The feeling of Ollie’s tongue thrusting into her drenched snatch was more than she could stand; arching her back, she screamed into the pillow, thrusting her hips as the orgasm consumed her.


As the climax subsided, she fell back onto the bed, an exhausted smile spreading across her face. “Oh my God,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath, “you randy little tart.”

“Well, was that nice?” Ollie asked, lying back next to her.

“What the hell do you think?” Cass smiled, kissing her on the lips, “you’ve done this before, haven’t you?”

“Certainly not!” the young girl retorted, giving a wry smile; there had been a drunken moment with one of her team mates once, but nothing like this, this felt different.

“You little liar!” the older woman laughed, turning Ollie over and slapping her ass.

“Cuff her wrists to the bedstead,” she ordered.

Ollie obeyed her lover, as Cass attached shackles to Bev’s ankles and connected them with a spreader bar which she had produced from under the bed. Rummaging round in the box, she then took out a ball gag.

“Open wide, we don’t want the neighbours hearing too much do we?” Cass whispered, pushing the ball into Bev’s mouth and clipping it. Bev groaned and looked up her friend, her eyes wide with expectation behind her glasses.

“Now then, let’s see what we can find,” she smirked, slowly pacing round the bed, “hold the bar please, Ollie.”

The young girl held the bar down on the mattress as Cass leaned over the shackled woman, showing her a small rubber paddle, her breathing getting faster as she glided it down her chubby belly onto her pussy.

“There we go, ohhhh yeeeaaah that’s nice isn’t it, you fuckin like that don’t you!” Cass laughed as she thrashed Bev’s clit with the paddle, her shrieks and moans muffled by the gag. Ollie’s bean started to tingle once more, her pussy getting wetter as she watched her lover torture the big woman. After a few moments Cass stopped and put the paddle down, looking for her next torture device.

“Aaah, here we are,” she chirped, finding a ball vibrator and plugging it in. Switching it on, she leaned over and showed it to her captive.


“MMMMMMFFFFF……..YYEEAAAHH!” Bev wailed, nodding her head wildly and pulling at her cuffs.

Turning up the speed, she rolled it over her dribbling pussy, Ollie held on tight to the bar; the big woman screaming and writhing with ecstasy as Cass held the vibrator hard against her raging clit.

“Yeeah, is that nice?” Cass asked mockingly, a devious smile playing across her face as she turned up the speed higher still.


Bev let out a guttural roar and pulled hard at the cuffs; closing her eyes, shaking her head and clenching her fists in a futile attempt to hold off the inevitable, she screamed as her pussy squirted over and over, completely soaking the bed.

“Ohhhhhh, yeah thaaat’s it, good girl,” Cass purred, feeling the warm cum splash onto her arm, “take the gag off please, Ollie.”

Ollie unclipped the gag and wiped the dribble from Bev’s face before gently planting a kiss on her lips.

“Aww, how sweet,” Cass ribbed as she took off the spreader bar.

“Oh God, that was fuckin’ gorgeous,” Bev groaned, still trying to recover.

“Right, my little assistant, get the nipple clamps please,” Cass chirped.

Ollie went over to the box and fished them out; they were linked by a length of chain and looked like the same ones that Kyle had tried unsuccessfully on her. Getting a nod from Cass she screwed them on with guidance to the big woman’s nipples, flicking them with her tongue as she slowly tightened the screws.

“Ohhhh, fuck,” Bev moaned, watching Cass taking something out of the bedside drawer.

“What have you got there?” the young girl asked.

“These, nice aren’t they?” Cass grinned, holding up a pair of black shiny PVC pants with a large cock moulded into the front.

Slipping the pants on, she then knelt between Bev’s legs and gave the chain a gentle tug.

“Oww, fuck!” Bev yelped.

“Now that I’ve got your attention, let me tell you what’s going to happen,” Cass told her chubby friend sternly, “I’m going to fuck you with this nice big cock, while my little friend sits on your face and you eat her pussy, if I think you’re not doing a good enough job I will give you a little encouragement by tugging this, is that understood?”

“AAAAOOOWW!…..yes yes….oh God!” Bev wailed as Cass pulled hard on the chain.

“Sit on her face Ollie,” Cass barked.

The girl did as she was ordered and straddled over Bev’s face, her green eyes widening at the sight of Ollie’s sweet waxed little pussy hovering just above her lips.

“Go on lick it!” said Cass, tugging the chain.

“Oww, okay.”

Bev began to lick at the young girl’s pussy, slowly gliding her tongue over the hard little bean.

“Oh God…yes,” gasped Ollie, grinding her pussy down on Bev’s eager tongue, “harder!”

“Ohhhhh……fuckin’ hell!” Bev yelled, as Cass thrust the cock deep into her soaked pussy.

“Come on bitch, take it!” Cass hissed, thrusting harder.


“Eat it bitch…EAT IT!” screamed Ollie, gripping hard to the bedstead.

“Go on, do as she says!” Cass scowled, pulling the chain hard.


The mix of pain and pleasure added to the sweet taste of Ollie’s pussy sent Bev’s senses reeling, she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold on much longer before an explosive climax tore through her; pushing her tongue deep into Ollie’s snatch, she felt the muscles spasm around it, making the young girl cry out with pleasure.


Ollie gripped hard to the bedstead as Bev’s ravenous tongue pushed her ever closer to release, unable to hold on any longer she screamed as the orgasm racked her body, the waves rippling through her.


Finally releasing her grip, the young girl got off the bed and slumped in a chair in the corner of the room, leaving the two friends to continue.


Thrusting for all she was worth, Cass fucked her voluptuous friend into joyous delirium, the small nub on the inside of the pants rubbing against her own rock hard clit, sending shockwaves coursing through her body.

“Come on bitch, sing for me!” yelled Cass, knowing her friend was close.


Bev arched her back as the cum burst from her pussy, soaking the bed once more, moments later, her friend finally succumbed to the amazing feeling pulsing from her clit and surging through her.


Exhausted and with sweat dripping from her body, she slumped forward on top of her friend and gently kissed her on the cheek. For a few minutes the room was largely silent, save for the odd groan.

“Would somebody undo these please?” Bev asked, rattling the cuffs.

“Ooohhh I don’t know should we?” Cass giggled turning to Ollie.

“Come on, don’t fuck about!”

Cass released her friend and the three of them lay on the bed gently kissing each others bodies, their fun was interrupted by noise downstairs.

“What the fuck’s that?” asked Bev.

“My phone, Sorry about that,” replied Ollie.

“It might be your boyfriend,” Cass said, raising her eyebrows.

“Fuck him, if he won’t answer his phone, why should I answer mine? Besides I’ll probably have to spend much more time away in Plumford, after all, my Nanna’s not very well”………..

Thanks for reading


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ปั๊มไลค์ wrote

Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.