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Out of the Darkness

Category: Incest
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Ryan laid his hand on top of his gym shorts, pressing lightly on the erection underneath. He began to slide his hand up and down the shaft in long, slow strokes.

In the total darkness of his bedroom, with no noise except for the ceiling fan, Ryan had time to think. He thought about his mother, Kristi. He thought about the robe she wore into the kitchen a half hour earlier when she didn’t expect to find him there.

Before she tightened the belt around the robe in an attempt at decency, Ryan had been offered an unanticipated vision of her partially exposed breasts.

His cock involuntarily rose from his body as Ryan recalled the sight. He rubbed harder, but still at a leisurely pace. He had more to think about.

Ever since his father left on a business trip four days ago, Ryan noticed a difference in his mother. She was far more attentive of her nineteen year old son; far more talkative, even to the verge of being flirtatious. Her clothes seemed more revealing and she never wore a bra at home, to his knowledge. Then the robe incident.

Ryan slid his hand inside the shorts and he wrapped his fingers around his cock. He was certain his mother was nude under the robe when he saw her. She acted surprised he was in the kitchen. Was she really surprised? Or was it just a show?

He stroked himself a little faster. Ryan closed his eyes and allowed himself to imagine using his body to hold his mother against the refrigerator. He untied her belt. The robe fell open.


Kristi sat on the edge of her bed, deep in contemplation. Her robe lay opened, a result of her intention to take it off, but delayed by her deliberation. A moment later she stood and walked in front of the large dresser mirror. She pulled the robe off and let it sink to the floor behind her.

Kristi stared at the nude body facing her in the mirror. She tried to put herself in somebody else’s place—a nineteen year old home from college, for instance. Would she be attracted by the breasts she saw? Was the stomach too big? The hips too wide?

She ran her hands over the breasts and pulled on the tiny nipples. Kristi felt the smooth skin of her stomach and thighs. Then she hesitated before feeling the short, soft hair of her pussy. A single finger fell into her slit and she followed it up to her clit. She was wet.

Thirty seconds later, she was walking out of the bedroom and stepping silently down the hall. No lights came out of any of the rooms. She could have been completely alone. But she wasn’t.

Ryan lay in the darkness of his room, one hand pulling his shorts down far enough to allow the other hand to masturbate his rigid cock. His self-absorption was absolute; nothing existed in his world except his thoughts and his cock.

Kristi entered this world through a half-closed bedroom door. There was just barely enough light to give her a hint of what was happening on the bed. She snuck into the room in bare feet, praying there was nothing lying on the floor to trip over. When she was convinced she was still unnoticed, Kristi squinted in an attempt to confirm her first impression.

Indeed, her son was frantically rubbing his cock. She stood in place, uncertain now of her next move.

Ryan took the decision out of her hands by spinning his head in her direction. Something—he didn’t know what—told him she was there. Ryan froze in place, too stunned to react in any other way. His eyes adjusted the best they could and he soon realized his mother was naked.

While not able to make out every detail, his mental image of her nude body in the kitchen was apparently not too far off. In the meantime, he had retained enough control over his hands to put his cock back inside his shorts.

Kristi moved closer to the bed and a small amount of moonlight from the bedroom window added more detail to her silhouette. No words were spoken, but many things floated around in both of their minds.

Kristi was the one who initiated the meeting and she would be the one to continue it. When she got to the side of Ryan’s bed, she got down on her knees by his legs. She reached out with one hand and put it exactly where Ryan’s hand had been moments before, directly on top of his cock.

A shiver shot through her entire body. He was rock hard and very, very long. Kristi enclosed the cock in her fist, taking a handful of his shorts along with it. She didn’t try to do anything except hold him and feel the warmth. Ryan’s pounding heart sent surge after surge of blood through the cock and Kristi felt the result.

After a single tentative stroke, she let go of the cock. Her hands moved up to the waistband of Ryan’s shorts and she had them down below his knees very quickly. Ryan lifted one leg out of them to allow himself more movement.

Kristi stared at his cock for a few seconds, and then put her hand underneath it. At the same time, she leaned forward and put her face within inches of the throbbing cock. She lifted it up with her hand and ran her tongue from the base all the way to the tip.

Ryan’s body stiffened. She licked him again and he tried to breathe. Nothing was coming naturally now, except the constant aching of his cock from trying to harden beyond its capabilities. Kristi’s tongue was all over the shaft and she had removed her hand from under it.

Her lips parted and she covered the center portion of Ryan’s cock with them. She bit him very lightly and then licked him again. Finally, a few seconds later, she took the tip of his cock and put it inside her mouth. Inch by inch she worked her way down until the entire thing disappeared between her lips.

Salty precum was what she tasted first. Afraid that she might not have much time, Kristi began an energetic blowjob.

Ryan peered down, but the darkness and his mother’s hair prevented him from seeing much. What he felt made up for what he couldn’t see. His cock had entered a heavenly, warm, wet place that clamped down around it like a vise.

Ryan felt his mother’s tongue and lips work every inch of his cock. As good as it would have felt to masturbate until he came, this was way better. Knowing he couldn’t see anything, he put his head back on the pillow and enjoyed the ride.

His Mom came into the room with a purpose and it was close to fruition. She worked her son’s cock with her mouth and her hand, waiting anxiously for the first sign Ryan was about to cum.

His moans grew louder until at last he said, “Ohhhhh God. Yes!”

Kristi jerked his cock with her hand and made sure he was deep enough in her mouth not to escape.

“Ahhhhh. Mom, I’m gonna cum.”

Kristi never changed her method of attack and she was rewarded with a violent blast of cum that erupted from Ryan’s cock. As it settled in the back of her throat, another one hit her. Then a third stream landed on her tongue, and smaller bursts started to form a pool of cum in her mouth. She managed to swallow.

Ryan couldn’t resist the urge to put his hands on the back of his mother’s head, holding her in place for the last few seconds of his orgasm. White cum dripped onto her chin as Ryan finished.

She licked the very tip and Ryan twitched in response. But he was drained.

“Oh, fuck,” he murmured.

Kristi laid her head on his stomach and watched the cock begin to soften. A drop of cum peeked out from the head and she licked it off.

Ryan was softly running his fingers through her hair.

“I hope you aren’t mad,” Kristi said quietly.

There was silence for a moment. “I don’t know what to feel,” Ryan answered.

“I’ll let you sleep.”

Kristi got off the bed and walked out, Ryan’s eyes never leaving the outline of her body in the gloom.


Kristi was growing weary of her husband’s frequent trips. They were coming more often and lasting longer, it seemed. Her thirty nine year old body craved his love-making, as opposed to the small collection of toys she kept hidden in the closet.

She surprised even herself with her increased flirting in public with men of nearly any age. She spent more time styling her thick, brown hair in waves that would make any woman her age jealous. Kristi didn’t need to do anything special with the rest of her body. She’d always had a well-proportioned figure that took limited effort to maintain.

The cumulative effect caused Kristi to, first, acknowledge internally a physical attraction to her son in the kitchen. The rush of excitement she felt knowing that he was looking at her partially exposed body was something she hadn’t experienced in many, many years. And, second, to drive her towards the unthinkable act she performed on him.

Ryan was driven by the simple fact he was nineteen. He thought he had a pretty good take on life until he found himself taunted by his mother. Yes, he had always known that she was very attractive. But to fantasize about having sex with her? To allow her to give him a blowjob? All the darkness in the world didn’t hide the fact it was Kristi who entered his room and sucked him until he came.

How was he supposed to feel? Ryan could hardly answer that question if it had been a new girlfriend, let alone his mother.

The sun came up the next day, as always, but things were now different. Ryan and Kristi met in the kitchen, this time both dressed. Uncomfortable greetings were followed by silence.

Then Kristi said, “I’m sorry about last night.”

“It’s OK,” Ryan said automatically.

“No, it’s not OK. I shouldn’t have done it. It’s not fair to you or your father,” Kristi said, sitting in a chair next to Ryan with a bowl of fruit in front of her.

Ryan didn’t know if telling her she was very good would be taken the wrong way or not. He decided against that approach. “Do you get lonely?” he asked instead.

Kristi was taken aback by Ryan’s astute question. She chewed a piece of melon, then said, “Yes.”

“Have you told Dad?”

Kristi’s eyes widened. “About last night?”

Ryan laughed. “Hell, no. About being lonely.”

“No,” Kristi said with a hint of despair. “He’d never change anything about his job.”

“Then you need to change your life,” Ryan replied.

Kristi stared at him. “In what way?”

“Go out. Meet people. Take up a hobby. Do something.”

“Ryan, that’s easy for you to say. A college kid. Not married,” Kristi said. “I live in a different world.”

“Mom, do you think I haven’t seen a change in you lately?” Ryan said. “You WANT a change.”

Kristi played with the few remaining pieces of fruit with her fork. “I’ve been acting like an idiot. Last night was the ultimate proof of that.”

Ryan put his hand on her arm. “I was thinking last night. I have a suggestion. You can say ‘No’ and it won’t make me mad.”


“When I go back to school for the summer, come with me,” Ryan said. “The apartment will be empty. You can stay as long as you want. Shop all day. Just relax. I don’t care. Just go someplace different and do different things. There will be lots of people around.”

Kristi looked bewildered. “You want your mother around?”

“If it will make you happy.”

Kristi glanced at the calendar on the wall. She’d be alone the first week Ryan would be back at school. Her heart pounded.

“C’mon,” Ryan urged.

His mother nodded. “OK. I can come home if it doesn’t work out. Thanks, Ryan.”


The experiment had every reason to fail. Ryan had friends at school and many of them would be there for the summer, like himself. They would want to spend time at his apartment. His mother, in all her youthful exuberance, would still be his mother to them.

Also, it was one thing to be around his Mom at home during a break, but quite another on campus during classes. Would she interfere with his studies? Would she interfere with his social life? Would she BE his social life?

From Kristi’s perspective, she went into it in a confused mental state. She was at an important crossroads in her life. She had to find a solution to her growing separation anxiety with her husband. She had to understand what compelled her to visit her son’s bedroom in the middle of the night. Now she’d be in a strange environment.

The days leading up to the ‘big move’ back to school were uneventful, as was the short drive to campus. Kristi felt strangely invigorated and looking forward to it much more than she had a week earlier. Ryan was confident, bordering on determined to make his idea work.

His apartment was the second floor of a Victorian mansion that had fallen into disrepair before being purchased and renovated. Three guys lived on each of the two floors, making it more than a little profitable for the owner and, yet, comfortable for the residents. They each had a private bedroom and could walk to classes. The kitchen was serviceable as long as you weren’t a gourmet cook.

With Ryan being the only renter using it during the summer, the house almost took on mansion qualities again. Except for the odd collection of furniture, Kristi liked it.

“Take John’s room. It’s the one nearest the bathroom,” Ryan said as he gave his Mom the initial tour. They stuck their heads inside and Kristi gave her approval after mocking the clutter.

“I’m in here,” Ryan said, leading them into his room. It was only somewhat tidier.

Kristi was too busy thinking of all the things she’d do to the house to make it truly renovated to pay much attention to Ryan. But she survived the tour and they emptied the car together.

The next half hour was spent unpacking and organizing. Kristi had no idea what to pack for such a ‘trip’, so she had a little of everything. The heat was building in the early summer, however, and she had a good quantity of shorts and t-shirts.

It gave her an excuse to plan on wandering the neighborhoods and shopping district to find out what was normal for the natives, which is what she did while Ryan made sure the house’s wireless computer network was still working. Kristi was relieved to find that casual wear was apparently the only acceptable gear. She wasn’t sure what else she expected, but it had been a long time since she had spent more than a few hours on Ryan’s campus, or any campus.

Overall, the excursion was informative and only a little bit expensive. When she returned to the apartment it was almost time for dinner. Ryan was still in his room, which Kristi expected was routine for him even when the house was empty. He showed a cursory interest in what she had purchased, and then said, “What do you want to do about dinner?”

“It’s up to you. Is there anything I can make us?” Kristi asked.

“Not worth eating. Want to go out?”

She shrugged. “Sure. You decide.”

“There’s a place by the bookstore. Mexican. Is that OK?”

Kristi said, “That’s fine.”

Then he added, “If you want, after we eat, I can show you a really cool bar nearby. But if you don’t want to, I mean,…”

Kristi smiled, sensing his awkwardness. “That would be fun, Ryan.”

She was flattered that he would even consider it. And she would do almost anything right now to make him happy. She had no way of knowing his thought process was aligned with hers. Ryan just stuck to what his nineteen year old mind knew best. Want to have fun? Find a good bar.

“Great. Go easy on the Margaritas then,” he said.

“I figured you wanted me drunk.”

Ryan actually blushed. “That wasn’t my goal. But I bet you’re fun when you’re drunk.”

“Ryan!” Kristi scolded him. “May you never find out.”


“The next important thing is: What do I wear?” Kristi asked.

“Depends on whether you want to mix in with the crowd or stand out,” he answered.

“I’m into mixing in.”

“Did you bring a tank top and shorts?” he asked.

“Several of both,” she replied quickly.

“Pick one of each.”

“When do we leave?” Kristi said, heading for the door of his room.

“Whenever you’re ready.”

For the simple act of putting on a top, panties and shorts, Kristi spent an inordinate amount of time. She spent ten minutes picking out the tank top that best accentuated her modest breasts, five minutes finding shorts and another fifteen minutes getting her hair just right.

By the time she made it downstairs, it wouldn’t have surprised her if Ryan was asleep on the couch. He was not asleep and, in fact, was very wide awake at the first sight of his mother. Ryan gazed at her undulating hair, the simple necklace that drew his eyes down to her cleavage, her skinny waist with the top tucked into her shorts, and her sculptured legs.

“God, Mom.”

“What?” Kristi said.

“I’m thinking twice about this whole bar thing now,” Ryan said. His eyes darted over her body, again, like he’d never seen her before.

“You’re a sweetie,” Kristi said, kissing him on the cheek and taking his arm. “Let’s go.”

On the way to the restaurant, Ryan said timidly, “If you want me to, you know, leave you alone in the bar or anything, let me know.”

Kristi tried not to laugh. “If you leave me alone I’ll never speak to you again. Besides, shouldn’t I be the one saying that?”

“You think there’s going to be anything better than you in there?”

“Stop it,” Kristi said. “And don’t make it sound like I’m a piece of meat. You sound like a college kid or something.”


Ryan had spoken the truth. But he was torn between protecting his mother and letting her be free. At the moment, the protection mode was winning out. That was being reinforced with each block they walked as nearly every man they passed gave Kristi double and triple looks of appreciation.

Inside the restaurant, the ogling continued and Ryan’s fear of what it would be like inside the bar increased by the minute. It didn’t help that he, as well, couldn’t go very long without sneaking another peek at the breasts inside her top or the nipples pressing against the front of the shirt.

Kristi took it all in stride, getting a thrill out of whoever was looking, whether it be her son or a stranger. She, for one, was looking forward to the rest of the evening.

They took their time eating and sat at the table and talked long afterwards. As darkness was settling in, Kristi was the one who suggested they move out into the street and head for whichever bar Ryan recommended. Most of the stores were closed so Ryan was spared having to stand around looking busy while she shopped. Instead, he led her in the direction of the establishment he suspected would have the most mature crowd and music you could talk over.

Most mature, in this case, meant twenty-something. And the bulk of the crowd would be arriving in several hours. Ryan could think of worse times to do this.

As they approached the entrance, Kristi said, “One last chance. If you don’t want to do this…”

“Hey, I was the one who suggested it,” Ryan responded. “I’m good with it if you are.”

He opened the door, watched for her response, and smiled when she stepped inside without hesitation. Noise, smoke, darkness and the odor of alcohol hit her simultaneously. It was a concoction of sensory attacks she had not experienced in a long time. She FELT twenty years younger, anyway.

Ryan took the lead and weaved through tables, past the bar where he waved casually to a barely legal female bartender, and into a back room about the size of a normal school classroom. Half a dozen tables were scattered around, with only two of them occupied by a total of six people. It was dark, but considerably quieter than in the main area of the bar.

Miscellaneous, and unrelated, stuff hung on the walls and from the ceiling. As Kristi’s eyes adjusted to the light, she began to pick out recognizable pieces of hardware and road signs. More importantly, she could make out the faces of the four guys sitting at the other tables. Two might have been students. Two were likely older, but not much. Their glances at Kristi were returned in kind.

“Is this alright?” Ryan asked once they were settled into their chairs.

“Yep. I like it.”

A young waitress appeared just seconds later, acknowledging Ryan and convincing Kristi he spent more time here than she probably cared to know about. Kristi figured it wasn’t the time or place to order her usual specialty wine, so she stuck with draft beer. Ryan followed suit, apparently not an uncommon choice on his part.

“They have great prices here,” he said. “So I’m saving you money.”

“Right. You’ve been saving me so much money every girl in here knows you.”

“I tip well,” he said with a smile.

“I bet you do.”

They managed to find enough to talk about to get them to the second round. Kristi had assured Ryan she would pay in gratitude for his offer to share the apartment and get her out of town for a while. He didn’t refuse.

It was during Ryan’s first trip to the men’s room that Kristi was approached by one of the ‘older’ guys in the room. It happened to be the one Kristi thought was the best looking, so his offer to dance was easily accepted by her. Every nerve in her body tingled and she wondered how she would make her feet and legs move, but the music and his casual demeanor made it effortless.

Up close, she put him at about twenty four, maybe twenty five. Kristi apologized for her ‘awful’ dancing, but he was kind and a couple minutes of watching the other girls allowed her to mimic them pretty well. By the third song, she was proud of herself.

Ryan had caught sight of her on his way back and took the opportunity to take a seat at the bar. It all went unnoticed by Kristi, who was finally into it at the end of the set. Her disheveled hair was put back into place with a few swipes of her hand and her partner followed her back to the tables. Ryan was close behind, unbeknownst to Kristi, and she offered the young man a thank-you kiss before they separated.

“Oh, sure. I’ve lost you already. One bathroom break and you leave me,” Ryan said sarcastically.

“I certainly hope you weren’t in the bathroom all that time,” Kristi said, sitting down and catching her breath. “You’ll miss out on your mother making a fool out of herself.”

“Nah. I wouldn’t miss that for anything.”

Kristi kicked him under the table and he feigned agony.

Once recovered, Ryan said, “So, no offers from him?”

“For what?”

“I don’t know. A drink? More dances?” Ryan said.

“Sex?” Kristi added.

“Sex?” Ryan countered.

“Nope. Not yet.”

Ryan’s jealousy was tested twice more as Kristi danced with one other guy and then with her original partner again. Each time she came back to him overheated, but in one piece.

“Do you mind if we go?” Kristi asked.

“Sure. You OK?” Ryan said.

“I’m great. This has been a blast. I’m just ready to go.”

Ryan didn’t argue and the couple headed outside for the walk back. This time Kristi took his hand, a gesture that surprised and baffled Ryan. A block later she said, “Thanks, Ryan. That was really fun.”

“You’d do it again?”

“Whenever you want,” she said with a gentle squeeze of her hand.

It was very dark, particularly on the side streets without street lights for great distances. Most of the houses were empty and it got pleasantly quiet the farther they got from the main street.

Kristi and Ryan were no longer holding hands, but Kristi was close by his side the entire time, sometimes allowing their bodies to touch as they walked. When they got to an unusually dark section of a block, Kristi put her arm around Ryan’s waist. Their walking slowed.

“Are you sure you don’t hate me for what I did that night, without anything since?” she asked.

Ryan stopped. “Mom, it was great. I told you I’m fine. It just, well, confused me.”

“I know, hon. That’s my fault.”

“I think, um, I think that I…”

Kristi looked at him in the darkness and waited.

“I think I love you,” he finished. “And I don’t know if it’s right.”

“Of course it’s alright,” Kristi said, putting both hands on his waist.

“No. I mean love you. I want you.”

Kristi’s throat was dry and she struggled for words. “I wanted you that night, too, Ryan. But…”

Ryan suddenly leaned forward and kissed his mother on the lips, grabbing the back of her head and pulling her into him. Their mouths opened and their tongues collided as the kiss intensified. Neither of them could, nor wanted to, back away from the other. They lost all consciousness of their surroundings for the duration of the kiss.

Finally, Ryan took his mother’s hand and almost dragged her around the side of the nearest house and onto a grassy mound that separated it from the next house.

“Ryan! Where…?”

“Shhhhh!” Ryan hissed. “Quiet.”

He kissed her again, partly out of lust and partly to keep her from asking questions. At the same time, he yanked her top out of her shorts and slid his hands inside. Kristi weakly slapped at his forearms, but her resistance was not going to stop him. His hands found her breasts and began to squeeze them under her top.

He had to stop kissing her long enough to lift off her top. During that short time, Kristi repeatedly cried out in a loud whisper, “Not here! Not here!” Ryan ignored the pleas and had her topless, muttering back to her, “Lay down.”

They fell to the soft grass and Ryan began to suck on Kristi’s tits. He used his hands to push up the soft flesh and his tongue to roll the nipples from side to side. Ryan’s mouth wrapped around as much of his mother’s breast as he could manage and his teeth scraped across her skin.

Kristi moaned with pleasure while, at the same time, tamely struggling to get out from under her son. It was all wrong, but felt so good.

“Ryan, no. Please!”

Far from being ready to obey her, Ryan had a hand at the top of her shorts, fumbling with the button. He gave her tit a final kiss and lick, then moved down so he could see better. With both hands now free, he had Kristi’s shorts open quickly.

Amid faint sounds of protest and constant wiggling of her body, Ryan pulled simultaneously on her shorts and panties, exposing her down to the knees. He continued drawing them down until one leg was free. Then Ryan moved back up his mother’s body.

He hovered over her, took off his shirt, and then lay on top of her.

The coolness of their skin touching each other in the night air, chest against chest, sent ripples of excitement through them both.

Ryan kissed his mother.

“I said I love you, Mom,” Ryan said quietly. “I meant it. And you said you wanted me.”

“But, but Ryan. You are, I mean, you’re my son. I can’t, we can’t…”

“We can do anything we want if we love each other,” Ryan said, pressing his body against hers. “Do you feel me, Mom? Do you feel how much I want you?”

Kristi nodded, fighting back tears.

“I’ll make you a deal,” Ryan said, sliding down so his face was above one of her breasts again.

When he didn’t say anything right away, Kristi asked, “What?”

Ryan lowered his open mouth onto her tit and sucked it roughly. Kristi’s back arched and an involuntary moan escaped her lips. Ryan sucked on her for half a minute.

When his head rose once more, he said, “If you aren’t wet, we’ll stop.”

“Ryan! No! Don’t you…”

Ryan’s hand was between her legs. She tried to resist, but he pushed them wider with a strong arm. His hand found her pussy and two fingers slid over her cunt.

Her extremely wet cunt.

“Ahhhh, Mom. I knew it.”

Ryan raised his damp fingers to his mother’s lips and spread the juices over her lips.

“Taste it, Mom.”

Kristi looked up at him in the darkness. The tip of her tongue appeared and very quickly took a swipe across her lips.

Ryan took the opportunity to open his shorts and unzip them.

“Touch me.”

Kristi raised a shaky hand and put it on his cock, the same hard cock she remembered from his bedroom.

“Take it out.”

She used both hands to pull down his briefs and reveal the large erection. Ryan finished the job for her and then returned to his spot between her legs.

“This is wrong, Ryan,” Kristi murmured.

His fingers returned to her cunt. “Then why, Mom, are you soaking wet? Why did you suck my cock? Why do you flirt with me? Why did you come into the kitchen with your robe open? None of that was wrong because you wanted it to happen. And now you want this.”

Ryan moved his cock to the entrance of her cunt. He could hear Kristi’s fast, uneven breathing. The tip of his cock barely split open the hole.

“Say it’s OK, Mom.”

“No! No, Ryan!”

He pushed a little harder and the head of his cock disappeared inside her body.

“Say it.”

“God, no.”

They both felt the cock slide in another inch or two. Kristi gasped. Ryan didn’t ask again. With one sudden thrust, he was inside her until he couldn’t go any farther.

Ryan pulled nearly all the way out, and repeated the plunge only faster and harder.

“Oh, God. Ohhhhhh,” Kristi moaned.

Ryan began a steadier, hard fuck.

“Do you want it?” he whispered into his mother’s ear.

Kristi was silent except for her attempts at breathing. “Do you?” he repeated.

He thought he felt her head nod. The sound of his cock entering her wet pussy was clearly audible.

“Yes,” she mumbled. “Yes.”

Ryan fucked her harder. He pulled her up by the ass and Kristi wrapped her legs around his waist.

“That’s it. Relax,” he assured her.

Yet, the sex got rougher. They partially rolled in the cool grass, constantly searching for a better angle for Ryan’s cock. He sought out her breasts and bit on the nipples. Kristi responded by tightening her cunt around his cock.

“Yesssss, Ryan.”

“Tell me what you want?”

“Harder,” she said almost under her breath.

“Tell me.”

She could only moan and thrust her body up into his. Then she managed to say it.

“Fuck me. Fuck me!”

Ryan put his hands on the ground next to his mother and plowed his thick cock into her like he’d never done with another girl. Kristi hung on, feeling her body begin the process of climaxing. She could no longer speak, but Ryan was done talking to her. Now they were two people having sex and about to cum.

Kristi was first. She clung to his body tightly as her body released all the sexual energy that had been building up for months. She cried out as she felt her stomach tighten and the orgasm take over. His cock’s piston-like action inside her cunt activated every nerve she had and her body shook uncontrollably.

Ryan’s first blast of cum nearly went unnoticed by Kristi. But his grunts and methodical pounding of her cunt, combined with the ever-growing volume of warm cum inside her, gave him away. They came together for a long time, holding each other the best they could.

They ended up on their sides, Ryan still inside his mother. They kissed and laid silently in the darkness.

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Sylvia wrote

I am hopping the will be more.
Well done I loved