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Two Weeks of Leave Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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I rolled off of Shea and pulled the blanket over us. I was in shock and didn't know how to react. Not only had I just fucked my own sister, but on top of that, we just got caught by her 2 roommates. This was bad. As I struggled to find something to say, my sister spoke up calmly. "Shit Megan, you were right. At the end there I thought I was going to black out."
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Out of the Darkness

Category: Incest
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Ryan laid his hand on top of his gym shorts, pressing lightly on the erection underneath. He began to slide his hand up and down the shaft in long, slow strokes. In the total darkness of his bedroom, with no noise except for the ceiling fan, Ryan had time to think. He thought about his mother, Kristi. He thought about the robe she wore into the kitchen a half hour earlier when she didn't expect to find him there.
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Nurse Mom

Category: Incest
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For years I had been driving my mother up to visit her girlfriend. Ever since I had turned sixteen, gotten my license, I'd taken mom on her monthly pilgrimage to spend the day visiting with her long time friend during the summer months. It wasn't like it was a cross-country trip, but mom hated driving on the freeway. And I didn't mind taking her as Valerie; mom's friend had a couple of sweet looking twin daughters.
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Our Risqué Day by the Pool

Category: Incest
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My name is Carol and I'm 39 years old, I stand about 5'5" tall and weigh in at about 105 pounds. I have light brown shoulder length hair that I like to pull behind my ears sometimes. I own a small car rental shop in town, which does fairly well to support my son and I. Tim or as I still like to think of him "TIMMY" is my 18 year old son, he decided to stay with me after my husband Mark and I thought it best to go our own separate ways, we did not have a falling out, just a mutual decision on calling it quits.
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