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Three’s Perfect for a First-Time

Category: Gay Male
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One of the good things about living in Washington DC is that there’s never a shortage of visitors. Friends & family are always coming through town for vacation, meetings, etc., which is good because it gets you out of the house. Last week I went to meet one of my visiting friends near his hotel in Dupont Circle, and it changed my life forever.

Dupont Circle is a eclectic neighborhood with lots of interesting people and a large gay community. Even though I’m a 29 year old straight guy, I’ve had bisexual fantasies for years, so I always like hanging around Dupont because so many openly gay men and women are out and about. I’ve never once acted on my fantasies, not even as a kid, but approaching 30 I’m realizing that I want to explore every part of my personality and I don’t want to look back on life and regret not having experiences.

Anyway, my friend (who is married and probably not bi-curious like me) had dinner and a few beers at a cool bar/restaurant with lots of pool tables. At about 10 PM, and after a couple of games of pool, my friend needed to leave to get some sleep before an early flight the next morning. We say our good-byes, he takes off, and I stop in the bathroom to pee before leaving. As I come out, I hear, “Excuse me.” I turn around to see a guy who had been waiting for our pool table.

“Are you finished?” he asked. “Yeah,” I responded. After an awkward pause, I realized I was staring at him. I don’t usually notice guys as being cute, but this one was different. He looked like a male model. At about 5-10, brown hair and eyes, he had a square jaw and an unforgettable smile. He was beautiful.

I must have looked like an idiot, staring at him. He kind of laughed and said, “Well, I’m waiting for a friend to show up. Would you like to play a quick game with me?”

“Uhhh, okay,” I said, still a little stunned at my reaction to him.

His name was Jim, but he said that everyone called him Jamie. Although he was even worse at pool than I was, he was incredibly kind and funny. He was quick to laugh and insisted on buying me a beer. In my experience, people that look like him tend to be stuck up and rude. But not Jamie. We got along very well, laughing at our lack of pool prowess, that I began to wonder if he was gay, and if I might finally experience what I had been fantasizing about.

When I’ve fantasized about guys in the past, it’s always been a non-specific guy who lets me suck and play with his cock. Until this night, I’d never had strong feelings for real people. Maybe the beer was getting to me, but I was loosening up enough so that I was getting turned on by Jamie. When he bent over the pool table to take aim at a long shot, I found myself staring at his nice, tight ass.

Again, he caught me staring, and kind of chuckled.

“So, are you married?” he asked. “Nope,” I responded.

“Got a girlfriend?”

“No, not any more. Broke up a while ago.”

“Got a boyfriend?” he said with a smile.

“No, but I’m open to anything,” I said, chuckling. The beer was definitely getting to me! I’ve never told anyone else, let alone a stranger, that I had an interest in men. I think he could tell I was embarrassed, and left the subject alone.

We finally finished our first game, and I went to the bar to buy us another round. When I returned to our table, Jamie was with another guy.

“Hey, Chris,” Jamie said to me. “Let me introduce you to my friend Paul, who is a half an hour late.”

Paul looked similar to me, about 6-1, blond hair, medium build, but he had a military look about him. His hair was very short, and I noticed a tattoo on his inner forearm that looked like something from the Navy.

The way that Paul and Jamie acted together answered my question about Jamie’s sexuality. They were arm in arm, hugging, whispering in each other’s ear and laughing; definitely together. I thought Paul’s arrival was my cue to exit. “Well, I should probably take off now,” I said, trying to give them some time alone together.

“No way, you don’t have to leave,” said Paul. “Stay for another game. At least finish your beer. C’mon, I’ll take both you and Jamie on in a game.”

I said alright, and watched as Paul beat me and Jamie in game after game. Finally, just before midnight, they decided they’d had enough pool and started to leave when Jaime turned to me and said, “Hey, Chris, you doing anything now?”

“No, I was just going to head for home,” I said.

“If you want, you can come back to my place with us and hang out, maybe watch a movie,” Jamie offered.

“Are you sure? I mean, you guys are probably sick of me by now,” I said.

Paul said, “Don’t be silly. We’d love to have you.”

Again, I agreed to Paul’s suggestion. The guy was authoritative, but in a friendly way. During the 6 block walk to Jamie’s house, I was curious to say the least; thoughts were rushing through my head. They were obviously a couple, so I thought they would want to be alone. Did they really just want to hang around with me as a friend? Did they think I was gay? Did they want me to join in with them? No, that would be ridiculous.

Jamie’s house was nice, but it was older and had no air conditioning. This was one of those rare Spring days that hit 90 degrees, and his house was warm and stuffy, even at midnight. “As you can tell, it’s an oven in here,” said Jamie. “If you want, there’s a shower downstairs you can use to cool off. We’re going to use the one upstairs.”

I took a cool shower, but midway through noticed there wasn’t any soap left in the shower. I dried off a little and wrapped myself in a large bath towel. I emerged from the bathroom to ask Jamie if there was any soap left. By the time I got upstairs, I could hear noises coming from the bedroom. The bedroom door was wide open, and I saw Paul and Jamie locked in an embrace, kissing. Like me, they were wearing nothing but bath towels. I didn’t know if they wanted to be seen, but I stood silently in the hallway anyway, transfixed.

Jamie laid down on his back, his head hanging over the end of the bed. Standing with Jamie’s head between his legs, Paul started rubbing Jamie’s nice chest. It had a little hair, and was thin but well toned. I could see Jamie’s ab muscles — he must work out like crazy. Paul’s hands rubbed up and down Jamie’s chest and stomach, until they reached under Jamie’s towel to caress his inner thighs and cock and balls.

“Mmmmm,” Jamie moaned. “That feels great.”

Jamie reached up to pull Paul’s towel off, which revealed his semi-erect penis. Even at half mast, the thing was at least seven inches and thick. It hung there like a salami in front of Jamie’s face. I was salivating, wishing I could put it in my mouth. Jamie reached back to pull Paul closer. He started to lick at the head of Paul’s gorgeous cock. Paul leaned forward to allow Jamie to take more of his meat. Pretty soon, he was humping Jamie’s face, and all Jamie could do was relax his throat and take it all in.

Needless to say, I was getting hard under my towel. I thought, this could finally be it. This is incredible!

Paul climbed on the bed, straddling Jamie’s beautiful face so Jamie could lick his ass. From my vantage point, I couldn’t see what was going on, but Paul seemed to love it. He started moaning, “Ahh, yeah,” and “Lick my ass. Stick your tongue in my ass. God, that feels good.”

Not consciously thinking, I started walking into the bedroom. I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to be a part of this. Paul noticed me walking in, and said, “Well Chris, it’s about time. Come here.”

I didn’t respond. My heart was pounding and I was so nervous and excited that I couldn’t speak. “Don’t be shy,” Paul said. “What, are you a virgin or something?”

“Basically, yes,” I said. “I’ve never been with a guy before, but I’ve thought about it for a long time.”

“Oh, cool. Jamie, we’ve got a first timer here,” said Paul. “Time to stop thinking and start doing. Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

I walked toward Paul, who was still sitting on Jamie’s face, fixated with one goal in mind: Suck on that big cock. I laid down on my side next to the two of them, and reached up to hold Paul’s meat. It was so big it felt heavy. I’d never touched another man’s penis before, so I didn’t have anything to compare it to, other than my own, which is an average 6 inches. I opened my mouth and took the plunge. I licked and sucked on the big spongy head of Paul’s cock, then tried to relax my throat as I took more and more of it in. For those of you that have never done this, let me tell you it is exhilarating. At first it felt like my mouth was stretched to the limit to take this monster, but as time went on I got more comfortable and relaxed. Pretty soon my head was bobbing up and down on his member like a pro. I loved it.

“You’re pretty good at that, Chris,” said Paul. “You sure you’ve never done that before?” “Mmmmm hmm,” I said, trying to speak with a mouth- and throat-full of cock. “Well, why don’t you work on Jamie for a while?”

Paul got off Jamie’s face, which had be buried in Paul’s ass for a good five minutes. He reached down and removed Jamie’s towel; his dick appeared rock hard, and about the same size as mine, 6 inches. Paul went over to sit in a chair next to the bed and watch us. I put my head on Jamie’s stomach, and took hold of his dick in my hands. I started licking the shaft, up and down, up and down until he couldn’t stand it any more. I sucked hard on his cock, eventually taking it all the way back until my nose hit his pubes. Jamie put his hand on the back of my head and gently guided my head up and down on his dick, faster and faster. He was moaning and loving it. After a while, Jamie pulled my head off his cock and said, “So, Chris, have you ever fantasized about getting fucked?”

“Oh god, yes!” I said. “I’ve used my ex-girlfriend’s vibrator; it’s always felt great but I’ve never done the real thing.”

“Well, you will now,” he said. Jamie reached into the table next to the bed and pulled out a bunch of condoms and some lube. “Get on your knees,” he commanded. “Put your ass in the air and spread your legs as far as you can get them.” I was incredibly excited. Being fucked in the ass was always a major fantasy. The small vibrator that I used was fun, but it was nothing like I was about to experience. Jaime had spread some lube on his hand and my ass and was running his fingers up and down the crack of my ass.

“Just relax,” he said, as he pushed one lubed finger into my butt. I moaned in pleasure and wanted more. After a couple of minutes, I was ready. He put a condom on his still hard cock and added more lube to it. He got behind me and pulled my legs apart to push me down to the right height. I could feel the head of his cock pressed against my virgin asshole. He told me to relax again, and soon enough, he had an inch or two in. He slowly withdrew it and put it back again, this time a little quicker. It was an amazing feeling; there was pressure and it felt like my ass was being stretched, but there wasn’t much pain. “You okay?” Jamie asked. I told him yes, fuck me harder.

Jamie picked up the pace. He started pumping my ass harder and faster. “Fuck me!” I screamed. His moans intensified, and I could tell he was about to cum. I felt his six inch cock spasm, and a little while later he withdrew his limp cock from my ass.

I started to get up because I thought I was done, but from behind me I could hear Paul say, “You like that, huh Chris? It’s my turn now.” As he put on a condom and added a bunch of lube to it, I panicked a little. Could I handle his thick eight-incher? Well, I would soon find out. Paul wasn’t as gentle as Jamie had been. It was a good thing I was somewhat loose at that point, because instead of easing it in, he thrust the head in right away. I grunted; it felt like I was being split in two. He paused for a moment and gave me a chance to adjust. Then he grabbed a hold of my hips and started fucking me even harder than Jaime had. He fucked my brains out for what seemed like 10, 15 minutes. My ass was numb and getting sore. Finally, he grew tired of the doggie-style position and told me to get on my back, which I did. He grabbed my ankles and put them over his shoulders, then slid his cock back into my aching ass. After a few minutes of fucking me like this, he said, “Your ass is so hot — I love fucking it. Do you like it?”

“Yes,” I said. I did love it, but wished he would come so I could rest a little.

“You know, Chris, one of the great pleasures of being with a man is having someone come in your mouth,” Paul said as he continued fucking me with my legs over his shoulders. “Do you want that?”

“Yes!” I said. In addition to being fucked, having a guy shoot his load down my throat was one of the other things I fantasized most about. With that, Paul stopped pumping my ass, leaned closer to me and planted a soft kiss on my lips. Then, he slowly withdrew his cock from my tired butt, pulled off the condom, and had me lay on my side as he knelt in front of me. He put his cock in my face and said, “Suck it.”

For the second time that night I had Paul’s huge dick in my mouth. Once again, I tried to relax my throat so I could take it all in. I sucked as hard and as fast as I could. Finally, after a couple minutes of this, Paul started moaning hard. With his left hand he grabbed the back of my head and pulled it away from his pulsating cock. With his right hand, he started stroking his pulsating cock, which he positioned only about a half inch inside my open mouth so he could see the fireworks. Stream after stream of Paul’s cum hit the back of my open mouth, and some dribbled down my chin. He put his cock back in my mouth so I could get all of it. It was an incredible thrill.

“You’ve done great,” said Jaime. “Now it’s your turn.” As I laid on the bed, he kissed my mouth and cleaned up Paul’s excess jizz from my lips and chin. Then, he kissed his way down my chest and abdomen to my cock, which was oozing precum. He expertly sucked my cock. It was the best blow job I’ve ever had, and it took only a minute or so before I was coming in Jaime’s mouth. Needless to say, I was totally drained.

That was about two weeks ago, and I’m still sorting it all out. I had a great, mind-blowing experience with Jaime and Paul, and I can’t wait to relive it. If you’re a straight guy with bisexual fantasies, I say go for it! The only regret I have is not doing it sooner.

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Bob wrote

Hot story of breaking in a virgin mouth and fuckhole by a hot couple write more stories.