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The Bet

Category: Gay Male
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It was a Friday night, early and nice out; just nice enough for a trip down South Street by' myself. I loved coming down here in general but it was almost' always so much better when I was alone. Sometimes, I would walk around for a bit, and then take a trip down to the river and sit there for a while.
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Sucking Her Dick at the Theatre

Category: Gay Male
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A Hot Gay Quickie at Thee Playhouse Theater in Tampa I left home headed to Tampa and the only thing on my mind was getting a blow job. It had been way too long and I needed some relief tonight! I had been to Thee Playhouse before so I knew that it was a hot, sweaty, sex filled place to go if you wanted to be certain of getting your cock sucked. This was definitely the place I needed to be tonight. No games, no pretense, just quick, hot, nasty sex!
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Rachel Realises Our Fantasy

Category: Gay Male
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I was hooked on a couple of chat rooms. Hours seemed to pass as I enjoyed the conversation of people from around the world. Of course there was also plenty of sex talk which made them even more addictive. Over a period of 2 or 3 months I was spending an increasing amount of time chatting with one girl in particular.
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Sucking at the Picnic

Category: Gay Male
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It was the annual benefit picnic for the VFD, and it was hot. A hundred degrees in the shade, and record-shatteringly humid. As my wife and I sat listening to the band and sucking down the lemonade, a strange sensation came over me. Usually I was not a hot weather person, but this extreme heat felt like a sauna, and as I got used to the sweat, I started feeling the stirrings of desire. My wife was here to hobnob with her friends, though, and I knew she would not be receptive at this place and time.
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Tigger’s Perfect Valentine

Category: Gay Male
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Frigid rain falls steadily from a leaden sky as the train pulls into Union Station in Portland. Even the dreary weather cannot keep Tigger from bouncing up and down on the edge of his seat. It's a habit he's had all his life. As a child his mother teased him that he was bouncier than a rubber ball. His liveliness had earned him his nickname.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Caleb ran down the alley trying to make it back home. Lucien was in town and the master vampire wasn't very happy with him. Dodging a street merchant, he found the fire escape for his apartment and quickly climbed the three flights to his window. It wasn't always like this. Caleb had been the mate for a master vampire. The master of London if you want to be more technical, however he had always felt out of place in London. Lucien had tried to make him feel comfortable, but it never worked too well.
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Twilight on Dreamworld

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
BRITNEY SPEARS NUDE! I roll my eyes as I begin deleting the junkmail from my inbox. I absently push a few loose hairs behind my ear to join the millions of others that were unwashed, itchy and annoying. There are supposed to be hundreds of feedback emails in here. Hundreds of meaningless screen names that have observed my artwork and want to tell me how wonderful I am and how much they want to be like me. I get nothing. Junkmail.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
After my divorce, my friends told me to get out more. They were all married, so I was a third wheel to them. I signed up for some continuing education courses at the local community college. I wanted to work out more so I took things like parcourse, weight training, etc. It was something to do at night after work. And I didn't meet anyone I wanted to go out with.
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The Meeting

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Up until a few months ago I never considered myself bi-sexual. And even when the thoughts of being with another man started filtering into my fantasies, I still thought of my self as heterosexual. Sure, I had thoughts like that for the past few years, but nothing like the past few months, and never anything that actually made me hard.
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Rekindling Our Love

Category: Gay Male
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Being married had never been a possibility for me... that is until I met Josh. We didn't click right off but sparks flew anyway. We were both temperamental with chips on our shoulders about relationships. With his being an architect and me being hired to design the web pages for his company, we were thrown together quite often.
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