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The Visitor

Category: BDMS
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Coming out of the bathroom, hair still wet from my shower, I stop before the bed. It's all there. He's laid it all out for me, and the tension that I had been feeling all afternoon ratchets up another notch. "Oh, god, oh god," I mutter, not really aware of what I'm saying.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Friday night. I am secured in a standing position, naked and spread eagled. My ankles are secured to a spreader bar, my hands to restraints attached to new hooks she has attached to the ceiling. My wife's mouth surrounds but does not touch my pulsating cock. I tighten my groin muscles to make contact. She pulls away. "Bad boy!" She reaches down for her riding crop and slaps mildly at my balls, stretched and separated by a leather cock ring.
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Teased Too Far

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Jordan was being tortured. It was the day before Valentine's and Glen was torturing her with her gift. He wasn't torturing her with intrigue and suspense. On the contrary, she knew exactly what she was getting. She had known for a long time, and he had purchased it a long time ago. It arrived a full two weeks before Valentine's Day. But rather than give it to her, he taunted her with it. He constantly flaunted it in front of her but wouldn't let her have it.
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Can’t You Read My Mind?

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Damn it! Just reach over and touch me. I wish you could read my mind. You would be shocked at what I am thinking right now. You think you need to go slow with me. I have been hurt in the past. Right now I just want to feel you pounding that huge joystick into my hot waiting canal. If you put your hand between my legs you would feel the wetness that begs for you to control me, take me, hurt me as you pound me with your cock. I am so hot, so hot.
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Don’t Upset the Halloween Witch

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"Oh my God," he moaned as he slowly woke, wishing he hadn't. Zac Knight's head was throbbing; a hangover, first class. Slowly, gently he rolled onto his back. He waited while the spinning stopped. His tongue licked dry lips. His mind refused to work, so he shut his eyes tight to try to doze off. He could vaguely recall last night; party, Halloween party. Fragments of recollection, some gorgeous blonde, arrogant bitch, bit of an argument over ... over?
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
College life as I thought in the beginning was supposed to be fun. And for a while, it was. I met Chris in a sociology class, a fiery redhead that had a bit of a temperament to go along with it, that...and an amazing pair of breasts that she didn't mind showing off to some degree.
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Not Just Another Tequila Sunrise

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When I was 25, I lived alone in a one bedroom apartment in a rather large apartment complex with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units. I had moved there after breaking up with a long-time girlfriend, and was enjoying being a single, independent adult for the first time in my life. One Saturday night, I had decided to stay at home, mainly because I had just paid the rent, and my cash flow situation was not very good at the time.
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How Dare You

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
When a couple of mates found out that I was taking Sally out I was rather startled at their reactions. There was some sniggering and when I asked what the problem was they just laughed and said I'd find out. I pressed a couple of my closer friends for more details regarding Sally, because I knew a couple of them had dated her. I mean, as far as I could tell she was a nice normal girl. Where was the catch?
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Julie’s Gift

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Marty and Julie had been married for 5 years, and Marty was struggling to come up with a great gift for his wife. He had looked at jewelry, sexy lingerie, and dozens of other ideas. Nothing seemed to be exactly what he was looking for, until one day the perfect suggestion crossed his path. "You think she'll like that?" asked Marty.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
His hand pushed down against my spine, holding me flat to the mattress. As I turned my head to look round at him he thrust downwards, pressing me deeper into the springs. My heart thudded heavily. For a moment I was so intently aware of the air against my exposed skin, the shock of cool hitting wet that I shivered. It drew a groan from him. A low and desperate sound.
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