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Your Precious Pet

Category: BDMS
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"That's my good girl," You praise me as you stroke my hair and pull it away from my neck and face. I am kneeling naked at your feet and you are fully clothed. You fasten the buckle on the collar you bought for me. The lining is soft, but the hard, strong intent to control me is inherent in the leather and silver buckled design. I look into your eyes with complete trust as you test the ring at the front of the collar, onto which you will fasten a leash.
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Perversions in the Penthouse

Category: BDMS
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Carolyn couldn't sleep. Restless in her queen-sized bed, she glanced at the digital alarm clock. The numbers cast a faint green illumination in the still blackness. 2:37 a.m. Damn. She needed her sleep -- and her energy. But it was proving difficult. Tomorrow was the day. Now only hours away. The exhilaration coursed through her body again and her nipples began to harden.
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The Task

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I wish I were able to do this for You today. Hopefully this will give You some relief. I recited my ritual per Your command and so enjoyed the orgasm You allowed. Thank You, Master, so very deeply. This is fairly unedited, so if something isn't communicated properly, please let me know?
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Living Arrangements

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After accepting a promotion in a town I was unfamiliar with my boss permitted me a couple of weeks to establish myself there before having to report to work. During that time I contacted a realtor to help me locate a new place to live. It was late one August afternoon when I arrived at a prospective house for a viewing appointment. I had hardly parked when I became aware of someone standing at my door.
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The Night Out

Category: BDMS
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"Babe...let's get going in like five minutes..." the statement ended with a sigh as Master leaned into my bathroom. I turned and flashed him a sly smile, mascara still in hand. "Maybe like ten?" I bit my lower lip and blinked rapidly a few times, "Sir?" the last word was a sultry whisper and I saw it unravel him just slightly.
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The Man with No Name

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Kathy stood for a moment, looking around her, all her senses alert. Her ears open to the crunch, crunch sound, maybe a hint of his manly smell, a glimpse of his black coat. She had been here for over an hour, time had dragged and now she was buzzing to see ' the man'. That's all she knew about him, a man who roamed the woods as eloquently as she did.
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The First Christmas

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Are you almost finished down there? The top half still needs your attention." He slapped the crop across her bare ass at medium strength, a simple emphasis to finish her task and move on to the next. She hung the last ornament on the lower half of the tree, crawling around on her hands and knees, naked save for her purple 5'' heels, matching purple thigh highs and string bikini.
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Zoie’s Valentine

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The dictionary defines Valentine- a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day. I'm not sentimental or for that matter sensitive. At least, that is what I've often been told. You are so closed off! Unreachable! I disagree. I happen to have had a perfectly good reason for keeping my heart locked up. The problem, in my opinion, was with the people who never tried to slip by the barriers.
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Crawl My Kitten

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
She was excited to see him, beyond eager as she stood waiting for him to answer the large wood door. She tried very hard to calm her breathing to slow her heart down and just relax. She concentrated on her breaths as she heard the footsteps moving towards the door. As the handle turned she held her breath, letting it out very slowly as she tugged the hem of her tight white dress down. She stood there frozen, she waited until he said hello before letting her eyes meet his.
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True Mastery

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This story was from a dark corner of my mind that DreamWeaverAz helped me write. I am not that good at reacting as a Dominant would. This is a story warning the wanna-bes out there. A true Master goes beyond the kink. "Three fingers, teasing softly, not entering but lingering, the middle finger pushing lightly wanting to enter, mmm how wet you are."
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