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Out of the Darkness Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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"I should call the cops and charge you with rape," Kristi said. "I'm not sure it's rape when you beg me to fuck you," Ryan replied. "Temporary insanity." Ryan laughed sarcastically. "Insane with lust." Mother and son were sitting in Ryan's college apartment, less than twenty four hours since the nineteen year old student fucked his thirty nine year old mother on the lawn of a nearby house.
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Study Group Sex

Category: Group Sex
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PART ONE After my girlfriend Jenny and I broke up, my social and sex life seemed to go on hold for awhile. I found that I now had lots of time to perfect my masturbation skills. Jenny simply moved on to another boyfriend. I began to see myself as just one more entry in her diary, but that didn't keep me from bringing her sexy body to mind as I lay on my bed in the dark of night and stroked my rigid cock. I usually pictured her in her snug designer jeans, her cute round ass moving seductively in the cleverly tailored denim as she walked ahead of me in the hall at the local community college we both attend.
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Amanda’s Life-Changing Decision

Category: Group Sex
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Amanda had always thought her name should be Jane, 'plain' Jane in fact. She had suddenly reached 35 years of age and she realised that she was invisible. During school and her twenties it was always her friends that were noticed by the men that she liked. She had endured many evenings out where handsome men had walked passed to chat to her friends. Her brief marriage to Carl was a convenience rather than a love affair with rom-com like qualities.
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The Gang’s All Here

Category: Gay Male
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It's difficult to meet gay men in the burbs, so when I discovered a gay social club on the internet I decided to check it out. The group meets in a church basement in a nearby town. Only a few men were in the room when I arrived at seven. A good-looking older guy approached me. "Hi. I'm Steve. Welcome to the group," he said.
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Janie’s Goodbye Gift

Category: Group Sex
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"So, what's with the hair?" Traci asked, a concerned look on her face. She had just noticed my bright pink locks. "I'm taking that job in Alaska. It's to celebrate my decision." "What?!" "I'm just too young to be stuck in this office, Traci," I whined. "Janie, this is a good job." I hated it when she got that motherly tone with me. True she was twelve years older than me, but she didn't need to be so condescending.
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Role Play to the Extreme

Category: BDMS
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Daisy and Jack had shared their fantasy of bondage and torture. They had already spent a weekend swapping roles as captured spy and torturer. Both had been incredibly aroused by their experience and agreed they wanted to pursue it further. Though both had found the role of sadistic torturer exciting, they agreed to explore the role of spy together first.
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Izzy’s Salisbury Weekend

Category: Group Sex
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Once Sarah and the 'old man' left, (a derogatory name for a senior officer) the six of us continued drinking accompanied with our double entendres and risqué anecdotes. Visible to all, inquisitive hands gratified my leaking pussy; I could feel my body pounding, pounding with anticipation. The anticipation of being fucked, fucked by two or more fit soldier's just back from a war zone;
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The Renovation

Category: Group Sex
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Hi, my name is Jennifer and this is another one of my ongoing series of stories about my various adventures a young wild woman. For those who haven't ever read one of my stories, I'll fill you in a little background. For those who have read previous stories, just skip these next couple of paragraphs, you've probably heard it all before. I live in California and am a professional portrait artist.
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Two Weeks of Leave

Category: Incest
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I was always a fat kid. No matter what I did, I could never lose the weight. I played sports in high school, dieted, lifted weights and ran for miles. As a result, I was always in pretty good shape, but I could never shed the baby fat. In college it was the same story, only with less exercise and more beer. So when time came to graduate, instead of going to medical school like my father and my older sister, I did something no one could have possibly predicted. I joined the US Marine Corps. Having always been a competitor, I threw myself in to training. I wanted to be the best at everything. I pushed myself hard, worked out after hours, and kept to a strict diet.
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The Nor-Tea Club

Category: Group Sex
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Eighteen months had passed since Jack Trengate and his wife, Sherri had become swingers. First with their long-time friends, Glenn and Wendy then James and Valerie were added, a black couple they met at a party. The three couples met at each other's home once or twice a month and everyone looked forward to the encounters. Jack had long overcome his initial concern of seeing Sherri with other men and looked forward to watching her with Glenn and James.
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