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Just Teasing

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I sat at my desk today and chatted over messenger. This was pretty normal for me, reaching out to those far away. You were at work today but one of the windows open was a dialogue with you. After half a day of talking about sex, non-consensual sex, resistance play and bondage you had excused yourself for some fresh air. I giggled thinking about the hard bulge you must be trying to conceal in your slacks.
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Training A Proper Wife

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Part 1 The metal bar banged and shook as the 45-pound plates slammed onto the floor. "AAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!" I raised my eyebrow and watched Ethan wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Damn. You ARE pissed today." He sighed, adding more metal plates to the bar without a word. "Lemme guess. Lilly?"
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Sophie’s Punishment

Category: BDMS
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Sophie squatted over the woman's latex covered face. "Lick your Mistress, lick her well and she might have a gift for you." The woman eagerly lapped at Sophie's fleshy cunt lips, her tongue protruding from a mouth hole in her mask. "Mmmmmmmmm.........not bad, keep going..........mmmmmmmm!" squealed Sophie. The woman's husband knelt in the corner of the large conservatory, his ankles and wrists cuffed, also wearing a latex mask, he could only watch as Sophie dominated his wife.
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Category: BDMS
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The whip laid into Valerie's back with a vengeance. Blood flipped off the end of the whip to create a splatter pattern on he wall behind the creature wielding the instrument of torture. More blood streamed down the nearly dead woman's back from the open wounds on her back; more appearing each time the savage whip laid into her with a loud crack.
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Unrestricted Cross Training

Category: BDMS
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Foreword This story takes place several weeks after Thomas and Barbara have returned from their 'bonus' vacation (as detailed in their last story). As a matter of record, I have 'trained' more than one woman in the manner described. We both had a lot of fun and a lot of exercise was also accomplished.
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Zenith’s Humiliation

Category: Incest
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This was the test. "Zenith, take down your pants, NOW." 25 year old Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric "What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion." But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.
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Zoie’s Valentine

Category: BDMS
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The dictionary defines Valentine- a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day. I'm not sentimental or for that matter sensitive. At least, that is what I've often been told. You are so closed off! Unreachable! I disagree. I happen to have had a perfectly good reason for keeping my heart locked up. The problem, in my opinion, was with the people who never tried to slip by the barriers.
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The Assassin

Category: BDMS
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My life is very simple. Clients want someone dead, they pay me, I make the person dead. I would like to tell you I have a code of honor. I would like to tell you I don't kill women or children, but I am not a liar. I have killed women and would have no moral problem with killing a child. The subject has never come up.
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The Mysterious Mrs. Sang Initiation

Category: BDMS
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The naughty bits start with Chapter One – Nude, Clamped and Bound. The Story Up to This Point... When I thought back to the beginnings of my relationship with the widow Mrs. Evelyn Sang, I was really quite amazed. It had been a wild ride and we had several amazing adventures.
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Stray Pet

Category: BDMS
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She had gotten drunk, very, very drunk. She had no clue how she'd gotten home. She sat up only to flinch as she opened her eyes. Ouch! She saw two pills and a glass of water by the bed, along with a note. She reached for the pills and water, hoping they would help kill the pain from one hell of a hangover. Damn it, what had happened last night? As she drank the water, shadowy memories of the night before crept into her mind.
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