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Our First Swing

Category: Group Sex
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We were at Rhonda and James' house one night last month when my wife and I shared the most intense and erotic expression of love we'd ever had before. It was a liberating experience that we will never forget and hope to repeat soon. Rhonda and James' had invited us over to barbecue and hot tub at their house a few weeks prior, so we took them up on it. It worked out such that our daughter was at a friends house, and their children were also away.
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The Houdini

Category: Fetish
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"Jesus!" I bleated in my wife's ear while watching her best friend, Melissa, pull her husband's giant cock out of his shorts. They were only a few feet away from us, snuggling up on the couch across from our own, but tonight they were taking their exhibitionism to new heights. Melissa and Tommy had come over to hang out, something we've done countless times before, but, tonight things got a little heated, and it all seemed to start before I even got home from work.
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A Night On The Town

Category: Group Sex
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It was our first time to go to a swinger's club. We had talked about it at length and it was something we both really wanted to try. So finally we made plans to go on Saturday night. The place was not at all what I had expected. It was like a very classy night club. There were bold dark drapes and dark polished wood everywhere. The only lighting was from candles that glittered from each table.
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Four Friends Find Fun

Category: Group Sex
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Mark lay on his back, naked on the bed. The hotel room was quiet, dimly lit. My wife Jan, was naked as well as she sat next to Mark. She looked into my eyes and smiled and then turned to Mark and straddled him. She reached around behind her and guided his hard cock to her pussy. I was hard as a rock. Jan settled back a little and took only the tip at first. As Mark entered her more fully, Jan's eye's flashed open and she drew a deep breath.
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My Loving Wife, the Flirt

Category: Group Sex
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Can a woman be a flirt and still be a loving wife? I say, yes, because I'm married to one! Barb and I have been married for many years. We were high school sweethearts and married young. My Barb is tall, slender, attractive, and very vivacious. She meets people easily and has seldom known a stranger. Part of what drew me to her was her flirtatious manner.
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Camping Out

Category: Group Sex
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From early in our marriage, my wife Tracey and I have shared our sexual fantasies with each other, and, whenever possible, we've tried to incorporate our fantasies into our sex life together. One of our favorite fantasies has to do with Group Sex -- swinging, swapping, threesomes, orgies, and the like.
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Fun with Sarah

Category: Anal Sex
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'Thanks, Harry,' she smiled up at me, as I set a mug of tea down on her bedside table. 'Can I have a kiss, as well?' I set my mug down next to hers and bent to kiss her. She giggled and quickly kicked off the duvet. 'I meant on these lips,' she said, spreading her legs and arching her back. I grinned and knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed. Sliding a hand under each of her buttocks, I pulled her towards me, catching her scent as I did so.
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Swinging with Sister

Category: Incest
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Note: Mark and his sister had not seen each other for a long time and since both had just had horrible relationships they decided to become closer. Pairing up as swingers looked like a good idea but was it? All rights reserved. * Mark Reynolds had not seen his older sister Kathie in about three years. After graduating college he had moved to the west coast while she was going through a bad divorce with the asshole she had married. His new position enabled him to travel more so when he got the chance to go to Boston he figured he would give her a call.
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Swinging Date with the In-laws

Category: Incest
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It all started on Saturday night when my wife (Patricia) and myself ( Ray) went out for supper and a few drinks with her sister Silenia and her husband Joesph. We went to this new BBQ type restaurant located not far from our place. We arrived a few minutes early at the restaurant and decided to grab a quick drink in the lounge before Silenia and Joesph arrived. We sit down and ordered our drinks. I look at wife and admired what she's wearing, a v-neck type blouse that's open enough to show some cleavage.
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Just like the Old Days

Category: Group Sex
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I was sat with Steffi, wife of an old friend, who was currently, like me, watching her husband on the dance-floor with Jan, my wife. Now that it was towards the end of the evening it was a slower dance. Jan and Mike were dancing closely. Um, no. Jan and Mike were dancing very closely, in a darker corner of the dance-floor.
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