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All Natural

Category: Group Sex
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Hello. I've been hoping for a chance to tell you this story. My name is Andre, and I'm a city planner for a small town out west. I love my job, but every now and then I need a major break from the pressure. Maybe you know the feeling. What works best for me is to get out into the wilderness, where the loudest noise is the breeze in the pine boughs, and time runs much more slowly.
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My First Obsession

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The white cotton fabric of her panties made a scratching sound as it rubbed hard against her pubic hair. Wet heat was penetrating the only barrier to the pussy I had dreamed about since I was sixteen. The situation had deemed it necessary for hard, rough kissing. Our tongues were battling, roughing the other up, our mouths had become instruments for something other than verbal communication; instead it was a primal and taboo language we were speaking.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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This Ella's story. She is real, as are Dani and Gabrielle. Part of the story is true... the rest is Ella's fantasy. I've reflected exactly what she told me. For those who don't enjoy stories with interracial lesbian domination or reluctance and coercion as their themes, thank you for stopping by but please pass on.
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My Little Fetish

Category: Fetish
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I was a freshman in college, a virgin, and as luck would have it sharing the dormitory floor with more females than males. In fact there were two beauties just across the hall from my room that I shared with Kevin Morris, a very religious kid who was penciled in as next year's starting quarterback.
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Freak in the Sack

Category: Anal Sex
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This is another true story. This one took place several years ago at an old job I had. I met Jacey at work and immediately I noticed a sexual spark. She was a short girl, about 5'3" with jaw length straight blond hair with big brown eyes. She was 23 and I was 28. She had great skin with a few freckles here and there. I later found out her light bronze skin tone was because she went to the tanning bed.
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Scott’s Unique Christmas Present

Category: Anal Sex, BDMS
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Another long day at work is at an end. It has been a week of non stop demands at work and I am ready for some relaxation. Tossing my clothes as I head for the bathroom, leaving a trail of laundry to be picked up later, I stop to stare at my reflection in the mirror. Unable to resist, I pinch my nipples to hard peaks, moaning softly in the quiet of the house. Bending to put the plug in the tub, then start a nice hot bath, spilling some bubble bath in, inhaling the scent of wild strawberries.
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For Him I Am Always Ready

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The rain fills my consciousness, and I feel his lips on my shoulder. I pretend I am still sleeping; the cradle of comforting warmth there having lulled my senses, brought the world outside to a standstill. He takes a deep breath, his face still buried in my hair, and I feel my flesh quiver in response.
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My Favorite Halloween

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I snapped out of my fog just as Nicole stopped talking. She had gotten into a story about some boy she met last summer, and, quite frankly, I couldn't have cared less. Her voice was so sexy though, I didn't mind the droning on. "Uh...mmm" My standard reply. I had been staring at her mouth. Heat prickled up to my face.
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No Other Place To Go

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'd been in the same building before but this was different. I had been called to do some actual work for the volunteer bureau but had also been severely warned by my wife, the co-ordinator, that this client may be difficult.
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My Neighbor, the Tease

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was fucking tired of Blair's teasing. That young woman had enjoyed tormenting me since I moved in next door. She would wear the tightest, skimpiest outfits that she could squeeze her body into. After a night of partying, she would come home and start undressing by the window, "accidentally" forgetting it was open and facing mine.
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