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Special Delivery

Category: BDMS
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Annabella was just arriving back to school after her winter break. She'd been home visiting family in Arizona. She loved her family, and it had been nice seeing everyone together. Moving away for college had been a very difficult transition for her. Bella, as her friends called her, was a good girl -- honest, caring and considerate. Now that she was on her own, she found it unnerving taking control of her own life.
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French Lessons

Category: Anal Sex
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It was during my first summer holiday since I'd gone to university when it happened. I had gone into town one Saturday afternoon to get some CDs, when I saw walking down the street towards me my French teacher from school. Generally I didn't really like meeting my old teachers, it was always a bit odd being treated normally by people who had been authority figures for me only a short time ago, and even if Mrs Woodcock (she was French, but had married an English guy)
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The Usherette

Category: BDMS
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Cruise Ship Cinema was an older style movie theater that had been converted to a multiplex as best as the architecture of the antiquated building would allow. There were eight theaters and an oversized entry lobby. The projection loft was on a second floor that ran above the lower ceiling hall that separated the theaters into two banks of four.
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There will be come

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Ricks vision began to lighten; the world around him a kaleidoscope of pale swirls. His hearing was coming alive the hum of electric light tubes and a strange ventilation sucking noise filling the air. He sensed the passage of time-was it still evening? He didn't think so. His mind tried to retrace his steps.
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Testing His Wife

Category: BDMS
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Mark decided that it was better late than never. He got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. Kristin was already up and had the coffee on. The warm, delicious aroma scented the entire room. He sat down at the table and reached for the paper. He opened it but was not interested in reading it. His mission this week was to watch Kristin, look for signs.
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Fantasy Becomes Love

Category: Fetish
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I had just made love to my best friend's wife. Okay, that was a bit of a strong statement. Technically, we didn't 'make love' and further, they weren't married. Yet. But I just had the most incredible sexual experience of my life and it was with her. She'd played out a fantasy of mine I'd had for a very long time. She was perfect in the role and when it was all said and done with, I'd sheathed myself in her body and lost myself completely.
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Reese and his Mistress

Category: BDMS
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A very soft, tingling sensation was nagging at Reese's flaccid member, dragging him from the haze of a well earned sleep. Slowly, erotic thoughts of last night flooded his twenty-four year old mind once more, of how he had serviced his twenty-eight year old Mistress so well, she'd allowed him to cum twice in the same day, which was a rarity. The torment before his orgasms, however, had been so exhausting, he'd barely kept his wits about him while the lovely She-Witch rode him into oblivion.
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Untamed Family Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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I recommend that you read chapter 1 before delving into chapter 2, but here is a quick recap reminder of what happened. Eighteen year old Kevin Lansing came home to find his older sister Hannah licking his twin sister Kristen's hot pussy. He quickly stripped down and joined in on the filthy fun, where plenty of licking, sucking, tonguing and fucking took place. In this chapter, we get to meet the parents, and see what they think of this arrangement.
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Total Submission

Category: BDMS
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She stands there completely nude, holding the wide black leather collar between her breasts. The buckle is a heavy gauge steel as is the large cold ring affixed to its front which dangles down toward her smooth shaved groin. Her eyes are closed and she can smell the leather mixed with her own scent from the last time she wore this collar several days earlier.
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The Spanking

Category: BDMS
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I've known Mary's parents for thirty years. That's a year before she was born. When she started to come on to me one night in the bar, I was startled to say the least. Startled but flattered since I'm close to twice her age. "Why don't you ever flirt with me?" Mary asked out of the blue. I thought a moment and then replied, "I've know you all of your life and I know your parents. I changed your diapers."
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