
Asleep, comfortable at night, you lay snoring soundly. Your wife in deep slumber beside you, you feel something tug at your arm. A soft seductive voice calls your name. You stir gently, the voice beckoning, purring your name. You feel a hand searching under the blankets finding your leg she drags her nails up your thigh. You awaken fully to the realization that it is not your wife searching for you, but Vix. You open your eyes fully to find a dark figure kneeling beside the bed.
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You walk into the room, and immediately you feel that something is different. Its a room you have been in a thousand times, but yet you can't quite place it.
Then you see her, and you forget what it was you were thinking. Not that there is anything different about her today, she just smiles her usual smile as she walks towards you.
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I sat with my coffee, gazing out of the window at nothing; my thoughts were filled with my upcoming fortieth birthday. My thoughts seem to be fixated on what I had missed in those years, places not visited, offers not taken up, and chances not taken. Life had become lacking in excitement. Now on my second husband and with the current one not giving me enough of what I craved. Forty seemed to be near the end of my road.
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I roll over lazily, aroused by my dreams after collapsing into bed completely horny but equally tired the night before. I set my eyes on you, still sleeping but just beginning to stir. My heart starts to beat a little faster at the thought of feeling your bare skin, smooth and tan. As I caress your beautifully defined shoulders they boast of the diligence you give your morning swims.
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I am trembling, my legs shaking from the force of the desire i have for You, Master, and i stand in front of You, sliding into Your arms, wrapping one arm around Your neck, my fingers stroking the hair at the back of Your head and my other hand tracing across Your cheekbones and i kiss Your chin, around Your mouth and finally Your soft lips.
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I slowed my car easily into my drive, shielded by the huge trees towering my beautiful cosy home. This was just where I wanted to be after a stressful day at work. There was only one thing that kept me going. The thought you'd be home waiting for me. The thought of your beautiful face as I left you asleep this morning. The thought of enfolding you in my arms tonight...
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I decided to wait for you, even though we'd made no plans. I know you'll be here. You love to visit this small wooded area, with its immense old oaks even when you're not on the hunt. I'm sure you can sense that I'm waiting.
I sit with my back to a tree trunk with my knees drawn up to my chest. The silver moon winks at me through the branches that shiver in the breeze.
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I was in the kitchen cleaning up when you got home from work. I heard you come through the front door, and I tried hard to stay focused on the task at hand and pretend as though I hadn't been waiting for you to come home all day. It was a blatant lie, of course, and my clothing fairly well advertised the fact. After all, who cleans kitchens in flirty, ruffly, short skirts and heels?
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You called and told me that we were going to go out for dinner tonight. You said you'd be home by 6 and I should be showered and ready to go. You would run in, take a shower, and then we were off. I took my time showering and getting ready. Shaving my legs, arm pits, and trimmed my pussy nice and close. I powdered my body before getting dressed and pulled my hair back into clips. I picked out a short black miniskirt and a black blouse that buttoned up the front.
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The sun sneaks through the blinds and one of the warm rays reaches down to caress my cheek. I yawn and stretch, rolling over onto my stomach quietly so as not to wake you. I smile remembering the party we had last night...good friends and lots of wine. My eyes flutter open and I greet the new day, propping myself up on my elbow to watch you for a bit. You lie peacefully next to me, sound asleep, unaware of my eyes skimming over your body.
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