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The Saddle

Category: BDMS
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Dr. Kessa Brammer led him through a creaking metal door into the last storage room in the antiquities department. He stepped past her at her direction, looking around the chamber with slight un-ease. He was perhaps her brightest student, which was part of why she liked him. She pushed her weight against the metal door, which creaked closed, and latched with an echoing click.
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Lisa’s New Gyno Doctor

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It was late afternoon when Lisa pulled her car into a parking space at the Women's Health Services building. It was time again for her to see her gynecologist. She usually got the early morning appointments, but the office had called a few days ago to change hers. They said her usual doctor was out on leave for a few weeks and would she mind taking an appointment with someone else - a Dr. David Johnson. She preferred to see a female doctor, but her pill prescription was running out and she couldn't wait until her usual doctor came back.
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Used For My Body

Category: BDMS
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For the past month or so, my wife Mary had gone out every Saturday night on a "girls night out" with a bunch of her friends. They would go to someone's house for an evening of fun -- laughing, drinking, gossiping, and just doing 'girl stuff' that she would not go into detail about. The wife of a friend of mine from work had gone to a couple of these parties too.
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Mr Valens Back Door Policy

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
Mr Valens reached towards the numbers on the alarm panel inside the front door of his modern, two storey home. The red light was not flashing. He paused and cast his eyes around without moving, noting the gleaming kitchen bench, the bleak smell of domestic cleaner. Then he remembered. Today was Wednesday - Sharni Peller's cleaning day.
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Submissive Heights

Category: BDMS
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My sexual awakening really began when I finally gave in and revealed to my husband my desire to be submissive. No, not the master/slave scenarios that seem to be so predominant and to my mind borders on abuse. No, not the spank me until I cry and can't sit down for a week activities that would label me a masochist. No, I don't want to be violently raped, even by my own husband in the name of sexual freedom. What I was looking for was to be able to surrender completely to my husband and allow him to have his way with me, over and over again.
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Poppi’s Pet

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I'm a sucker for a deep authoritative voice. Few men understand how powerful their voice is or the effect it can have on some women. Like me. The right words uttered in a certain tone are guaranteed to snatch my breath away and cause an instant puddle between my legs. In such a mood, I don't want to be asked what I want.
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Thomas for Hire

Category: BDMS
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"Kathy? Short for Kathleen? Katherine?" Thomas asked lightly as he poured them both a drink. A strong one for the pale redhead sitting in his easy chair nervously fidgeting. "What? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess...I guess just actually being here...well, I'm very...this just isn't me, something I would normally do," she replied with a drop of her head.
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Now and Then

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Now. I stand under the needling hot spray until the water starts to cool, and shut it off, and push the wide glass door open to release billows of steam. Drip and splash across the wide marble floor and wipe a clear circle on the mirror with a thick white towel. Behind me the sun is trying, and failing, to pierce the overcast. Not likely in February.
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Two Participants

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"No, not for over two years." "Any encounters within this period?" The soothing hum of an air conditioner drifts through the office. "...yeah." follows a moment's hesitation in the girl's response. "If you care to say so, roughly, how recently was this?" A rustling of paperwork fills the moment's silence as the young woman averts her gaze.
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The Barbers Chair

Category: Group Sex
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She was young and restless, and needed sex constantly, and I loved her. My name is John Vessparrio and I'm her husband. Vivian had expressed a desire to participate in a threesome with herself and two males, I of course being one of them. The second part of her fantasy was to be fucked at the same time by both of us, one in her cunt, and the other in her ass. We had been married eight years now; she was twenty-seven and I twenty-eight and I guess we were both bored with our sex life. I knew Vivian still loved me; she just needed something new in her life to entertain her.
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