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Cat’s Firehouse Workout

Category: Group Sex
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At 47 years old, Gary was in great physical shape, and he usually had no problem keeping Cat's hot pussy satisfied. As a fireman, Gary worked 24 hours on and 48 hours off, so he and his co-workers had lots of down time, which they usually spent eating, sleeping, and exercising. They had a state-of-the-art gym with all the latest equipment, and they were the only ones who were allowed to use it.
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Grad Student Ass Kisser

Category: Group Sex
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Today was unlike most of Robert's recent days. With one week left until he was expected to hand in the final revision of his thesis to the publisher of the journal, weekends and weekdays blended together to make these final weeks the worst of his grad school if not the worst of his entire life. Today though, was his thesis defense.
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Cabin Fever

Category: Mature
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The young man beside her was silent, lost in his own morose thoughts. Ginny concentrated on the icy highway in front of them, a hint of apprehension gripping her as they approached the Eisenhower Tunnel. Even though she had lived in the Rockies for sixteen years and made the drive from Vail to Denver weekly, this particular stretch of Interstate 70, approaching the Continental Divide, never failed to frighten her. Once more she wished she'd brought her husband's four-wheel drive, if only because it sat up higher and gave a better view.
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My Sissy Roommate

Category: Gay Male
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Disclaimer: I enjoy writing these stories, both for your entertainment and mine. This story involves, gay sex, non-consensual sex and bi-racial sex. If this offends you, read no further. Like most writers, I do appreciate your comments and votes. Thank you. * It was 1996, my first year at college and my first time so far away from my home, my family and my girlfriend.
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Just Some Innocent Fun

Category: Anal Sex
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The business trip had gone well for Peter and in the evening he decided to watch the the boxing on the big screen in the bar. He changed in his room, called his wife and then he went to the sports bar of his up-market hotel. He was lucky to get the last free table and spent a few minutes updating his records on his Blackberry before picking up the wine list.
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Out Of Nowhere

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It was one of those nights again, chilling here with him and watching T.V. We just got done laughing about how stupid high school was, but how we sort of already miss it. Best friend the whole way through. Him and I just always had the greatest times together, although most of it was over Xbox Live. Most of our laughs, inside jokes, and stories all were over Xbox. We'd just finished watching The Avengers. I love superheros, and the comics along with them. Okay, okay, yeah. I'm that girl.
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Annette’s Story

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CRACK.........CRACK..........CRACK....... The sound of the paddle hitting against flesh echoes in your bedroom. Again and again, you use the wooden paddle to smack the bare ass of the man lying across your bed. "Do you like that, slave? Do you want more?" "Yes, Mistress, oh yes" "Well, unfortunately, it's time for you to go to work. Maybe if you're good, I'll give you a little more tonight."
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While Steven’s Asleep…

Category: Group Sex
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"I don't believe it," Randi said, tying her bathrobe around herself as she walked out of her bedroom into the apartment's living room. "What's the matter?" Anna asked. "Steven... fucking... fell asleep." "Right after sex?" Calista asked.
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Divorcee Enjoys a Special Visitor

Category: Mature
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Walt was home on leave after his two year tour of duty in Naples, Italy. He had joined the Marines after high school and reported to Parris Island for boot camp in the summer of 1959. After ITR training at Camp Lejeune he was shipped off via MSTS to his first duty station. On the route to Naples the ship made a few stops at Ports of Call, one of them being Barcelona, Spain. It was there that Walt lost his virginity to a pretty Spanish working girl. He had spent nearly three hours with her and he had learned more in that span of time then he would have imagined. He returned to the ship that night with the smile of a cat that just ate the canary.
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Wife Buys A Toy!

Category: Fetish
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The day my wife asked me about her using a strap on kind of got my attention and not really in a great way. Like most guys the thought of something like that just never entered my head. I asked her where she got the idea thinking it was the HBO series Real sex but she just told me it was something she had thought about from time to time. I think back on it and I realize she was testing the waters. She would often grab my but while I was shaving in the morning or sometimes slide a finger between my cheeks making me jump a bit in surprise.
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