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A Foot Up

Category: Fetish
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Paul exited his office heading toward the mail room, as he stepped into the room he ran directly into a young lady heading out. With a slight screech the poor girl landed flat on her butt. "Oh my god," Paul said with concern, reaching down to help her up. "Are you alright?" As he bent to take her hand, his eyes diverted to her legs, down to her sandaled feet and up to the sight of her panty clad pussy, then back down her legs to her pretty little feet and painted toenails.
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Loneliness in Near-Paradise

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
CHAPTER 1 Half an hour before dawn the unmelodic noise of raucous Kookaburras awoke Greta and she used a corner of a sheet to dab the light patches of perspiration between her breasts and under her chin before she dropped back to sleep in the cloying warmth of subtropical paradise. Paradise?
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The Goats

Category: Gay Male
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I hadn't even wanted to go on the Senior camping trip. It all seemed so fake. But after the guys on the basketball team begged me, and after my parents badgered me that it was 'part of the experience' I finally agreed. I felt like I would have been fine if we stopped the high-school bullshit and just lined up for a diploma, but nope. Senior overnight it was.
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German Vacation & First Times

Category: Group Sex
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Several years ago, my wife and I vacationed in Europe for two weeks. I knew that Europeans tend to be more casual about nudity and sex than Americans are, but I was still unprepared (as was my wife) when we decided to visit a spa (called "bad") in Germany. We took a tram up the side of a steep hill to the top and looked down over a beautiful view and a large pool with an even larger deck. "Oh my God," my wife exclaimed as she saw that almost all of the women were lying topless on the deck or soaking that way in the pool.
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Swimming Pool Maintenance

Category: Gay Male
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New Business My uncle Silas had been employed in numerous occupations during his working years and the job he took on before retiring was doing swimming pool maintenance. This mainly involved cleaning out leaves, grass and dirt from private swimming pools and testing water for chlorine levels and adding chemicals to restore the water to acceptable levels to discourage algae and other contaminants from affecting the water.
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Blackmail and Humiliation

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I look at the clock. It's 8 p.m. It's a Thursday night and I'm still at the office. My report is due Friday and I've got at least 2 hours left on it. My whole team has gone home, and my interest in working for another two hours is waning. It's been a long hard week. My stomach starts to rumble. Good idea, I'll get some food. It may motivate me to get this crappy report finished.
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A Second Bite at the Cherry

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It has been four years since Trinity and went on our ill-fated camping trip; ill-fated by any sensible measure but, for me, one of the intensely erotic experiences of my life until now. Trin had arranged with her uncle that we could camp on his farm as a rehearsal for a music festival we were planning to attend later that summer after our exams.
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Memories of Old Camp

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Once upon a time. I've always wanted to start a story that way. As I look back on my life and try to find something to write about, that is the first phrase that came to mind. Has it really been that long ago, is the second phrase? Where all the time went, does not enter into it. I know where it all went; I lived it. For the good, the bad, or the indifferent, the time was used to the fullest.
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Odd Jobs

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"Tom, I'm happy you're home from college for the summer, but we just can't give you money anymore like we used to. We need every dollar we have, and if you have the chance to earn some on your own, even if it's just a day job, you have to take it." "Mom, this isn't a job. This is...labor." "It's $100, and all you have to do is spend a few hours boxing up some stuff and taking out trash.
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Nude Massage

Category: Gay Male
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Recently I was on a business trip to Ft. Lauderdale area and was online at Craig's List to find a handy man to help with a house I own there. I had heard about this website, but never tried it before. After I posted an ad, I noticed a personals section, and decided to see what was there. I eventually found myself at Erotic Services, and felt myself getting quite excited, especially when I clicked on the m4m link.
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