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Category: Anal Sex
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The July afternoon was hot and brilliant, the sun beating down from a cloudless sky as she stood in the doorway, looking out into her backyard. She was alone with her thoughts, which were now just so much kindling for the summer weather that always made her feel lusty. Holding a cold, sweating glass of lemonade, she was on her way out to sit in a lounge chair when he crossed her mind and she felt her legs get a little weak.
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Special Delivery

Category: BDMS
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Annabella was just arriving back to school after her winter break. She'd been home visiting family in Arizona. She loved her family, and it had been nice seeing everyone together. Moving away for college had been a very difficult transition for her. Bella, as her friends called her, was a good girl -- honest, caring and considerate. Now that she was on her own, she found it unnerving taking control of her own life.
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Connie & Becka: New Old Friends

Category: Lesbian Sex
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A few years ago, Connie worked as a bookkeeper for a small chain of home improvement stores in Pennsylvania. At the time, she had been married for about 8 years and had 2 small children. From time to time, the company would send her to accounting seminars. Connie was happy with her personal life, but she relished the trips.
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"Student ID?" I fumbled around my jeans for my student ID. The Indian security guard at the gate nodded as I found it and flashed it at him. "Long night at the library?" he asked casually, leaning backwards in his chair as his eyes flicked down and up again.
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Quarantined with Mom

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 2 votes
The tickets were originally for my mother and her close friend. They were set to go on a cruise ship and explore different exotic islands during the peak of summer. Unfortunately, mom's friend had a last minute issue at work, and she had to cancel a few days before the trip was supposed to start. The tickets were non-refundable. My mother tried to find someone else to go with her, but since most of her friends are also lawyers, none of them could go on such short notice.
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Pure Fantasy Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Note: After some positive feedback from my first story I decided to continue with it where I left off. Thanks for all your comments. Feedback is always appreciated. I don't consider myself to be gay and have never experienced any sexual contact with another man, although there is an appeal that seems to draw me. I admit that I have watched men masturbate via video chat, I found this exciting and exhilarating.
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It was a Thursday, and my classes had been cancelled because of all the snow. He thought that he would get out of work, so we had planned to lay in bed and watch movies all day, but when he called his boss early that morning he had found out that he was still required to go in, and he had been griping about it all day. He grumbled through his morning routine, and he had even been sending me text messages to remind me what a bitch I was for getting to lay in bed all day without him.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The light mannered laughter echoed around the empty area, the only other sound being the occasional car coming along the road adjacent to the train tracks. "You know you practically fall over every time you go up those stairs." The amusement was abundantly clear in Cale's voice as he grabbed Nicole under the arm, practically dragging her onto the platform.
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Caught in the Act

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I had my bed shorts pulled down around my knees. Sitting in the dark computer room, I slowly stroked my hard cock while watching one of my favorite porns. It was a pretty standard affair, but for some reason I loved it. And my favorite part of the movie was coming up. "What are you doing in here?" asked a voice from the doorway.
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Being Flexible

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"I still can't believe you can do that," Amy said to me. I lay out on the gym floor, preparing for our morning workout. My girlfriend was staring at me, shaking her head, as I collapsed upon my upper thigh in an extended stretch. "Practice, my dear, practice," I winked. "Yeah, yeah, yeah," she said. "While it's impressive, it's just not right."
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