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Category: Lesbian Sex
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Summer – the first time. I followed her into the house, still not really knowing why I was invited. I guess I was a little in awe of a woman as beautiful as she, quite speechless, once I had realized who she was. After all, she was rumored to have been (until recently) the lover of a foreign prince;
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Caught in the Act

Category: Anal Sex
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I had my bed shorts pulled down around my knees. Sitting in the dark computer room, I slowly stroked my hard cock while watching one of my favorite porns. It was a pretty standard affair, but for some reason I loved it. And my favorite part of the movie was coming up. "What are you doing in here?" asked a voice from the doorway.
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The Workshop

Category: Group Sex
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It had been too long. I hadn't had sex for over a year, and I was starting to feel deprived. My friend Sarah noticed that. "Girl it's been too long! You need to catch up with me!" She was right. Beautiful, sexy Sarah, fifty-something years young, and she was partying harder and getting more action than anyone else I knew.
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Fred, Mary & Jessica again

Category: Mature
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Fred couldn't remember how he got into the city the next morning. In fact when he realised he was in the city he couldn't remember waking up, getting dressed, having breakfast and getting into the car. He even glanced down guiltily to make sure he was dressed. He had gone to the city, he decided, because it was about the time he usually went there. He tried to remember what he usually bought in the hypermarket and in this way he slowly managed to work his way around to the checkout.
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Second Date Rimjob

Category: Fetish
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I arrived a little early to my second date with Chloe. I was nervous. She was definitely a cool girl, but she had a mischievous aura about her - I never knew what she would do next. I guess that would be expected because for all intents and purposes she really was still a stranger, but I felt a crazy kind of energy being around her. Tonight I was picking her up at her apartment, a nice place downtown.
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Gracious Grace

Category: Fetish
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A quick introduction. I was roommates with Grace for over three years. Her being a lesbian was a well known fact which made my family and my girlfriends very comfortable with the arrangement. Michelle, her girlfriend had recently come out which gave Grace a new found confidence and extreme fondness towards Michelle. They were both 29.
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Waiting on Paula

Category: Group Sex
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"Would you like something to drink? Coffee, a soda, a glass of wine, something stronger, maybe?" I offered. "I know I could use a shot of something." Paula smiled, putting her purse down on the end table and taking the clip out of her hair, letting it down, shaking it out a bit before she nodded. "Coffee would be good, maybe with a bit of Bailey's, if you have it?" I smiled and nodded, then turned to Evan.
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Another Boring Day at Work

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Sam was at his desk at work, reading a very sexy story on Literotica. He hadn't masturbated for a couple days so his cock was rock hard. He couldn't resist unzipping his pants and freeing his erection from its confines. As he read on, he stroked himself slowly. His mind was deep in the story when his office door flew open. Melinda.
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Betty’s Self Discovery

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I'm Betty. I'm twenty-seven years old, a college graduate, a paralegal by trade, and a would-be artist and recently divorced. That's about as much of my personal history that you need to know for the purposes of this story. As to what I look like, I'm five feet six; I have dirty blond hair and brown eyes. I have a decent figure. I'm not huge breasted or beautiful, although most do tell me I am attractive, at least they say that if they want to fuck me.
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Susan and the Shoe Salesman

Category: Fetish
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Susan Jackson, Anne's friend was a bored eighteen-year-old horny senior. She was tired of the pawing hands of her male classmates who all wanted her to suck their cocks and fuck but had no idea about how to please a girl. They thought a lick at her crotch was all a girl wanted before being fucked for three minutes. What Susan wanted was an adventure: a loving experience that she could treasure, not some quick fuck in the back seat of some sweaty boy's car.
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