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Roommate Adventure

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Shay's college roommate had moved out for the summer to study abroad. This left Shay with an empty room and not enough rent money. She decided to put an ad in the university newspaper in hopes of finding a girl to live with for three months. Sure enough, not long after, Kate moved in.
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Amber’s New Job Ch. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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On Monday I appeared for work. There I met Denise, the secretary/paralegal who was also Ron's sister. Denise was thirty-five with long brown hair that reached her ass, a curvy figure, impressive chest, and killer legs. Her round wide round face featured large green eyes, a prominent jaw, and a large mouth with full lips.
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Connie & Becka: New Old Friends

Category: Lesbian Sex
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A few years ago, Connie worked as a bookkeeper for a small chain of home improvement stores in Pennsylvania. At the time, she had been married for about 8 years and had 2 small children. From time to time, the company would send her to accounting seminars. Connie was happy with her personal life, but she relished the trips.
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The Burlesque Dancer

Category: Group Sex
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It was Valentines Day and my husband, James, had told me to arrange a babysitter for the evening as he had booked ticket to a show as a surprise. I was very excited at the thought of a romantic night out, just the two of us. We didn't get to spend as much time alone as we would both like as he worked long hours and I stayed at home to care for our three young children, so I decided I was going to make an extra special effort this evening.
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A Conversation with Judy

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Oh my Sarah, You sure know how to make my panties wet. I just LOVE your lesbian stories. I 'm a straight married women who loves to masturbate to lesbian erotica stories. It's my naughty little secret. If you ever want to naughty chat, email me.
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It Was Better Than She Imagined

Category: Lesbian Sex
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It had been a work day that didn't seem like it would ever end. Kaitlyn hated her job on a good day. Working in the Accounts Payable department as a junior clerk was just boring. All she did was just process one bill after another. All the other clerks were substantially older than her. She was only out of school for 3 years, twenty years younger than the next person. There wasn't much in common with them so there wasn't even a social aspect of the job.
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A Night at the Club

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Lisa struggled against the uncomfortable position, but it was no use. Her head was stuck through one hole in the pillory, and her hands through two others. She was standing, and her ankles were trapped as well, leaving her forcibly immobile in a bent-over position.
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My Best Weekend

Category: Lesbian Sex
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When my husband Brad and I began to date I was no virgin. Several penis's had penetrated me and left their their hot cum. Even more than several fingers had visited there in addition to my own. However Brad's tongue was the first tongue to visit there and it was instant love. The instant his tongue entered I made up my mind to marry Brad.
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Entry Way Quickie

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Entry Way QuickieNikki walked in the front door and before she could turn to close it, she found herself backed against the entry way wall. Hands began to roam over her body and in the darkness she felt her lover's lips meet her own.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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"You've done what, Darling?" asked my best friend Avril in her very English accent. "You heard me, I left Jacques," I replied. "What on earth for?" was her next question. "Because as I told you I have met someone else," I told her again. Avril looked at me and asked, "Who is the lucky man, Darling?"
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