
This is a story that is based on the true life and events of one of my very sweet readers, who turned into a very good friend of mine. She contacted me through the site, and I figured I could write and dedicate this story to her. I hope you like it baby! This is dedicated to ELM. Enjoy!
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Thinking back on it now, it all happened so slowly over a long period of time, probably three years, maybe longer.
My mother had me out of wedlock when she was 16 and in 1953 that was the kind of thing that made so called decent people turn away from you when they passed you on the street. Even though my mom had been raped by her high school principal, it didn't matter.
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Maria knocked on her son's bedroom door. "Matthew! It's Sunday. Time to get ready for Mass." Without waiting for an answer, she swung the door open.
Matthew was lying on his bed, naked, sporting an enormous erection. "I'm ready for you to help me get ready, Mom!" He leered at her with his evil, lascivious grin.
Maria sat on the edge of the bed, and traced one finger up and down the underside of her son's cock. "How would you like it today, baby?"
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My wife's daughter came to visit for the holidays. It's a second marriage for both of us; she has two kids by a previous marriage, and I have three. Susan, her daughter, is in her late twenties and has never married. She's had a few close calls, but for one reason or another, things just never seemed to work out.
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I'm a 29 year old woman, who's been married to a great man for just over 6 years now. We got married after college, and then had our first child 13 months ago. We're always enjoyed sex, both intimate coupling between two people in love, and just hot, nasty sex between two lust-filled sluts. Sometimes we make love, sometimes we have sex, sometimes we fuck. I love all our different modes to pleasure each other.
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I was living in my parents house one winter because I was in between locked ward confinements, and, though not enough of an outlaw to have an actual price on my head, I was enough of a one to make living outside the family milieu difficult at best. I was in my 20's and had a neuroses now widely known but unrecognized back then by the quacks. I also suffered from a small number of other disorders but nothing really physically disabling, in fact, for a neurotic young man of aesthetic temperament and criminal tendencies my physical health has always been robust.
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"Connor! Connor!"
My mom called out to my twin brother who was still asleep. It was seven thirty in the morning and once again, my brother would be getting up, and rushing to get dressed, eat breakfast and go brush his teeth, hence making me late for school since I got a ride with him every morning.
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'Ok Nate, my fancy dress party is on tonight, what time are you coming home because I don't want a repeat of last time? Last time you came home early, you were rotten drunk and I was humiliated by your behaviour. You were abusive and your behaviour to some of my female friends was simply disgusting. I don't ever want to see that again, do you understand?' Monica Roberts' body language added to her words as she lay down the law to her son. They had angry words after her last party and she was adamant that nothing like that would happen again.
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"Do you remember me?"
Peter Dovzhenko turned from his seat in the sand, where he'd spent the last hour watching the waves rolling onto the beach, when he heard the smoky, Slavic-accented voice of a young woman behind him. He found her standing 5'3", with dirty blonde, shoulder-length hair, her body lithe and fit like a gymnast's, her tiny, turquoise bikini covering pert little A-cup breasts just big enough to hold.
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"They are incorrigible."
Liz sighed as her sister, Mandy, started again on the same complaining track about Liz's twin sons.
"William and Benedict have no manners and I honestly think they're immoral, I said so to Donald last time we spoke and he agreed."
Donald was Mandy's quiet husband and it was difficult for Liz to picture him getting animated over such an issue.
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