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Coming on Melanie

Category: Fetish
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"Yes! Yes! Give it to me!" Melanie Taylor urged the man sprawled on top of her as he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. "Make me come! Make me come!" Jeff Hood was in no hurry to reach that point, admirable though it was. To do what she wanted, he would have to keep fucking Mellie until she was close to an orgasm and he was also ready to come. Then, at the right instant, he would yank his cock from her pussy and finish by stroking it with his hand until he sprayed his semen on her face.
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Savannah Uncensored

Category: Anal Sex
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The cock was so huge, not all of it fit into her pussy, but Savannah enjoyed it nonetheless. The man above her seemed to be enjoying it too. Kyle's green eyes seemed to glow in the dim lighting of her bedroom; his face was twisted with his effort as his hips pumped harder and faster against her. He seemed to be nearing the peak but Savannah wasn't quite ready for him to finish just yet. Taking him by surprise she pushed him off, rolled him on to his back, and quickly straddled him.
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Learning to Give at the Gloryhole

Category: Gay Male
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As I stated in my earlier story, I had lived a relatively average, suburban, heterosexual lifestyle. My detailed fantasy life, however, had significant homosexual activity. Fantasy and reality had remained separated, until the fateful day when I entered a gloryhole in a Manhattan video store and gotten a blowjob. While I felt ashamed / confused about having received oral from another man, the blow job itself was quite exceptional. 

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Category: Fetish
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As my orgasm subsided, my girlfriend Annie held her mouth completely still around my cock, waiting until patiently until my cock stopped twitching, before gulping her mouthful of semen down. After a few moments, she took my cock out of her mouth, exaggerating the audible "pop" sound for effect, and said, "Ahhhhh.," as she crawled up next to me in bed to snuggle.
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About Ass

Category: Anal Sex
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Ally looked out over the spectacular sunset from her place in the outdoor hammock on the large back deck of her country home. She had not a single stitch of clothing on as usual, just like he expected of her. He told her he liked it when she showed off her body with her golden tan and sexy stomach. Having easy access to her smoothly waxed pussy and ass was very important to Brad.
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Quick and Dirty Facial

Category: Gay Male, Incest
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I just joined and wrote this story in a few minutes. Please enjoy it. * I woke up around ten in the morning like I usually do and got up to go get my morning shower. I cast a quick glance at myself in the bathroom mirror and stepped into the hot water from the showerhead. I stood under the falling water and remembered the dream I had woken up from this morning. Lisa, the hottest girl at my job, was blowing me, begging me to cum all over her face. I reached down and gripped my already growing cock in one hand, gently jerking it as I thought about maybe giving myself a happy ending to the dream I had been having.
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Kate Puts Herself on the Menu

Category: Anal Sex
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Staring down the lane, the air shimmering in the baking sun, Kate let her mind wander for the first time that morning. She had spent the last few weeks of term looking forward to the summer break as the end of her first year at university drew to a close. Just three long months of lazing around in the sun and catching up with old school mates. Well that had been the plan, but now, just ten days in, all that seemed a distant dream.
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My Best Friend’s Girl

Category: Group Sex
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Her name is Kendra and she's my best friend Matt's girlfriend. Kendra is the girl next door and one of the most amazing girls I've ever known. She's also one of the most beautiful. She's a petite little 21 year-old standing at 5' 2" with milky white skin and long auburn hair that she usually keeps tinted various shades of orange and red. Kendra is a hard girl to ignore in a crowd and has an infectious smile that makes you fall in love with her every time you see it.
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Wedding Party

Category: Group Sex
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Marie and I were serving drinks at a post-wedding-rehearsal-dinner party our boss' restaurant had catered. It was a fun group, the wedding guests about a hundred-twenty strong and the crowd sticking around for the after-dinner party somewhere in the sixty or seventy range. If there's such a thing as a good place to get hurt or sick, this was it.
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Foreign Exchange Student

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I am twenty-nine years old and have been married for eight years. After eight years of marriage, life has become incredibly stagnant. Wendy spends most of her time at her sister's house. She thinks if she is home while I am here I will spend all my time trying to fuck her, she's probably right. If she is not at her sister's house then she is working part time at the University helping foreign students with their visa applications and finding host families for foreign exchange students.
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