
A meeting with the new boss, great. I hadn't met him yet so he called me away from my busy schedule just so I could meet with him. I hated meetings and was notorious for it, thinking they were usually a diversion from the task at hand.
I walked down the hall toward his office, my face with an agitated grimace on it. Some of my co-workers caught on and began cracking jokes about it.
"Mark Johnston," a sign on his office door proclaimed as I knocked.
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Ok, so here's the deal. My name is Marissa Adams, I'm 18 years old and I am a maid at a hotel/casino in Las Vegas. I'm not complaining, pay's good, my co-workers are great and I meet very interesting people and a few stars. Just last week Shaq was staying in the NBA Suite. But that's no where near the best part of my perfect job.
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Bradley slammed the door to her room and leaned back against it, gasping for air. Shit, shit, shit. She held out her hands -- they were shaking. She couldn't believe she'd just had a screaming match with her employer. For the past two months she and Parker MacKenzie had coexisted peacefully in the large, empty house. She cleaned and looked after the grounds, and he spent all his time in his office working.
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Let me start off by saying that I am completely heterosexual, and have never had thoughts about another man before in my life. Having said that, I will tell this story of what happened at my office a few months earlier.
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Bradley slammed the door to her room and leaned back against it, gasping for air. Shit, shit, shit. She held out her hands -- they were shaking. She couldn't believe she'd just had a screaming match with her employer. For the past two months she and Parker MacKenzie had coexisted peacefully in the large, empty house. She cleaned and looked after the grounds, and he spent all his time in his office working.
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The man interviewing me was a good looking man. Not a gorgeous man, but a good looking man. His musculature showed he worked out, but still he carried about ten pounds more than his ideal weight. Brown hair, a couple of inches shy of six feet, good nose, thin lips. He did have beautiful blue eyes.
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I had just gotten back to my cubicle after taking a much shorter than normal lunch. But that was typical for most Fridays, especially lately. I still had a lot of work remaining to do for the weekly reports that "Beth" expected to have turned in before end of day. I had barely sat down when I heard her voice as she reprimanded one of my best friends and co-workers in the cubicle next to me, though thankfully I wasn't able to see her as she did so. Bad enough I could hear it.
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I never intended for any of this to happen the way it did. I hope you can believe that. When I offered him my phone, it was merely to be polite and do a stranger a good turn. When I offered for him to come stay with me, it was as a person with means helping out someone who was going to go without. When I offered him a job, it was as an experienced businessman helping a young man just setting out in the world.
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I had just started working for a small little publishing firm. Being a part-time writer myself, it was enjoyable work reading other writers manuscripts, all hopeful of getting their works printed in book form. It was a relatively small office too, something else that I quite liked as it was a fairly laid back and comfortable atmosphere. My job was basically to read the manuscripts, critique them and then pass on my recommendations to Larry Somers my boss, or on to his wife Christine who partnered the business with him.
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Kate was a very quiet girl, and I often needed to ask her to repeat herself. She didn't really open herself up personally, so even after a few years of working together, I still didn't feel like I really knew her. That said, she was also just a little bit flirtatious, and I flirted with her whenever possible as she was absolutely gorgeous.
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