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Masked Stranger

Category: Fetish
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It is a Saturday just like any other for Isabella. She lies in bed listening to the familiar ticking of the clock as dawn creeps towards daylight. It is 4 a.m. and she resists the urge to toss and turn in this familiar state of early waking that has become her newest habit. She will not give into the frustration of it.
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Blind Reluctance

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I can't see anything. I am tied up and I feel helpless. He knows I am scared but excited too. He walks around outside the door. I can hear his foot falls. He has kept me here for a very long time with out a feed. I am hungry and I hunger for him. I can't believe that even so, I still prefer sex over my feed. I laughed at my sick thought and feelings.
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The Rep

Category: Fetish
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Linda had been pestering him for months to make an appointment to demonstrate the software. She insisted it was state of the art...Something his organization couldn't do without. He hated sales pitches and avoided them at all costs, but she would not let up and he finally relented. Actually, they knew each other quite well. Over the past five years, his organization had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on her organization's products. He was a good customer and she knew it. She was an effective sales rep and he knew it, and he trusted her not to steer him wrong.
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His Very First Time

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Fucking is all about play. It should be enjoyable and I am willing to try anything at least once. That is why we have our code word. If either one of us is ever uncomfortable with the way that play is progressing, we can say the code word and everything stops. With that in mind, I decided to introduce something new to our play. I love to have my ass fucked and my lover is willing to comply anytime I suggest it.
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Strap-on Twins

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It has been almost a week since my sunset encounter with my lover and I have been worried she might be so turned off by my strange fetish that she no longer wants to see me. Sex had been good before she used a strap-on to fuck me and we had seemed to hit it off outside of bed also, but the tone of our conversations since have been a bit weird.
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All in a Day Off

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Today was my day off. It was about seven at night, and I had just gotten around to taking a shower. After reading for a few hours, playing some old games on my Super Nintendo, and responding to a couple of work-related e-mails, it seemed prudent to wash away the stank of laziness before my current girlfriend returned home.
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New Friends

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Five years ago my wife Sue and I left behind the dark, dank climate and the economic and political doom and gloom of England in search of a new life in the beautiful, peaceful and sunny Languedoc region of the South of France. Both of us are keenly interested in good food, cooking, and enjoying the odd glass or three of wine.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Part of me hates this man, whom I'll call "X" for now. We didn't get along as a couple, which is why we broke up in the first place. I didn't even hate him when we broke up- it was very amicable, the old ‘we're just in very different places right now,' blah blah blah… but very soon after the split, I found myself fantasizing, over and over again, about the sex we used to have. It became totally consuming, to the point that I finally found myself breaking down and calling him on the phone one day.
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Strangers in an Elevator

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Browsing around the adult store, I looked at everything as though I hadn't seen it all for the hundredth time. This was my favorite pastime whenever I was in the city and early for an appointment. I loved all the different sized dildos with their dazzling colors and features. I picked one up and felt it, running my hand up and down the thick, veined trunk and feeling instantly excited.
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Barry Gets What He Wants

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Barry was excited. She was leaving again. He'd have time to himself again to be able to do things that she couldn't when she was home. Mainly he would surf the internet for sites that showed women taking control of and giving it to their men. The thought always excited him, but he never dared bring it up to Danielle, she was far too vanilla for things like that. She would barely change sexual positions in bed. Getting her to wear something sexy was next to impossible.
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