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Category: BDMS
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I ran into D at a fetish event. We were both shocked to see each other; you see we had been neighbors about 20 years ago. It turns out She is a Sadistic Tease Domme, and I am a sub who loves strict bondage and extreme, prolonged, teasing torture scenes. We chatted a bit and exchanged information, then agreed to get together at a later date to talk and catch up.
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Five Simple Rules

Category: Fetish
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'Hey Rob, I want to have a chat with you in private. Meet me at the pub tonight, 5:45? See you there I hope! L' Rob read the email again, looking for clues, but there was nothing. 'L' was Leanne -- the cute-looking girl that had recently started working in the office, just a couple of desks down from him. She was easily the sexiest girl in the company, and possibly the sexiest he'd ever personally met.
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Bound By Your Promise

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I cannot ignore your texts or help being provocative, everything you mention to do with sex hits the spot and you are a master of seduction, making me ache inside. You know that I can never consent to what you want, I would never cheat on my husband, but you know how much I want you... We agree that one day it will happen, but the time's not right, but you are willing to wait for as long as it takes, and you promise me one day I will be yours.
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The Advice Columnist

Category: Fetish
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Dear Debbie: What is your opinion on your submissive's RIGHT to occasionally kiss your boobs? My husband is totally hot for my full, pink 36D melons, but since he became my slave,I gradually weaned him off of them. Part of the problem is, I'm not as attracted to Joel as I used to be, he's kind of chubby now, and having his hands groping me when he brushes by in the kitchen is not that pleasant. I don't mind him going down on me, but I've outlawed intercourse, especially since meeting my young lover, Emilio.
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“Harder Please!” – First Variation

Category: BDMS
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He is lying in her arm, she touches his face, her gentle voice is sending shivers down his spine, just like all the times. She is playing with his nipples again, they are already hurting a bit. She is talking to him with her calm voice. He had to masturbate in front of her and had to stop just before cumming. Cumming was strictly forbidden. Just using his full strength he was able to do so. She knew more about his body than he did himself. When there were only two or three moves left until his explosion he heard her gentle order: "Stop!"
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Dream Lover Gets Dreamier

Category: Fetish
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From his vantage point, he could look up her body and see her serene face, so peaceful in the afterglow of orgasm. He could also see her bush in front of his face and as he shuddered with arousal at how turned on she made him. In order to kiss her as she wished, he had to let her thighs drape completely over his shoulders, lifting his shoulders up to take her lower body weight completely and bringing her arsecheeks into a better range of accessibility.
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A Bet on My Self-Control

Category: Fetish
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I looked down at a bespectacled Asian cutie as she undid another button in her blouse. I had my mind on her cleavage as I lifted my bag into the plane's overhead compartment. A half second later I realized my mistake. It didn't fit and I was trapped supporting the heavy weight. Smiling sweetly, she wasted no time taking advantage of my vulnerability. She gently undid my zipper, reached inside to fondle my balls and pulled out my semi-hard member.
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Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Rob ran past the fountain in the courtyard and pressed himself into the building's entrance to get out of the rain. He found her name immediately, an apartment on the second floor. He pressed the button and waited, hoping. Just before he was about to press again he heard her voice. He recognized it at once, even through the tinny intercom. "Oui?" she said. "Qui est-ce?"
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
As I get closer to the door, I can see there is a note attached to the front door. As I get close enough to read it, I see that she is awaiting my arrival. Out of politeness, I knock on the door and wait a moment. Then the door opens. It is Robert. He is partially dressed in a tuxedo and it appears he is getting ready for an evening out. I say good evening to him.
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The Conversation

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My beloved Mistress R sat naked on the end of the bed, still slightly wet from her shower. Her legs were pressed together, hiding her delicious pussy from view. I was trembling slightly as I looked at her gorgeous, glistening naked breasts which were right in my line of sight as I knelt on the floor, naked except for the cock ring that was making me agonisingly hard. She placed a finger on my chin and lifted my head to look into her eyes. Her voice was calm, but authoritative.
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