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Natural Born Fucker

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Candy Struthers was the hottest reporter on television at the moment. Her career had skyrocketed over the past two years with her uncanny ability to sniff out momentous leads, as well as landing extraordinary interviews with infamous celebrities, disgraced politicians, and celebrated lawbreakers. That she was only twenty-four years of age was only part of her aura – she had a law degree, an incredible razor-sharp intellect, and an amazing talent to rise to the top.
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Mai and Lucky Meet the Neighbors

Category: Group Sex
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Mai was ready for another new experience. Something she'd fantasized about with me, and even before we met. We hadn't planned this, but we were ready for it, and the timing was perfect. Mai is a tall Nordic natural blonde, slender but statuesque, and she's very good looking. Long thick lustrous hair, with natural highlights of silver and pale auburn, a beautiful face with glacial blue sparkling eyes.
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Click A Chick

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I don't suppose it will surprise anyone that, in the age of the Internet, texting, and beyond, it is not only possible, but extremely easy and pleasant to acquire the services of a female 'companion' when one is a busy lawyer visiting Washington D.C. I am 34 years old, 5' 6" tall, with short, ash blonde hair, blue eyes, attractive and slim, though I admit I'm putting on just a little weight as I grow older. Oh, and my name is Lisa.
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Pickin’ an’ Grinnin’

Category: Mature
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The parking lot was empty, but that was nothing unusual at six in the morning. Justin rolled up and parked on the far edge of the gravel lot, letting out a yawn. He'd stayed up a little late studying, but he wasn't going to miss the opportunity his father was finally providing. Besides, it was a welcome distraction from the lack of sex resulting from dumping his cheating girlfriend a couple weeks earlier.
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Down Payment

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Jamie was dropped off by her husband, Mark, at the dentist that morning for her surgery. "I'll pick you up in a few hours," he told her as she climbed out of the car. She nodded and blew him a kiss, then closed the door and headed into the low brick building where her dentist office was located. In the lobby she gave the receptionist her name and sat down with a magazine to wait.
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Category: Mature
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Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she'd waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he'd be bunking up with his younger brothers.
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Kissing Practice

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Jenna realized when Kat's boyfriend drove off she was alone with her friend, which made her feel slightly uncomfortable for a brief moment. At almost five foot four, Jenna was average height, blonde and buxom. Despite not being a California native, many people assumed she was a stereotypical surfer girl when they met her.
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Vacation to Heaven

Category: Gay Male
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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. All characters are the work of the author's imagination and any similarity to actual persons or places is coincidental or used fictitiously. This is a copyrighted work which may not be reproduced in part or in whole without the author's permission. All characters are 18 years of age or more.
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A Class In Psychology

Category: Anal Sex
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1 Alexis Haley had blonde hair, penetrating blue eyes and fascinating lips that always seemed to be frowning. She was a graduate student at Priapis State University where I was finishing my bachelor's in psychology. I had met her two years ago when I first switched my major from English to Psych. She had ignored me, which wasn't surprising. I'd had a tendency to blend in and she was a hot, snooty senior who was about to graduate with honors.
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Nailing Naughty Natasha

Category: Anal Sex
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I've lived on a relatively quiet street for the past three years. Usually keeping to myself, focused on work and not much else, my routine has continued without much deviance for the duration. That was true, until a young hot Russian babe moved into the complex, just two doors down from me. It was a cool evening in September when I first caught glimpse of this fantastic blonde. I was out walking the dog, on my way to collect the day's mail when I first noticed the truck pull up.
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