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Mai and Lucky Meet the Neighbors

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Mai was ready for another new experience. Something she’d fantasized about with me, and even before we met. We hadn’t planned this, but we were ready for it, and the timing was perfect.

Mai is a tall Nordic natural blonde, slender but statuesque, and she’s very good looking. Long thick lustrous hair, with natural highlights of silver and pale auburn, a beautiful face with glacial blue sparkling eyes.

Full lips that seem aching to be kissed. Pink tipped opulent breasts, gorgeous long curvy legs, and a full but perfectly shaped ass. She’d been a model before we met, and from the pictures I saw she looked to me to be a bit too thin then, but she’s gained a little weight in the right places, filling out her curves, and now she’s voluptuous, luscious.

That’s my nickname for her, “Luscious Lady”, but usually simply Luscious.

We met at a party. A friend of mine and I had stopped in and we ran into Mai. We went to a club for a few drinks, played pool, shot darts, and then went to my place, and the three of us ended up in bed. A few days later I called her, and we quickly became a couple, and a month later she and I moved in together.

We were living in a very nice upscale apartment complex, out past the suburbs, surrounded by trees and meadows. One evening around midnight Mai and I were in the communal Jacuzzi, which was large enough for a small group. The tub was outside the shower and sauna area of the main meeting building, but surrounded by Plexiglas panels to shelter it from the wind, the top open to allow the steam to escape. The late winter snow, which we hoped was the last of the season now that the calendar said Spring should be in the air, was falling in, the tiny flakes melting in the steam rising from the bubbling water and from our naked bodies. We’re not inhibited, and nudity late at night was common in the Jacuzzi, and sometimes there was sex happening, but not tonight.

As we soaked in the hot water, relaxing from the drive back from what was to be our last day of skiing in Vermont, we talked about something that had happened a month or so earlier. We’d arrived to find a woman and two guys having sex, and not wanting to intrude we turned to leave. The woman, a tall good looking redhead, with an incredible body, called to us: “C’mon in if you want to join us.” We shed our towels and got in, watching for a few minutes as she fucked one and sucked the other. One of the guys came over to us, introduced himself and looked at Mai. I could see by her big smile that she was attracted to him. She likes dark Mediterranean types. She gave him a sultry look right back, her sapphire eyes so innocent but so carnally promising.

“I’m really glad you stayed to join us,” and in a few minutes she was fucking him and I was with the redhead, Diane, and her partner, one of us at each end. After taking turns at both places I was still undecided if she was better at fucking or sucking, and I didn’t care.

It was all fast and hard, but it had been fun, a one night experience. They weren’t residents but Diane had come in to find her girlfriend Sharon for a little fun, and when the girlfriend turned out not to be home they’d come to the tub to have sex.

“So it’s working out fine,” Di laughed. She had really fabulous tits and no inhibitions, sucking me as I leaned against the Plexiglas panel, her friend doggy fucking her naturally red bushy pussy as he held her hips.

“That was a fun night”, Mai reminisced. “It’s great when those unexpected things happen, and that we both enjoy them when they do.” Mai kissed me, her hand gently playing with my hardening cock beneath the swirling water.

A few minutes later a couple came in, a tall black man, very dark, not skinny but slender and wiry. Handsome in an elegant way. The woman was much lighter than he and looked to be of mixed race. A little taller than Mai, with beautiful full breasts, a slender body, a very nicely shaped ass. Long shapely legs, and I noticed a gold toe ring. Her shining black hair was piled on top of her head, held in place with a scrunchy, her attractive face accented by wide set green Asian eyes and one of the most sensuous mouths I’ve ever seen. Full and wide, the perfect example of bee stung lips. She was strikingly beautiful. Her leopard print thong bikini was perfect for her. He was wearing plain black baggy swim trunks that came close to his knees.

They saw we were nude and asked if we minded if they got in. We smiled and waved them in. They casually undressed. Both smiled dazzling smiles and introduced themselves as they slid into the steamy water, and I couldn’t help but notice that the woman’s pussy was completely shaved (unlike Mai, whose lips are shaved, her mound covered with a natural golden pelt). Billie and Ginger. They’d just moved into the apartment behind ours, so they were our nearest neighbors.

Billie was a musician, Ginger an art consultant for a large gallery, “so one of us has a real job,” Billie joked. Out of college only a few years and she was in management, so she was bright as well as beautiful. Mai mentioned that we both worked in high tech. We talked about living in the complex, other chit chat, and when we left we walked the short distance to our apartments together, each wrapped in a thick robe, our bodies still hot from the tub. They invited us in for a drink, so we made more small talk, listening to some of Billie’s CDs as we curled by their glowing fireplace. It was very sensuous sitting there in robes, with flashes of breasts and sleek thighs, but it was also a bit anticlimactic after being nude in the tub with them. We left after an hour or so, having made a date for dinner at our place for later in the week.

“She’s very good looking”, Mai said as we lay in bed, out of our robes, her body stretched out, a tired languid look in her eyes, smiling as I rubbed her lovely feet. “She looks like that model, Christy something, ya know?” She sighed as she luxuriated in the foot rub. I knew it was one of her favorite things for me to do for her. “I love her eyes, Japanesy sort of. Or maybe she’s Hawaiian, ya think?”

“Sure, Luscious, Ginger’s really stunning, but I’m more interested in what you think of Billie. I saw you measuring him with your eyes a few times”, and I had intended the pun. Mai knew what I meant. She blushed, her eyes looking downward, so sweet and innocent, demure. She was often sweet and innocent, but that was only one part of her.

“Well, it’s nice to meet people that we might like. Maybe we could hang out with them sometimes, have dinner again if it works out this time, go out with them once in awhile.” I waited, seeing how much she’d reveal of her thoughts and feelings of our meeting these new attractive people. I knew she had more to say as I watched her pearlesent teeth nibble on the outer edge of her lower lip. A sure sign of her choosing her words carefully. She looked like a young girl, not the sensuous woman I knew she could be. My Lolita.

Mai had a bit of a dilemma with sex, until it happened. Then she was completely comfortable with it. I knew that this was the case now: she was having a slight problem talking about her desires, in this case about wanting to have sex with Billie. But once she was there, doing it, she would be a lioness; she’d devour him, lick her luscious lips and smile.

Mai looked up, her dazzling eyes catching mine, a slight smile curling those luscious lips.

“So it’s true, …”

“What’s true?”

“You know, that, that, …”

“Luscious, why don’t you just say it”.

“That black guys have, …, you know!”

“Say it.”

“Big dicks!” And she blushed again, her eyes wide. She smiled. “Imagine when it gets hard! My god, I can’t imagine that big thing …”

“Inside you?” She nodded her head in agreement, smiling, then looked away shyly, her eyes again downcast, as though trying to hide a naughty thought. “I can imagine him inside you”, making the reference more personal. She looked up at me, eyes wide again, waiting. “I can imagine you licking him, and sucking him, taking that long fat cock in your mouth, like you take me.” She loved for me to make these images for her. She closed her eyes and I knew she was imagining the pleasure of licking and sucking his black cock. I noticed a slight shiver pass through her naked body.

I heard her intake of breath as I reached between her outstretched legs, felt the wetness along her smooth slit. “I can imagine him in here as well.” A gasp this time. My finger probed, pushed into the warm pouch of her pussy, up into her creamy cunt. “Ah, you can imagine it, too.” Her body tightened as I felt for her hot spot. “Like this, but thicker, longer.” She groaned, and I knew she was thinking about the weight of his body on hers, the pressure against the inside of her tight cunt as I caressed her syrupy walls, slippery now with her juices.

Mai nodded her head again, “Uh huh”, and bit her lip, opening her legs as my finger slid further into her nearly dripping lips. “I was thinking about the last time, and wondering if we would have sex with them tonight. Do you think it gets even bigger when it’s hard?” She groaned as I slid two fingers into her tight but very wet cunt. “Oh, I’d really like to find out.”

We had dinner with them the following weekend, and it was very enjoyable. We learned that Ginger was indeed of mixed race: her mother was Asian Indian and her father was Japanese. Her large luminous eyes, just barely slanted, but lacking any hint of an epicanthic fold, were a sparkling green but with hints of other colors, which seemed to change from time to time. “Depends on what I’m wearing, usually.” Her voice was just low enough to be very sensual. Her straight hair was silky blue black, and very fine, in a very nice cut that reached slightly past her shoulders.

In addition to having dinner with them we’d gone to the Jacuzzi again a few times, usually at night. It was relaxing for all of us, and none of us were bothered by being nude together. In the hot tub Mai was always outgoing and having a good time. She had a way with men, her outward innocence and sweetness drawing them to her, her demure glances, small gestures, graceful moves a subtle way of flirting, if indeed it was conscious on her part. When she spoke to you she was all big beautiful blue eyes over a killer smile, and when she listened it was usually with a slight tilt of her head, her eyes intently focused on yours, and she gave you the idea that for now you were the only person in her world. Some women resented the attention she was given, but Ginger seemed fine with it, enjoying Mai as much as Billie did.

Billie was always the gentleman. When he wanted to cool down he’d sit on the edge of the tub, his long dark cock hanging between his thighs as the steam lifted from his muscular frame. Mai wouldn’t stare, but when she’d glance back to answer him or speak to him, he’d smile. Or Mai would be sitting, and sometimes her leg would be up, her shaved lips showing. Billie’s eyes never left Mai’s, at least as far as I could determine.

Sometimes Billie or Mai would say or do something that would prompt Ginger and me to share a glance, usually with our eyes rolling or trying to cover a smile or suppress a laugh. Their interest in each other was obvious, to us if not to themselves. But I knew that Mai was certainly interested in Billie.

Ginger and I had a much quieter relationship, not flirting exactly but knowing that we both would like to explore further. Our eyes often held a glance for that second longer than seemed necessary for the conversation we might be engaged in at the moment. She had a beautiful exotic face and a really gorgeous body, and I was fascinated with her opulent breasts, the large dark aureoles and fat nipples, always prominent. I was so hoping I’d get to lick and suck them. And I wanted to kiss and nibble on her lips, her mouth, have her ravish me.

As for Billie and me, we had some mutual interests, so we enjoyed each other’s company. We worked in different fields, so it was relaxing when we spent time together, watching sports on TV, with no shop talk, or listening to new music that he found. We’d had no reason to discuss our women, the relationships speaking for themselves.

Mai and Ginger quickly became very good friends, with those things in common that count for a lot with some women. They’d go shopping together for shoes and clothes and cosmetics, meet for a quick lunch if they both had time. Being close enough in height and proportions, they’d try on each other’s things, and traded clothes sometimes. They made a striking pair, the blonde bombshell sex kitten and the dark exotic tigress. Heads turned wherever they were. Each gorgeous in her own right, together they were every man’s walking wet dream.

It’s interesting that we waited so long to have sex, but the timing never seemed to work for all of us. And, we all were looking for friendship, more than just casual fucking. Being neighbors also made us think about the consequences.

One Sunday afternoon, about a month after our initial meeting with them, Billie and I returned from doing some “honey do” errands, stopped at their place, and he listened to the message on their answering machine. We walked across the small lawn between our apartments to our place.

We came in to find them on the deck, topless, in bikini bottoms, enjoying drinks in the early spring sunshine. I noticed, though, that the dynamic between them was somehow different. Perhaps, I thought, it was due to being partially nude, but they both seemed comfortable, and we were usually nude in the Jacuzzi, so it had to be something else. Ginger greeted us with a big smile. “Just in time!”

“Hey, Sugar, your office left a message for you to call, right away. Said it’s urgent, about your trip.”

A startled look erased the bright smile, and Ginger looked to Mai, eyebrows raised. “Well, I hope it’s not cancelled. This one is too important.” She gathered her things. “Mai, I’ll talk to you in a bit.” They shared a smile and I thought I saw a conspiratorial look pass between them before Ginger left.

Billie and I were watching football when the phone rang. Mai, the bare bottoms of her ass cheeks showing beneath a too short tee shirt, answered it, and I knew it was Ginger. Mai listened for a minute, her face going from a smile to a frown. “Ginger, that sooo totally sucks! Well, we’ll have to wait then.” She listened again, her face changing, her eyes widening. “Ginger, no, I couldn’t do that! No!, let’s wait. It’ll be all right.” Another pause. After a few seconds she said good bye and hung up. “Billie, Ginger needs you to come home. She has to talk to you about her trip.”

“You and Ginger have a good time while we were gone?”, I asked later.

“Oh, sure.” And she began gently gnawing on her lower lip. Ah ha!

“Anything interesting?”

We lay on the bed, Mai facing me, up on one elbow, her cheek resting on her fist, those lovely breasts free now, her nipples plump and full, and she gave me that look, innocent but naughty. “Well, we had a drink and sat in the sun, and it was so warm we decided to be topless. We were getting undressed to lay on the deck and we brushed against each other, and the next thing, …” I let her pause, to gather her thoughts, let her tell it in her own way. “…we were kissing! And then we stopped and looked at each other, and I felt, you know, guilty sort of, like we were doing something bad. You know I don’t have sex with girls. But then we were kissing again, and I liked it! We both liked it, and then touching each other. It got me so wet! Honey, she’s really hot!” I touched the wet spot at the juncture of her thighs and she smiled. “Uh huh, see what I mean?” She shivered slightly, her thighs tightening on my fingers as if to hold them there.

I looked into her eyes. Mai knew I’d like this, but still she was looking for my approval. “Wow, Luscious, I’m really surprised. Impressed but surprised.” She looked down, waiting. I lifted her beautiful face, kissed her full lips, brushed her long blonde hair from her forehead, kissed her eyelids. “And then?” She looked at me, her eyes wide. “Well, we were kissing and touching each other, but we didn’t do anything more. But I wanted to! I really did want to!”

“Well, I think what you did was pretty hot. You know I’d really love to see you with another woman, when you want to.” Mai and I had had a few men in our bed, which was not unusual considering that we were in a threesome the first night we met, and it had been her first. When I’d seen that she liked someone we’d acted upon it a few times. I love to watch her having sex, either with someone or on those occasions when she masturbates. We’d had a few women with us as well, but Mai never did anything sexual with them, content to share me with them, so this was the first time she’d indicated an erotic interest in a woman. I was glad it was Ginger who’d triggered her interest, and I was hoping that it would lead to good times for us all.

Mai told me that after kissing for several minutes they’d stopped, breathless, laughing in embarrassment as well as excitement, then started talking. Ginger told Mai that she was attracted to her, and they both admitted an attraction for each other’s man. They quickly came to the conclusion that it would be very exciting if we could all have sex together. Ginger knew Billie was dying to get into Mai’s panties. “Oh, he told me the first night we met you, and I told him it was okay with me, but I want to be in on it too.” Mai admitted that the thought of having sex with Billie got her wet, and she told Ginger that we’d also discussed having sex with them the first night we’d met them.

Ginger told Mai that she was bi, and that they’d had many play times with other women, and once with another single man. Ginger said they enjoyed the women but she and Billie both felt that another woman brought so much more to the scene for each of them than another male. A couple, however, would be perfect.

They kissed more, nuzzled each other’s breasts, and got as far as fingers massaging pussies outside the bikinis, but no more than that, knowing that if they didn’t stop now they likely wouldn’t be able to stop at all. So they were both very excited by the time Billie and I arrived. They giggled at how wet they’d gotten, but they decided that they’d wait for us to continue with them. So they stopped and lay basking in the weak spring sunshine, anxiously anticipating what would happen when we arrived, trying to plan what to say to us. Which is why Ginger greeted us with: “Ah, just in time.” Their best laid plan was thwarted, though, by Ginger’s office. Before they had a chance to talk with us Billie told Ginger about the call from her office, and off she went.

As Mai was explaining this to me the phone rang, and I heard her talking to Ginger again. Mai was blushing, and when she hung up she said, “Ginger has to go on her trip today, right now, not tomorrow. She’s so bummed, and so am I now.” She pouted like a little girl again, not getting her way. I almost laughed, and I wanted to bite her outturned lower lip but I knew that would piss her off.

“Oh, too bad.” I tried to look sympathetic.

“More than just too bad. We were really looking forward to something fun and special, but, …”

She looked me in the eyes, told me again that she and Ginger had waited so that we could join them. “You know, all of us, all together, tonight. If you and Billie wanted to.” We agreed again that we both wanted to have sex with them. In fact, nearly every time we’d spent time with them we’d end up having sex later, talking about it as we fucked. “Ginger says it’s really okay to go to bed with Billie tonight if I want to. She told him about this afternoon. She said we shouldn’t wait, and we can all get together when she gets back. If we want to.” I laughed, then seeing her eyes I got more serious.

“Okay, what would you like to do? Wait or go ahead now?”

Mai admitted that she was very curious about having sex with Ginger, and really excited thinking about having sex with Billie. “Now I’m wet again!” She was blushing, and so beautiful. “Ya know, I should have expected this. Gin and I are always talking about sex, what we like, what you guys like. I should’ve known. It was all leading up to this. Dang!”

Mai called Ginger back, and they went around and around for a few minutes, but finally Mai relented after talking with Billie. Blushing again, she hung the phone up, turned to me.

“Ginger says that she wants Billie to come over tonight, for us to get together. It’s all she’s thinking about now; she can’t get it out of her mind. And Billie said now that he knows about this afternoon he really wants to. Would you feel left out? If we do it, I mean, tonight? Without Ginger?”

“Luscious, it’s not like we haven’t done this before with another guy. It was fine with you and Keith and me. And there’ve been times when there’s been another woman and no guy for you. That’s not the point. It’ll work out. It always has. I’ll join in if you want, or I’ll just watch if that’s what you’d like. You know that I’m okay with this. I love to watch you have sex, so think about how you’d like to have the evening go. Dinner, what to wear, all that. What you’d like to do with him, what you’d like him to do, all that as well. Then relax and let it happen.”

“Well, Ginger said I should do it while I’m really excited about it, before I change my mind or lose my nerve.” Ha, slim chance either of those would happen.

Billie took Ginger to the airport, then came over, smiling. “What these girls will get into!” He had an armload of fresh flowers, which I set in the sink since Mai was dressing. Billie told me that Ginger had talked with him about their afternoon. “Truthfully, I wanted to wait until Ginger was with us, but she told me to come over, see what happens.” I told him what Mai and I had discussed, how I was fine with whatever happened, that there was no plan, Mai would do as she liked, and it was okay with me. It might be only dinner, it might be much more.

Mai came out with glasses and a dry white wine. Her long pale hair was piled on her head, held in place by three long silver pins with mother-of-pearl knobs, thin braids making a crown around her head, soft tendrils brushing her cheeks, long dangling silver and mother-of-pearl earrings that twirled to catch the light and highlighted the silver and gold wisps of color in her lustrous blonde hair. Her glowing complexion was accented by a hint of light lipstick and makeup, and from her growing excitement. I caught the faint scents of lemon and bergamot in her wake as she passed by. One look and I knew she was completely composed and at ease now.

“Billie, hi! I know you like this wine. Hey, the flowers are beautiful, you’re so sweet,” and kissed him on the cheek, her hand on his shoulder, her nails the same shade as her lipstick.

“Not as beautiful as you, sweet thing,” and he kissed her lightly on the lips, his hand on her waist. She blushed, but it was obvious she loved it. Smiling, she thanked him for the compliment.

Mai was radiant in a pale raspberry cheongsam, long sleeved, buttoned to the throat, with a side slit from mid-thigh to her ankle that showed her beautiful bare tanned legs and did nothing to hide her curvy figure. Matching high heels completed her outfit. “Ginger and I got this shopping yesterday, for the weekend, but I decided that tonight would be nice to wear it.” She poured wine for us, and made a toast. “To good friends.”

“To new adventures,” I added.

“To happy times,” Billie concluded. As our glasses clinked together we looked from one to another, and the tension was nearly unbearable. But after a few sips of wine we began to relax, standing in front of the glowing fireplace, talking about how nice it would be when summer finally arrived.

Mai is a touchy talker. She’s always invading personal space and as we talked she’d touch Billie’s arm, or shoulder, seemingly innocently, but again I wondered if it was deliberate, a mild ice breaker. Then Mai excused herself and went to the kitchen to attend to the finishing touches of the meal, humming to the soft music she’d selected.

We had shrimp and vegetables in a slightly hot curry for dinner. “Ginger told me it’s one of your favorites so she and I kind of made up the recipe.” Billie exclaimed several times how much he liked the meal, commenting on the flavors and textures as well as the presentation.

I waited for Mai to make some gesture or comment about how she intended the evening to proceed. Instead she talked with us about the clothes she and Ginger had seen on their latest shopping trip, and some of the things that they’d discussed in the past few days. She was clearly enjoying herself and she knew there was no reason to hurry through the meal that we were all enjoying with her. The night was young.

After we had finished a dessert of fresh strawberries Mai said, very seriously, “Billie, I like Ginger, I like her a lot. She’s probably my best friend now and I would never do anything that I thought would hurt her, not anything.” Before he could respond she reached over and put her hand on his. “And I like you a lot, too. A lot. Ginger knows that.” She glanced to me, then back to him. “And so does Lucky.” Smiling, she cleared the table as he and I went into the living room. Mai was perfectly in control and very pleased with herself.

Now she had me smiling. I poured Billie and myself glasses of cognac and we sat by the fire, talked about how, in hindsight, this evening was inevitable.

Mai returned in a few minutes, and when we saw her we were awestruck by her beauty. Her shining blonde hair was down, the thick mass of long waves now freely brushing her shoulders, a hint more makeup on her cheekbones, darker around the eyes, very exotic looking. An ankle length diaphanous saffron colored robe, only loosely belted and nearly fully open, flowed around her body as she moved. She appeared to be floating in shadows.

Mai’s blue eyes were shining as she paused to dim the lights. She lit the several candles around the room, and several sticks of incense as well, and as she moved we were provided with glimpses of her full breasts jiggling slightly, taut pink nipples evident against the gossamer material, firm ass sculpted in the robe as she leaned forward. When she passed us she’d touch us on the shoulder or brush her fingers across our faces, our lips. She was smiling, like the cat that was about to eat the canaries.

“Wow, Mai, I’ve seen you dressed to kill, and naked in the tub lots of times, but it didn’t prepare me for this. You really are one spectacular woman!”

Mai blushed, smiling at Billie. “I’m flattered, Billie. I’m happy you like how I look tonight.” This was Mai at her best; sweet innocence but seductive and alluring. She loved the attention and she showed her appreciation by returning as much as she received.

“I’ve never seen you when you weren’t beautiful, but tonight you couldn’t possibly look lovelier.” It was true. Her hair was shining in the candle light, her body was only teasingly concealed by the transparent robe, and what was showing was truly breathtaking. Luscious pink tipped breasts, smooth firm belly, shapely golden mound, long lovely legs. I could look at her all night and not touch her and still be satisfied. Well, almost.

The sun had set, the room was glowing. The exotic scents of patchouli and jasmine and sandalwood drifted in the air. Mai sat between us on the long sofa, reached to me, pulled me closer to her, kissed me gently, told me how much this meant to her, and how much she knew I wanted this for her.

Mai turned to Billie. “Billie, come closer?” He moved to her side and she put her hand to his face, her fingernails tracing his lips. I thought he may have shivered at her touch. “Billie, I thought it might be better to wait ’til next week, when Ginger could be with us. But she told me that you were very excited about tonight, and so are we, especially me. Then she told me that she couldn’t stand thinking about it all week, that it would be better to have something happen, whether or not she’d be here. I told her I wasn’t sure we’d do anything, but she said we would, and she’s right. So here we are.”

I had an urge to move to the other sofa facing them, but waited. This was her moment and I wanted it to be just as she wanted it, just as she’d imagined it.

Wisely, or impatiently, Billie remained silent, nodding his head, but not speaking. Mai caressed his face, and slowly moved to him, leaned to him, and I could see in her body tension the moment when their lips met briefly. She turned to me again, a huge smile on her lovely face, her eyes on fire. Her body was nearly quivering, her nipples pushing at the flimsy material. Her eyes were wide with anticipation, her nostrils flared.

“I’m so excited!”

I didn’t know what Billie’s style was with women, but he was gracious in letting her slowly touch him, kiss him, run her hands over him, her hand moving to the bulge in his slacks. “Kiss me, too,” and she raised her head, her neck open to him, and he kissed it, making her shudder. His lips went to hers and they kissed, their bodies apart, hands moving slowly on each other. “Oh, I love that.” They continued kissing, and I could see their tongues licking at each other. She held his head as he moved the robe aside to kiss her tanned shoulder, kiss the top of her full breast. His lips moved along the curves beneath her nipple. She sighed, then sat back and with trembling fingers unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it away from his shoulders. Her lips went to his black nipple and she licked, her lips closed around it, her warm hands caressing his smooth chest. He reached to her again but she gently pushed his hands away.

“I like to tease a little, Billie,” and she unbuckled his belt, opened his zipper as she watched his face, “and tonight this is all about me!”

“Sweet thing, you’ve been teasing me since the first night. I can wait a few minutes longer, but not much more. Please.”

Without responding Mai reached into his trousers. “Ohh!,” as she felt his hardness throbbing already, then told him to get undressed, turned to me. “Please, you too.” She was speaking very softly now, almost in a whisper. Mai’s hand went to her breast and she tweaked her already hard nipple through the thin robe. She enjoyed touching herself while having sex, and although she was shy about some things, she wasn’t shy about that.

Mai stood between the opposing sofas, opening the robe to let it slowly slip away, floating to the carpet, piling around her bare feet to reveal all of her lovely body. “I’d rather not get a wet spot on this, and I’m wet already.” Her long legs, perfect ass and belly, her lovely mound, were so beautiful in the light of the fire. She turned to the side, her breasts full, pink nipples swollen and prominent. This for her was the best kind of foreplay, showing herself, making the anticipation grow, for her and for us.

She looked at us and grinned, knowing the effect she was having on us as she moved her hand between her legs, dipped the tip of her middle fingertip into the naked slit of her pussy and raised the glistening finger to her mouth, licked. “Umm, I like that. I like the way I taste.” She turned from us and bent over, her plump smooth pussy lips visible beneath the perfect globes of her ass. She picked the robe off the floor, laying it on the chair at the end of the sofa.

Mai turned to me and leaned to kiss me, her breasts pendulous, tumescent nipples now a darker pink. She turned to Billie, over her shoulder. “Billie, I’d like you to touch me now.” He was admiring her beautiful ass, one hand coming around to cup her full breast, the thumb and middle finger holding her nipple like a part of an erotic musical instrument. She closed her eyes, her breathing more pronounced. Billie began talking to her.

“Touch yourself between your legs again, sweet thing.” Her eyes opened, wide, then closed again as she reached down between her thighs. Billie was caressing her back, from her shoulders to her ass. Mai spread her legs to give herself, and Billie, more access to her golden mound, her pinkness, her wetness. I lay back, Mai stroking my cock slowly as her fingers played at her slippery slit, watching as Billie leaned forward. Mai gasped as his tongue touched her. Later she told me that he had “licked my rosebud first, then my puss.”

She reached to me and held my hand as he licked her, her eyes closed, breathing harder, then turned to him. He started to get up but she pushed him back. She sat between us again, leaning back, one leg curled beneath her, fondling his cock as she made small sounds in her throat; not moans exactly, but more like little sounds of satisfaction, a warm hum. She was purring. Her eyes moved from his cock to his eyes and back, then to me for a second, giving me a smile and her lips puckered in a kiss. “Would you like to go over there? I know you like to watch me.” I smiled and moved to the other sofa, knowing she wanted to concentrate entirely on Billie, at least for now.

Mai sat facing Billie, her fingers moving on his stiff cock and she watched intently as it throbbed. “I like doing this, it feels so warm and soft.” I was surprised, since his erection didn’t look all that soft to me. She told me later that she’d really meant smooth instead of soft, “like soft as a baby’s bottom, ya know?”

Billie was watching her face. “Your hand feels good on me, sweet thing, so good.” She slowly stroked him, then with both hands, watching his cock, his eyes, my eyes. She felt his balls, cupping one as she continued fondling his cock. I was aching to tell her what to do, but I kept still, letting her find her way.

“Billie, it’s big!” Mai had one hand on the shaft, her other hand covering the swollen head. She looked into his eyes. “I’d really like to kiss it now,” and she smiled. “You know I’ve never been with a black man before. I’ve been curious though. I’m so happy you want to do this tonight. I really like you.”

Billie didn’t respond but to nod his head as she bent to him, kissing slowly all over the head and shaft, then licking around the head with the tip of her pink tongue, making more small sounds in her throat. It seemed that this was the first time that she had touched a cock with her mouth, and she was making love to it. His hands were on her breasts as he watched her, soft sounds singing his pleasure. Mai’s blonde hair fell around her face and he gathered it behind her neck. I’d never seen her look more sensual, more erotic.

Mai’s lips were on the swollen purple head and she was breathing heavily, moaning softly. She licked the head with the flat of her tongue, kissed it, her lips parting. She let it rest against her lips, then began taking him in slowly, her moans longer, her hands moving slowly on his shaft and balls. Billie closed his eyes. Mai moaned loudly as her lips slipped over the ridge, her mouth full with him now and she shivered. I knew that she was very excited, and already on the verge of an orgasm. Billie groaned and she began moving her lips down the shaft, her tongue licking the underside as she went, the pink tip emerging with each lick. He strained to push further into her mouth, but she moved slowly, enjoying every bit more of his long cock that she took into her throat. Then she moved up, allowing it to come all the way out, wet and shining. She looked at him, smiling. “It feels huge in my mouth, but I want to take you all the way, as far as I can.”

Billie groaned and moved his cock again to her shining wet lips. He watched her suck and lick for a few minutes, his eyes half closed, then lay his head back, his fingers gently kneading her nipple. His other hand went to her pussy and she moaned as his long dark fingers slipped into her glistening pink slit, her body convulsing as he found a tender spot within. As she sucked and licked he fingered her pussy and ass.

Mai would stop, raise her mouth from him and stroke him, her lips going to his mouth, their tongues dancing. He brushed his fingers, slick with her juices, across her lips. Kissed her, his tongue licking away her nectar. Then her lips were sliding along the shaft, her fingers on the head. She looked at me and I knew she was smiling. She took him into her mouth again, closing her eyes. Her lips went down until she had about half his long cock in her mouth. She coughed and let him emerge from her lips.

“Billie, I want to take it all! Lie down so I can lay on you.” She spread her legs, her pussy over his mouth, sighing as his tongue traced along her glistening lips. She stroked his cock as she watched it in her hand. She licked it, rubbed the head against her lips, nibbled the shaft, then slid her mouth over the head and took it in, slowly, further and further, her hands holding his black balls, coughing once but continuing. She stopped, let him free, and then began again.

She continued, each time going a little further, his cock sliding into her throat a little deeper, until her mouth was nearly to his black curly pubic hair. Saliva coming out of her nose, she stopped moving, and I thought for a moment that he’d cum in her mouth, but he was still tonguing her pussy as she played with his balls. Then she let it fully emerge, inch by inch, glistening with her spit. She took a deep breath, looked down between her legs, moaned as Billie tongued her nude lips.

“Oh, wow, I did it! I’ve been fantasizing about doing that since the very first time I saw you.” She did it again, this time keeping it in her throat as she moved her head up and down a few inches. Now she had it all, her lips at the base of his cock, as Billie moved two fingers into her pussy. She moved on him slowly, both of them moaning, Billie telling her how wonderful her mouth was on him, how he could feel her tongue, her lips, her teeth. He told her how sweet her pussy tasted, how wonderful she smelled and looked.

Mai sat up, stroking his cock. “You have a nice curve. It helps to get it into my throat.” He licked her puckered rosebud, sending shivers through her body. “Oh, Billie!” She bent to his cock again, moving her pussy to his mouth. His middle fingertip was playing between her cheeks, making her wiggle her ass. He licked her lips again and I saw her body grow tenser, her muscles tighten and she moved her pussy tighter against Billie’s mouth. She was moaning, the sounds getting stronger, his hands pulling her tighter to him, her body shaking. Finally, she let his cock escape from her mouth.

“I want you inside me now, in my puss.” She was gasping, trying to catch her breath, her saliva covering her mouth and chin, her fingers still stroking his throbbing cock. I thought again that he may have cum in her mouth, but she wasn’t done torturing him yet.

“Sweet thing, let me cum first, my balls are about to explode. I know if I go in your sweet cunt now I’ll cum in a second, and I want to make the first time in you last a good long while.” She laughed, her eyes on his as she hummed in agreement, licked the shaft and the head before taking him into her mouth again. She played with his balls as she sucked, her cheeks hollow, and I knew from the way his body tightened that he was getting very near the point of no return.

Mai pulled her head back and sat up. He groaned, looking to her. His cock was throbbing in her hand, straining for release.

“Just let it go, Billie. I’ll do what feels nice for both of us.” Billie stood up and she rose with him, leaned to him, her legs parted, fingers at her pussy, her head moving as she sucked. She squatted, both feet flat on the floor, took his cock between her lips again, her mouth moving on his cock very slowly, soft moans coming from her throat as her hand held the base, Billie’s fingers in her hair. She glanced up at him, making eye contact, his hands now behind his neck, fingers interlaced, looking down at Mai, watching his black cock slide into her pink lips.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” He went up on the balls of his feet, his cock straining forward as her lips tightened around the crown, taking the first spurt in her mouth, swallowing, groaned as she felt the flood in her throat, opening her lips to let the overflow pour out as he came on her tongue and lips. Billie slumped forward, supporting himself on Mai’s shoulders, his semen dripping onto her breasts as she licked the head, sucked the shaft, sucked his balls while she stroked him, the last of the stream coating her hand.

Mai sat back, laughing as she continued to stroke him, licked the last dollops from the head. “Wow, Billie, that was so great! Oh, I’m so excited now, wow! That felt so good!” She stood up, her tongue flicking out to lick the glistening wetness on her lips. Her fingers moved on her breasts, spreading his cum over her nipples and belly as he sat on the edge of the sofa, watching intently, still gasping.

“Sweet thing, you are one sexy woman! Oh, man, that was incredible. Wow!”

Mai climbed onto the sofa to kneel over him, facing him, her pussy hovering over his still hard cock. “Billie, I want you in me, now!” She lowered her body, her shaved wet lips touching the tip of his still erect cock, reached behind her and held it, guided it into her slit, and let the engorged slippery head slowly part her gleaming flower. She groaned, deep in her throat, and I watched her descend inch by inch as she took him into her, her slick wet pussy tightening on his cock as he slowly tunneled further up into her, her body shaking, his hands on her ass, moving her gently down on him. “Oh, Billie, oh, wow! Oh, wow! Ahhhh!”, and I knew she was cumming again.

Mai looked to me, her face now shrouded in that look of drowsy contentment and serenity of her orgasms, at least the quiet ones. “I just came”, she sighed, smiling dreamily. She kissed him, softly, sensuously, then smiled and began moving on him, slowly at first, her hands on his shoulders, his on her hips. “You feel so good in me. I’m still tingly in there”, and her body shook in aftershock.

“I like the way you move.”

“I want you to cum in me, in my puss. Will you do that? Please?”

“I’d really like that, yeah.”

They continued fucking. She turned around, her back to him, and sat again, watching me as her pussy enveloped him, taking him into her more easily now, both of them slick and slippery, and they continued. Mai would watch me watching her fuck him, then close her eyes, her fingers at her clit, moaning as she bounced on his cock, her breasts swaying. She held his thighs, moved her pussy on his cock, taking him in balls deep, her ass cheeks slapping against him. Hair swaying as she moved, eyes closed, breasts bouncing, she rode him, fucking him fast and deep, until she threw her head back, her mouth open, and screamed, or tried to, but no sound escaped as she shuddered in a long orgasm.

She leaned over the back of the sofa, her legs wide apart, and he licked her pussy again, licked her ass. She looked over to me, eyes glazed, smiling. “I’m gonna cum again,” and she arched her back, the globes of her ass tightening, gripping the sofa as he licked her and fingered her, Mai moaning as her body quivered on his tongue. She came as he held her ass, his thumb probing her virgin asshole. “Oh, no! No, Billie! That’s too big, it hurts! Just your finger. Oh fuck, yes, I’m still cumming, oh!”

She sat and pulled her legs up, resting her feet on the sofa cushion, spreading her smooth lips with her fingers, tapping her clit softly with the tip of her finger, looking up at him, then at his cock, slick with her pussy juices. “C’mon, Billie, don’t stop! Put it in again.” She was seemingly insatiable now.

He kissed her thigh, kissed her belly, played with her nipples, kissed them, licked them, sucked them. Mai was moaning, and I knew she was becoming impatient. She raised her hips, spread her legs wider, her engorged pussy lips open and wet, her thighs shining with her wetness as well, her feet in the air, holding her ankles, then lay her legs across his broad shoulders. She laughed, trying to push him lower.

Instead he moved higher, placed his cock to her mouth and rubbed it across her lips. She licked: “Umm, that tastes so good.” She sucked him in, her tongue licking the underside of the shaft, her hands pulling him by the ass toward her mouth. He moved his hand back, to her pussy, slipped two long fingers into her and she gasped, then his mouth was there, licking, sucking her pink lips in, stroking her g-spot. A slippery fingertip slipped into her ass as his tongue flicked at her clit, the other hand on her breast, fingers tweaking her swollen nipple. Her head went back and, mouth open in a long groan, I saw her eyes roll back, only whites visible, and she shuddered as she came again, and then after another minute, again, fists pounding his shoulders.

As soon as she slowed, breathing heavily, he moved up and into her pussy, pushing into her in one long smooth movement, then fucking her with quick short strokes, and she was quivering yet again in orgasm. This time when it was complete she pushed him back. “No, wait, wait, I can’t breathe, I’ll pass out, stop!” He pulled away, the head of his cock still inside her pussy, waiting patiently. When she caught her breath she pulled him to her, kissed him. “Now, cum in me, I’d love to feel that. Cum in my puss now. Please!”

Billie pulled her hips up off the sofa. His cock slipped out and he lay its formidable length on her pussy, rubbing against her lips and clit, and the bottom of her belly. She looked down, watching as he caressed her pussy with the swollen head of his hard cock, whimpering as she pushed upward to press harder against him. “Billie! Please!” Mai whimpered as he moved smoothly into her, his slippery length gliding easily into her dripping pussy in one slow steady sensuous movement.

“You can cum any time. I’m ready again. Please, cum in me, cum in my puss, please!” He moved slowly, long deep strokes, kissing her face, licking her lips, her neck. She had her hands on his ass, pulling him tightly to her, her long sharp nails digging in. “Billie”, she pleaded, “I want to cum again! Please, make me cum again. With you!” And in a few minutes he did, fast and hard, her legs around him, her arms around his neck, her teeth biting his shoulder.

When she felt him swell within her pussy she let herself go, felt the heat build and explode in her, her body convulsing as she felt him pour his cum into her, each spurt sending another burst of pleasure through her body. Her mouth opened, but no sound emerged. Her body strained against his as he continued to flood deep within her. When the last shot had escaped and he pulled his cock out, Mai gasped, “Billie, no, leave it in, it feels so nice, leave it in my puss.” He lay it again on her slit, rubbing, a thick stream of his cum oozing out, onto her mound. Mai rubbed his fluid into her golden hair, brought her finger to her lips and licked. He pushed his semi-erect cock into her again and kissed her as she sighed. Finally she relaxed, her body limp.

They rested for a few seconds, then with her hands on his chest she pushed him up, watched as his cock slipped out. She bent to lick it, stroking him to get the last of his cum onto her tongue. She loved it when he slid into her again, cum flowing out around his thickness, and fucked her, slowly at first, then harder, until she had another orgasm, her body tight to his, her feet hooked behind his knees, kissing him as he moved inside her.

“No more, no more. Billie, stop, please. I think I’m gonna pass out, really.”

They lay there until she was breathing normally, his long cock still hard, and she stroked it with both hands, watching his eyes, looking to me, licked the head as she stroked, sucked the head lovingly, then sat back and stroked him until he was cumming, shooting onto his belly and chest. She moved her fingertips in his semen, tasted it again, licked his wetness from his nipples, his belly, then his cock, now soft, lying on his thigh. She went into the bathroom, returned with a towel for Billie, and came to me.

“Honey, that was so great! Wow, I must have cum a dozen times!” She was still excited as she lay beside me, her body still trembling slightly as she fondled my throbbing cock. Without a word she took me into her mouth and in a few seconds I had to tell her to stop or I’d cum. She looked up, her eyes bright, crinkled in a silent smile, but didn’t stop, her mouth taking me all the way in, down into her throat, and it took only a few more licks and I was flooding her mouth, Mai swallowing as I gripped her shoulders. She slowed then, but kept at it, the suction of her mouth holding my cock, still hard. Her tongue began again, her hands stroking me, playing with my balls, and in a few minutes I came again, this time on her tongue and lips and cheek.

She sat back on the sofa between us, cum on her face and breasts and belly, in her hair, her hand on her pussy, fingers making squishy sounds as she slowly fingered herself to another orgasm, eyes closed, then opened them to watch us looking at her as she fingered around her clit softly until the aftershocks subsided. She stood, grinning hugely, her thighs wet with her juices and Billie’s cum, and, legs trembling, walked to the shower, her ass so lovely as it swayed gently, the round globes rolling slightly.

“Come in with me, I’m so totally done. Wow!”

We went into the shower, the hot spray soaking into our tired bodies as I washed her hair while Billie sponged her from shoulders to toes. Together we massaged her with lotion, then toweled her dry, lay her on the bed, kissed her and covered her, and watched her, smiling, slip into contented sleep. She looked so demure, so innocent, so at peace.

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